DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

DCEU: Ben Affleck’s 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)


The DCEU’s Batman has been played by Ben Affleck and he’s mostly excelled in the role. Great moments like these are exactly why.

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DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Though Superman came first and revolutionized the concept of a comic book superhero forever, it was Batman who would become the poster child for DC. Even the name DC stands for Detective Comics which is where Batman originated back in 1939. So, over the years, it’s natural that many versions of Batman have hit the big screen.

One of them was Ben Affleck, the respective Batman of the DC Extended Universe. Surprisingly, Affleck currently has the record for the largest film tenure for an actor portraying Batman. He has appeared in four movies and has had many moments that show why he’s another great Batman.

10 Wayne Meets Kent – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

It’s the first time Batman and Superman ever met on the same screen. Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne attends a party at Lex Luthor’s home to hack into his servers. It’s here he meets Henry Cavill’s Clark Kent and the two instantly disagree with each other about Batman and Superman.

Affleck’s acting ability is on full display as he swaps between personas on a whim from the charismatic performance of Bruce Wayne for the public to the true personality underneath. Affleck shows that he can still make his Batman intimidating without needing to put on a suit.

9 It’s Over, Deadshot – Suicide Squad

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

When it came to Batman in this movie, most expected him to merely be mentioned or at the most, a post-credit scene cameo. However, Batman has a supporting role in Suicide Squad via flashbacks. Deadshot’s flashback shows how Batman took down the assassin.

Rather than just showing Batman dropping Deadshot off at the GCPD, audiences actually got to see Ben Affleck and Will Smith battle. Having Affleck appear for such a small role also creates some connective tissue in the DCEU and establishes more of his mythos.

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8 Knightmare – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Batman’s resistance is betrayed and is massacred by the evil Superman’s Nazi-like soldiers while Batman fights back. All done in one flowing take, Batman becomes a one-man army and since this future version has no qualms about it, he kills brutally.

Despite all that training and preparation, the forces of Apokolips and Superman’s army still overwhelm him. It shows that Batman can do a lot but he cannot win every battle. Then the dream goes from epic to terrifying when Superman arrives to kill the resistance and Batman himself by crushing his heart a la Injustice.

7 The Truth Revealed – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Jeremy Irons also delivers as Alfred as he forces Bruce to confess the truth. Batman wants to use Kryptonite to kill Superman to prevent another wave of destruction like in Man Of Steel. Alfred clearly sees that rage is blinding Batman but what makes the scene great is showing how perspective can alter things.

All Batman saw was the danger and destruction that Superman brought. His logical mind combined with anger sees the legitimate concerns of a powerful alien. The tension between Bruce and Alfred is brilliantly delivered and Ben Affleck perfectly portrays how flawed Batman truly is.

6 Do You Bleed? – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Over the course of his tenure, Ben Affleck has yet to say the iconic “I’m Batman” line. However, his Batman made a dark and menacing line famous after just the first trailer. When the two meet as their superhero egos, Superman threatens Batman to stop his reign of terror in Gotham.

Most people would be scared that an alien that can lift a planet is threatening them. Instead, Batman just replies with a question: “Tell me…do you bleed?” Superman flies away and Batman finishes with, “You will.” Answering the famous question: what is a God to a non-believer?

5 Faith – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

In a direct opposite line from Batman, just as the Justice League are leaving to fight Steppenwolf; Bruce Wayne tells Alfred that he knows that Superman will come. Alfred asks how he knows and Batman responds with, “Faith, Alfred. Faith.” Batman’s best line of the four-hour epic.

This is Batman’s character arc coming full circle, showing that Superman’s sacrifice changed him. Batman was no longer the heartless machine but the Guardian Of Gotham that he was for so many years before Robin’s death and the Metropolis event.

4 Prepping For War – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

When Ben Affleck was first announced to play Batman, fans were, as per usual, too quick to criticize him. Many were concerned that Affleck would be too out of shape for Batman but he proved them wrong.

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When Batman gets the kryptonite, he begins to train for his fight against Superman and creates a new arsenal of weapons to battle Kryptonians. Ben Affleck shows off his new physique as he trains in scenes taken straight out of Batman’s debut in the comics. It not only shows Ben’s love and dedication for Batman but Bruce’s ingenuity and physical prowess.

3 Day VS Knight – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Just like how everyone waited to see Captain America fight Iron Man, everyone was ecstatic over the idea of Batman fighting Superman. Batman in his high-tech armor straight out of The Dark Knight Returns which Ben Affleck fit into perfectly.

While the two fight in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice only once, at least the fight is memorable. There is even a winner without a cop-out. Seeing two of the greatest superheroes clash is a childhood dream with both heroes getting solid hits on each other. Ben Affleck also delivers several more great lines during the fight.

2 Old Enemies, New Friends – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

DCEU Ben Afflecks 10 Best Moments As Batman (So Far)

Many agreed that Batman never having a single line of dialogue with Joker in Suicide Squad was a missed opportunity. Zack Snyder gladly rectified this by having Jared Leto return for his epilogue of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Batman recruits the help of Joker thus creating a truce.

However, the two banter with Leto stealing the show for a few minutes. The two bounced off each other surprisingly well and Affleck delivers a threat that helps earn the movie an R-rating. After this scene, many are hoping the two actors reunite again in the future.

1 Saving Martha Kent – Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Of course, the warehouse scene from Dawn Of Justice was going to make it on this list. Whether one likes the writing of Affleck’s Batman or not, nobody can deny that his Batman was the best fighter thus far. Seeing Batman demolish KGBeast’s entire army of mercenaries was a sight to behold.

The combat, use of gadgets, and brutality made the scene look and feel like a live-action fight from the Batman: Arkham games. Toss in a throwback to The Dark Knight Returns and it became the scene that made fans want Affleck to get his own spin-off just to see more scenes like it.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dceu-batman-ben-affleck-best-scenes/

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