Batman DC Reveals How Catwoman Will Kill The Joker

Batman: DC Reveals How Catwoman Will Kill The Joker

Catwoman knows exactly how she would kill the Joker, as new previews for DC Comics upcoming Batman/Catwoman reveal her bloody plans.

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Batman DC Reveals How Catwoman Will Kill The Joker

Warning! Potential Spoilers for Batman/Catwoman #2 below.

The Joker and Catwoman have bad blood. Selina Kyle has seen the Clown Prince of Crime attempt to take over Gotham and play violent mind games with her love, Bruce Wayne, on multiple occasions over the years. Surely, she has thought about how she would stop the Joker for good. In new previews for Batman/Catwoman #2, Catwoman tells Joker how she would end his life and it’s unsurprisingly gruesome.

Tom King, Clay Mann, and Tomeu Morey’s Batman/Catwoman series takes place over three separate timelines in the Dark Knight and Selina Kyle’s lives. The first timeline showcases the past, where the iconic duo went from fighting each other to falling in love. The second timeline features the return of one of Batman’s former loves, the villainous Phantasm. The third timeline takes a glimpse into the future, where Batman and Catwoman are much older and their daughter Helena has become Gotham’s new crimefighter – where an older Selina confronts the Joker about his crimes.

In Batman/Catwoman #1, a much-older Selina meets with a man at his home. She asks how his grandkids are doing and they exchange pleasantries about each other’s lives. When they lean in for a hug, Selina tells the old man that she’s “finally going to kill” him, as the man pulls off his glasses and hairpiece and it’s revealed to be an older Joker. New previews show how Selina plans on killing the Joker, as she tells him her plans bluntly to his face.

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Batman DC Reveals How Catwoman Will Kill The Joker

Selina doesn’t mince words, as she tells the Joker that she’s going to kill him “with my finger-nail. I’m going to open your neck and watch you empty.” It would be a brutally violent death, but when considering all the death and destruction the Joker has caused to Gotham, and to Bruce and Selina’s lives, it would be a deserved ending for the monster.

Check out the rest of the previews for the issue below, which includes a menacing look at Phantasm, as well as Batman and Catwoman discovering the body of one of Joker’s henchman.

It’s going to be exciting to see how Catwoman deals with the Joker after so many years passed and both have seemingly moved away from their former lives. One thing appears to be certain – it’s going to be a bloody affair and Selina is unlikely to leave the meeting with the Joker without getting her own form of revenge first. Batman/Catwoman #2 is in comic book stores this week!

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Lead writer for Screen Rant’s comic team. [email protected]. Find me on Twitter @LiamRMcGuire for comic news and reporting.

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