Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts


The Agents of SHIELD may not live in a fairy tale or sing big musical numbers, but they have a lot in common with popular Disney characters.

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Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

With Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. existing under the umbrella of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and airing on the Disney-owned ABC network, the series does, technically, feature Disney characters. However, the show isn’t in the classic Disney vein of a fairy tale adapted for the screen, animated and full of musical numbers.

Disney’s animated properties feature princesses and heroes thrust into an adventure that changes their lives. That can be through a little magic, the help of some woodland creatures, or just an unexpected change in circumstance. But despite the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters not living a fairy tale or singing when they’re in danger, they can find commonalities between themselves and major players in the wonderful world of Disney.

10 May: Elsa

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

“Conceal, don’t feel” becomes Elsa’s mantra when she’s traumatized by her powers and the extent of her capabilities. She avoids the one person she’s closest to in order to protect them. That might sound familiar to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans.

Melinda May doesn’t initially have any superpowers, but she does go through an intense trauma that leads her to turn herself off, hold people at arm’s length, and take herself out of field work. Agent May slowly loosens up over the course of the series, mentoring the young women on her team, and is eventually able to feel again.

9 Coulson: Mufasa

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

A mentor who leaves his protégé to step into his shoes? That happens quite a bit in Disney movies, but Mufasa is probably the closest in temperament to Phil Coulson.

Mufasa and Coulson share a charm and likability that a lot of the mentors in Disney movies don’t have. These two characters command large groups of people, are well liked by most, and foster a sense of responsibility — even heroism — in the young people around them.

8 Sousa: Prince Eric

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

The classic Disney princes don’t have much personality outside of being heroic. They show up to save the princess, and that’s about it. But that’s not the case with the resurgence of Disney properties starting in the ’80s. Prince Eric is someone the audience gets to know. He doesn’t just sit in his palace or trot out on a horse to save the princess. Eric leads his people, goes out on the sea with them, saves the princess — and she saves him too.

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Sousa is Eric. He demonstrates heroic sensibilities, but he also admires strong women and wants to help, not take over. Sousa is good at his job but recognizes when someone has more knowledge than he does. He also gets the girl who goes way out of her comfort zone on her journey of adventure.

7 Ward: Gaston

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Gaston doesn’t see himself as the villain in the story. He firmly believes himself to be the attractive hero, but he’s misguided. There is no character he has more in common with than Grant Ward.

Ward does bad things, but claims he does them because of extenuating circumstances. His charm inspires flirtation from members of the team initially — until they realize who he is. Like Gaston, Ward becomes fixated on the heroine in his story, unwilling to let her go no matter how twisted that makes him.

6 Elena: Moana

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

When her abilities first manifest, Elena Rodriguez is living in her native Colombia. She’s very close with her family, and she and her cousin even help attempt a revolution. Elena doesn’t like to do what’s expected of her, but what she feels needs to be done.

She is very much the adventurous and determined Moana. Moana leaves the only home she’s ever known to make a difference in the world when she sees how her people are suffering. She’s kind but stubborn, and makes creative decisions to solve her problems, just like Elena.

5 Hunter: Flynn Rider

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

A rogue with a heart of gold is a pretty common trope in science fiction and fantasy. Both Tangled’s Flynn Rider and Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Lance Hunter satisfy it to a tee.

Hunter is a mercenary when he’s recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D.. He doesn’t particularly like to play by the rules and he has no problem getting his hands dirty. However, he is also incredibly sentimental when it comes to his ex-wife, Bobbi Morse. It’s clear that he’s a bit of a romantic, despite his rough exterior, much like Flynn (aka Eugene) being taken with Rapunzel over the course of their adventure.

4 Fitz: Jim Hawkins

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Disney adapted the classic Robert Louis Stevenson story Treasure Island into the futuristic tale Treasure Planet, with Jim finding his way onto a spaceship of thieves on a search for treasure. The adventures Jim ends up on aren’t exactly the same as Leopold Fitz’s, but there are a lot of similarities between the two.

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Both young men have a head for technology and are braver than they know. Growing up close to their mothers, they both end up working with men they admire who might not have the most noble of intentions. In Jim’s case, that’s Silver, while in Fitz’s, it’s Radcliffe.

3 Jemma: Belle

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Belle is incredibly intelligent with an active imagination. She longs to see the world but lives in a small town and spends most of her spare time reading about the adventures of other people.

When she joins S.H.I.E.L.D. as a teenager, Jemma Simmons spends most of her time in lecture halls and labs. She longs to see her ideas put into practice, which is what gets her to join Coulson’s team in the field. Like Belle, Jemma proves herself creative and resourceful, though not without some growing pains.

2 Raina: Princess Kida

Agents Of SHIELD Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

When Disney takes on the myth of Atlantis, Kida is the princess of a kingdom far below the ocean. She’s fascinated by her people’s history, but she doesn’t know it herself because tragedy has caused much of it to be erased. Kida begins to devote her life to rediscovering what was lost.

While Kida is a Disney heroine, Raina is seen as a villain for much of her time in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.. The truth is, however, that she takes advantage of the circumstances she finds herself in. All Raina really wants is to know her destiny and more about her family’s past. That leads her to discover her Inhuman heritage. She’s all about knowledge and understanding.

1 Daisy: Princess Jasmine

Princess Jasmine doesn’t get a lot of credit in the original animated Aladdin. She’s more observant than anyone else in the palace, seeing that Jafar can’t be trusted and that Prince Ali isn’t who he says he is. She also has a good head on her shoulders, using whatever weapons she has at her disposal — like Jafar’s feelings for her — to help save the day.

Daisy is a lot like Jasmine. She might not have grown up in a palace, but she has a knack for seeing what’s really going on beneath the surface. Daisy also is good at using what she’s got, whether that’s Ward’s feelings for her, her computer skills, or her Inhuman abilities to help save the world.

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