10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games


The Hunger Games are an unforgiving competition, and if cinema’s classic movie monsters participated, the spectacle would be greater than ever before.

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10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Throughout cinematic history, many movie monsters have earned a place as pop culture icons. From Dracula to Frankenstein’s Monster and Gill-Man, these fearsome beings not only starred in some of the most unforgettable horror movies ever, but they became synonymous with the genre itself.

If these monsters were to enter the Hunger Games for some unexplainable reason, the competition would be more compelling than ever before. These creatures are some of cinema’s most complex characters; indeed, many of them are tragic heroes, victims of circumstance. But the leaders of Panem wouldn’t care about that, and the battle royale between them would be an unforgettable experience, one unlike any the Capitol had seen before.

10 Igor

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Igor is more a prototype than a character; many variations of Igor appear in multiple films, most commonly as the henchman of a mad scientist. The most famous iteration of Igor is Henry Frankenstein’s hunchbacked lab assistant in 1931’s Frankenstein, where the character was named Fritz.

Because of his status as a henchman, Igor lacks any agency in most of his portrayals. As such, he wouldn’t survive without alliances inside the arena. Other monsters might also take advantage of Igor’s inexperience and lack of athletic ability and sacrifice him early in the Games.

9 The Phantom Of The Opera

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Nowadays, the Phantom of the Opera is more a heartthrob than a monster thanks to the wildly popular musical based on the classic book by Gaston Leroux. However, in 1925, audiences met a sinister version of the Phantom, played by screen legend Lon Chaney. His Phantom fit the traditional “monster” archetype more suitably thanks to his hideous skull-like face and propensity for murder.

Despite his status as a legendary screen monster, the Phantom wouldn’t be much of a threat in the arena. His appearance wouldn’t startle any of his competitors, and his strength wouldn’t compare, either. The Phantom might stand a chance thanks to his intellect, but he’d quickly fall prey to the Gamemaker’s traps.

8 The Bride Of Frankenstein

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Although she appears briefly in her own movie, Elsa Lanchester’s Bride of Frankenstein has become a movie icon whose popularity and endurance rivals the original monster’s. Created by Henry Frankenstein as a mate for his original monster, the Bride shows nothing but contempt and disgust for her intended love interest.

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The Bride’s abilities are somewhat unknown. However, it’s safe to assume that she has similar powers as the original monster, meaning enhanced strength and endurance. However, the Bride’s inexperience would work against her in the Games. Her aggressive behavior would also mean she wouldn’t make many allies, making her one of the first victims to fall.

7 Dracula

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Count Dracula is one of the most famous monsters in literary and cinematic history. He is the father of all vampires, the king of the children of the night. Many actors have portrayed Dracula, some more accurately than others. The Count is eternal, a timeless figure that will never grow old—literally.

Dracula has a myriad of abilities that would give him an edge in the competition. He can summon and command multiple vermin, transform into several creatures like wolves and bats, hypnotize others, and control the elements. However, Dracula has a fatal vulnerability to the sun, and that would prevent him from winning. He could spend the entire Games hidden inside a cave and emerge only to fight the final contestant, but the Gamemakers could kill him at any moment’s notice by making the sun rise in the arena.

6 The Wolf Man

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

When it comes to fearsome and rampant movie monsters, none beat the Wolf Man. Lawrence Talbot becomes the savage beast after suffering a bite from a werewolf. He terrorizes the nearby village, committing a series of murders before his own father kills him.

The Wolf Man would terrorize everyone in the arena. No monster would be safe from his savage claws and teeth, with only a select few comparing to his brutal strength. However, the Wolf Man would be vulnerable during the day, leaving him exposed to the other monsters, who would have no problem getting rid of poor Larry Talbot.

5 The Invisible Man

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Humans have been afraid of what they can’t see since forever. This premise lies at the heart of the classic horror sci-fi The Invisible Man. Claude Rains stepped into the role of Dr. Jack Griffin, a scientist who becomes invisible after a failed experiment, descending into insanity and becoming a criminal and, eventually, a murderer.

Griffin would be a menace in the Games. Getting rid of his bandages and goggles, he would roam around the arena, undetected by the other tributes and wreaking havoc. His invasibility can only take him so far, however, and, when other contestants splatter him with mud, dirt, or water, he’d be a sitting duck.

4 The 50 Foot Woman

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman might seem dated to modern viewers, but it was surprisingly effective in 1958. The story concerns a troubled woman who becomes a giantess after suffering an attack from an alien. The movie remains an intriguing exploration of revenge with strong feminist undertones, even if it ends up failing its titular monster.

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Inside the arena, the 50-foot Woman would rampage and eliminate several contestants with minimal effort. She would quickly establish herself as a leading threat, and many monsters would have to join forces to bring her down. Her massive size would ultimately be her undoing; she would become an easy target for both other contestants and the Gamemarkers, who would throw everything they had at her. It’s unlikely she would survive such violence.

3 Frankenstein’s Monster

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Arguably the most tragic of all movie monsters, Frankenstein’s creature is also the most iconic. Debuting in the 1931 classic and played by the eternal movie monster Boris Karloff, Frankenstein’s Monster is as scary today as he was then.

The Monster is a mighty enemy to fight. He has enhanced endurance and superhuman strength that make him a savage to face. Hardly any other monster would be able to match him in hand-to-hand combat, his brute force overwhelming every opponent. The Monster has a fatal flaw, and that’s his low intellect. He is all brawn and no brain, and it wouldn’t take long before someone exploited his vulnerability.

2 Gill-Man

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Gill-Man, A.K.A. the Creature from the Black Lagoon, is a timeless movie icon, despite appearing in fewer films than his fellow Universal Monsters. Gill-Man is an amphibious humanoid and the last surviving member of his species. It inhabited the titular Black Lagoon, located in the bowels of the Amazon rainforest.

The Gill-Man is one of the most impressive movie monsters ever. He can breathe in and out of the water, has an incredibly thick skin that protects him from most attacks, and a rapid-healing factor that makes him nearly immune to most human weapons. As a bonus, he has superhuman strength, making him one of the deadliest contestants in the Games. The Gill-Man would reach the final stages of the Games without any problem, but he would likely fall against some of the most savage monsters.

1 The Mummy

10 Classic Movie Monsters Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

Horror icon Boris Korloff gives a timeless performance as Imhotep in 1932’s The Mummy. The plot revolves around an ancient high priest, Imhotep, who gets accidentally revived as a mummy by an archeology expedition. Amassing power through the years, he attempts to revive his dead lover, Anck-es-en-Amon.

Imhotep has an array of powers, including hypnosis. He could make others fall for him and even kill them if he so desired. On top of that, Imhotep is immortal, and the only way to kill him is to eliminate the curse that granted him eternal life in the first place. Since no tribute would think to pray to the Goddess Isis for help, Imhotep would retain his immortality and emerge victorious from the Hunger Games.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/classic-movie-monsters-win-hunger-games/

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