10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

10 Best Ant-Man Movie Characters, Ranked By Likability


The Ant-Man movies of the MCU are filled with delightful characters who fans love from superheroes to hilarious sidekicks and more.

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10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

In 2015, Ant-Man helped prove that the Marvel Cinematic Universe could make a hit out of almost any superhero. Ant-Man didn’t have a ton of mainstream appeal on paper but it worked wonderfully, mainly due to the fantastic cast and focus on characters who were just a ton of fun to watch.

Scott Lang was a delight but so was almost everyone around him. The supporting cast included hilarious sidekicks, tough female characters, and more. That was expanded upon even further with the release of 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp, making for two installments filled with likable characters from top to bottom.

10 Kurt

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

Not all that much is actually known about Kurt but he’s fine enough in terms of being a likable guy. He’s one of Luis’ buddies and is part of Scott’s team but he doesn’t get that much time on screen or anything resembling a storyline to have character development.

What he does get to do is drop in a few one-liners from time to time that makes him one of the film’s comedic relief pieces. Alas, there are many of those, so he doesn’t get to steal the show in that department. He’s kind of just there but doesn’t do anything to make him seem like a bad guy.

9 Dave

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

For the most part, Dave is in the same boat as Kurt. In fact, they actually share the majority of their scenes. Scott is the leader of the group and Luis feels like second in command, which sends Kurt and Dave on missions to do stuff together. They’re basically peas in a pod.

The reason why Dave ranks above Kurt is that some of his lines feel slightly funnier. He doesn’t seem to be trying as hard to make the audience laugh, so it comes across as more natural. Still, he only ranks ahead of his counterpart by a tiny bit.

8 Ava Starr

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

Most lists discussing the most likable characters won’t feature villains because they’re often designed to be unlikable. However, Ava Starr is a different case because she feels more like a sympathetic character and anti-hero than a flat-out villain. You can understand her side of things.

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Due to an experiment gone wrong, Ava’s parents died and she ended up with molecular instability. It allowed her to phase through objects but she was also in constant pain. Ava was only a villain in that her goal was against what the heroes wanted and fans ended up somewhat rooting for her.

7 Jim Paxton

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

When the audience was first introduced to Jim Paxton, it seemed like he wasn’t meant to be someone for them to like. He’s the new husband to Scott’s ex-wife Maggie and an antagonist for Scott due to that and his position as a San Francisco police officer.

Though he spends much of the first movie tracking down Scott, he ultimately showed his true colors when he stepped up to protect Cassie. From that point on, he was more of an ally than anything else. He’s a good husband, great stepfather, and just a quality all-around man.

6 Jimmy Woo

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more beloved side character in the MCU than Jimmy Woo. After his appearance in Disney+’s WandaVision, fans were clamoring for more of him and there were even rumors of a solo series for him at some point down the line.

He made his first appearance in Ant-Man and the Wasp as an FBI agent who was also Scott’s parole officer. Despite technically being against Scott, he clearly likes him and it’s endearing how into Scott’s close-up magic he was. Jimmy proved to be a kind-hearted guy who was likable at every turn.

5 Hank Pym

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

Hank Pym is one of those people who shouldn’t be all that likable given his personality. He’s often nothing more than a crotchety old man and it hurt his relationships with both his daughter and his old friend Bill Foster. Despite that, he does take on the mentor role.

It’s a tried and true role in movies like this and it works. While Hank may be irritable, he does take Scott under his wing and it’s clear that he’s willing to do anything for family, including risking his life in the quantum realm. That’s always pretty honorable.

4 Hope Van Dyne

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

Given that the second movie is named after both Scott and Hope, you might expect her to rank a little higher. This is more of a testament to how enjoyable some other characters are than it is an indictment on Hope. She’s actually pretty great and one of the toughest ladies in the MCU.

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In the first film, she just wants to go out there and fight, which puts her at odds with Scott. Still, she trained him, bonded with him, and was at his side. In the second movie, she got a bigger spotlight, proving to be arguably better at the superhero gig than Scott, felt like an independent woman, and was someone who could kick butt.

3 Luis

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

In the hands of another actor, Luis might not rank this high. He’s just a simple supporting character who is the good friend of Scott Lang but thanks to the work of Michael Peña, he’s an MCU fan favorite. Every line he delivered in the movies left the audience in stitches.

His rapid-fire storytelling, complete with irrelevant details, makes for some of the best scenes in the films. You can’t help but be charmed by Luis and want to see him on the screen as much as possible. He clearly cares for Scott and his friends, evidenced by his heart of gold.

2 Scott Lang

10 Best AntMan Movie Characters Ranked By Likability

It might be a bit of a surprise that the protagonist and title character doesn’t top the list. It’s true that Scott Lang is a very likable character. While he’s a criminal, the reason behind the act that put him in prison is a noble one that most viewers can get behind.

Scott is also very charismatic, endearing himself to everyone he meets. There’s a reason he has friends on his way out of jail, why he becomes so close to Jim, and why he wins over Hope, Hank, and even Jimmy Woo. Scott also gets points for being an incredible father.

1 Cassie Lang

Speaking of Scott as a dad, it’s his daughter who tops the list. Little Cassie Lang is almost too adorable for words. Her first scene saw her love an ugly gift Scott got her, which explained a lot about her relationship with her dad and who she is. The crowd can’t help but love her.

Cassie also told Jim, respectfully, that she hoped he didn’t catch her father, proving she had his back. In fact, she also had a heart-to-heart with Scott where she suggested being his sidekick and when he declined for her safety, she gave Hope her seal of approval. Now that years have passed and Cassie will be much older for the third installment, it’ll be interesting to see if she suits up as a potential Young Avenger.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/marvel-ant-man-films-most-likable-characters/

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