Batman’s Biggest Oversight Let Wolverine and Gambit Steal the Batmobile

Batman’s Biggest Oversight Let Wolverine and Gambit Steal the Batmobile

Batman is known for being prepared, but the simplest mistake in the book allowed Wolverine and Gambit to carjack his beloved Batmobile.

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Batman’s Biggest Oversight Let Wolverine and Gambit Steal the Batmobile

DC’s Batman is known by comic book fans (and by fellow heroes in-universe) as the crimefighter who can defeat any opponent – so long as he has enough time to prepare. He’s also known for his paranoia in regards to other foes and even friends; he very famously has contingency plans on every member of the Justice League in the unlikely event that his allies turn to evil. With all this in mind, it’s quite surprising that the Dark Knight made one of the worst mistakes possible that ultimately allowed Wolverine and Gambit to steal Batman’s own Batmobile from under his nose.

In the landmark Marvel vs. DC crossover series, two cosmic entities known as the Brothers meet after eons of wandering the cosmos apart. These beings each represent the Marvel and DC universes, and as the Brothers get closer, characters and locations begin to cross over. A NYPD officer argues with another officer about the existence of a “Gotham City”, Spider-Man encounters the Joker, and Wolverine fights Killer Croc in a patchwork sewer. Batman, sensing trouble, swings into action, where he meets his former Robin, Nightwing.

As Nightwing and Batman converse, the two crimefighters hear a squeal of tires behind them. Somehow, Wolverine and Gambit found their way inside the cockpit of the Batmobile, managed to start the engine, and make an escape. Wolverine plans to drive to Westchester to meet up with Professor Xavier for information. Nightwing is exasperated. “Aw, man, I told you to buy the club, but nooo…!” he says, as Batman presumably walks home.

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Considering Batman’s legendary paranoia, this is a shocking mistake on the part of the Dark Knight. Bruce Wayne trusts very few people in his life, but for some inane reason, forgot to lock the doors of his Batmobile. Neither Wolverine nor Gambit are skilled in the art of electronic hacking, so one can surmise that Bruce has installed zero electronic countermeasures on the Batmobile in the event of a potential break-in. Even a simple club, as Nightwing half-jokingly suggests, could have deterred the X-Men long enough for Batman to stop them. This issue proves that Batman is just as prone to making simple mistakes as any other ordinary human being.

The carjacking is a surprisingly human moment from a character who’s frequently depicted as an unstoppable force. In future issues, the Batmobile would indeed have security features and very few people other than Batman himself would even be allowed inside. But at least during Marvel vs. DC, Batman would be humbled by Wolverine and Gambit via a simple Batmobile-jacking.

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