Elijah Wood is Happy To Always Be Best Known as Frodo

Elijah Wood is Happy To Always Be Best Known as Frodo

Even 20 years after The Lord of the Rings was first released, Elijah Wood reveals that he’s happy to always be best known for playing Frodo Baggins.

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Elijah Wood is Happy To Always Be Best Known as Frodo

Elijah Wood reveals that he’s happy to always be best known for his role as Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Although it’s now been twenty years since The Fellowship of the Ring was released, the Lord of the Rings franchise remains a constant in the world of pop culture. Based on the books of author J.R.R. Tolkein, the epic fantasy trilogy was adapted by Peter Jackson to great critical and commercial success, with the three films winning a combined 17 Academy Awards and being nominated for dozens of others.

The films star Wood as Frodo, the ring-bearer, with Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Serkis, John Rhys-Davies, Hugo Weaving, Liv Tyler, and Christopher Lee rounding out the rest of the major cast members. Since starring in Lord of the Rings, Wood has worked consistently in film and television, finding success with more niche indie projects with smaller budgets and inventive directors at the helm. Wood has also started his own production company, SpectreVision, which has produced films like Mandy, Color Out of Space, and Daniel Isn’t Real.

In a new interview with Esquire, commemorating the 20th anniversary of Fellowship of the Ring, Wood reveals that he’s proud to be best known as Frodo for the rest of his career. Wood says that the character of Frodo will be with him forever, just as other members of the cast will also carry their respective characters with them. Check out Wood’s full comment below:

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“These characters that we played will be with us forever. And in many ways, they will probably be the first thing that people think about when they think about us, which I never really had an issue with.”

Wood has appeared in a number of films and series since Lord of the Rings, but none have come close to permeating pop culture in the same way as Jackson’s trilogy. Even Jackson himself has struggled to recreate the success of Lord of the Rings, with The Hobbit trilogy failing to reach the same levels of critical and commercial acclaim. With Amazon currently in the midst of filming their very own Lord of the Rings series, it remains to be seen whether returning to the world of Middle Earth can work without the original cast, crew, and director.

Much in the same way Daniel Radcliffe is, and probably always will be, known as Harry Potter, Elijah Wood and Frodo Baggins will forever be interconnected. Lord of the Rings is truly a case of the right people working with the right material at the right time, ultimately creating an end product that is almost single-handedly responsible for paving the way for fantasy filmmaking as it exists today. While many young actors who appear in iconic films want to separate themselves from these roles as they continue their careers, it seems like Wood is happy to embrace his connection with The Lord of the Rings.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lord-rings-elijah-wood-frodo-baggins-legacy-response/

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