Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Best Season 2 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb


Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best Nickelodeon series of all time, and the show’s second season was one of its highest points.

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Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

It’s almost universally agreed upon that Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the greatest television series to ever be produced. There aren’t many shows that have been able to appeal to nearly every different type of demographic in the world—but, then again, Avatar: The Last Airbender isn’t like most shows.

After the universal success of the first season, which included a finale that excelled at every possible point, a second season for Team Avatar was imminent and eagerly awaited by fans, and suffice it to say they were not disappointed.

10 The Library, Episode 10 (8.8)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

While the first season mainly dealt with getting Aang started on his task of mastering the four elements, season two answered the question of what was to be done about the rest of the Fire Nation while Aang was battling with Fire Lord Ozai.

So, in order to get information on the Fire Nation for an invasion plan, Team Avatar travels to a gigantic-library that’s buried under a mountain of desert sand. Once in the library, they encounter the spirit Wan Shi Tong and discover a device that tells them a solar eclipse will be occurring in just a few months—fire-benders lose their bending during a solar eclipse. Sadly, the episode ends with Appa being kidnapped by sandbenders, leaving the group stranded in the desert.

9 Appa’s Lost Days, Episode 16 (8.9)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

After five episodes of being lost, it goes without saying that Appa had been through a lot. After being kidnapped by the sandbenders, he gets traded to some merchants who then sell him to a circus. The episode highlights the atrocities that animals in captivity face when Appa is tortured by his trainer, prompting Appa to finally make an escape.

Alone in the wild, Appa runs into many more obstacles/allies, such as a boar-cupine, Azula, the Kyoshi warriors, and Guru Pathik, eventually flying all the way to Ba Sing Se to find Aang… only to be captured by Long Feng.

8 The Chase, Episode 8 (9.0)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

This episode was awesome and showed what a truly deadly villain Azula was. Aang and the group are awakened in the middle of the night by a mechanical-tank that managed to track them everywhere they go. Finally confronting their trackers, it’s revealed that the tank is owned by Azula and her friends.

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Eventually, Aang splits up from the rest of the group to lead Azula away from them, which ultimately results in a three-way stand-off between Aang, Azula, and Zuko, who was tracking Azula. At the climax of the episode, Azula ends up being cornered by Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and Iroh… only to hit Iroh with a cheap-shot and escape.

7 The Drill, Episode 13 (9.0)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

The Fire Nation clearly had their engineers working overtime. When Aang and the gang finally arrive at Ba Sing Se, they’re side-tracked, once again, by Azula and a massive drill meant to penetrate the city walls. The episode deals with Team Avatar trying to prevent the drill from breaching the city, finally deciding to enter the mechanism and destroy it from inside. After doing some heavy damage, Aang makes his way to the top of the drill and delivers the final blow that brings the device to a screeching halt.

6 Lake Laogai, Episode 17 (9.1)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

Come on, Nickelodeon—did Jet die or not? Team Avatar, after having been in Ba Sing Se for weeks and still finding no trace of Appa, runs into Jet, who tells them that he might know where Appa is. However, in the process, the group also runs into Smellerbee and Longshot, who are thrilled to see Jet alive and okay since he was arrested by the Dai Li.

Everyone finally realizes that Jet has been brainwashed, and, after some interrogation, they discover that it was done at the Dai Li headquarters underneath Lake Laogai. Team Avatar shows up, gets apprehended by Dai Li agents, and they fight their way out… except for Jet. Meanwhile, Zuko discovers Appa, also in the Dai Li headquarters, and winds up setting the bison free, allowing him to reunite with Aang.

5 The Guru, Episode 19 (9.1)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

The first half of the season finale had several plotlines, but it primarily centered around Aang’s task of mastering the Avatar State by unlocking his seven chakras. However, when Aang reaches the final chakra and learns that must cease loving Katara in order to do so, he refuses.

Meanwhile, Toph gets captured by the bounty hunters and locked in a metal box… forcing her to invent metal-bending and break herself out. Zuko and Iroh are given a new tea-shop in the upper-ring… and are then found out by Katara, who then blabs about it to Azula, disguised as Suki, promptly getting herself captured in the process.

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4 The Blind Bandit, Episode 6 (9.2)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

The introduction of Aang’s earthbending teacher couldn’t have been better, with Aang being told by Bumi that he had to find somebody who “waited” and “listened” to the earth. So, Aang was ecstatic when he met Toph (AKA the Blind Bandit) a 12-year old earthbender who was blind and used earthbending as a sonar in order to see.

After some refusal from Toph’s parents—and a thorough beat-down of a dozen grown-men—Toph decides to join Team Avatar and become Aang’s earthbending teacher.

3 The Tales of Ba Sing Se, Episode 15 (9.3)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

Switching things up from the usual episodic set-up, the writers decided to take this episode to give every character their own little side-story. Katara and Toph got to have a girls day out where they got to truly bond for the first time, Iroh made every single person on earth cry by honoring his deceased-son on his birthday, Sokka learned that he’s a natural poet (sometimes), Aang showed what a strong animal-rights activist he was by creating an open-range zoo, Zuko went on a date with a very nice girl, and Momo made some new friends… who led him to a clue that implied Appa was somewhere in the city.

2 Zuko Alone, Episode 7 (9.5)

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Best Season 2 Episodes Ranked By IMDb

n a highly-rated twist, the writers decided to give Zuko his own episode whereupon he found himself weary, malnourished, and alone in a small Earth Kingdom village. He encounters some bully-soldiers who give him trouble, as well as a young boy whose family shows Zuko kindness and hospitality.

After a scuffle where the soliders take the young boy hostage, Zuko shows up with his broad-swords to rescue the child… only to be outmatched by the lead soldier. In order to defeat him, Zuko unleashes his firebending and takes the thug down… only for the boy to then declare his hatred of Zuko (since he’s a firebender).

1 The Crossroads of Destiny, Episode 20 (9.6)

Dealing with the aftermath of the prior episode, the finale centers around Aang, Sokka, Toph, and Iroh trying to save Katara, Zuko, and all of Ba Sing Se from Azula and her tyranny. After Zuko finds himself at a crossroads where he can choose to either help Azula or Aang, he chooses his honor and helps Azula face-off against Aang and Katara in a 2×2 battle.

Eventually, Dai Li agents show up, and Aang and Katara find themselves outnumbered, forcing Aang to give up his love for Katara and enter the Avatar State. Sadly, in a horrible twist, Azula shoots Aang with a bolt of lightning that kills him—ending the Avatar reincarnation cycle—and is only able to be brought back to life thanks to Katara’s healing powers and water from the Spirit-Oasis.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-last-airbender-season2-episodes-ranked/

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