Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Dexter Morgan’s Top 10 Weapons, Ranked


Dexter Morgan used a variety of weapons to murder his victims, but these were the ten that truly stood out.

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Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Dexter was, for quite some time, one of the hottest shows on cable television. Its willingness to show the darkest aspects of humanity, all of the violence and sadistic desires, offered audiences something they had never ever seen before.

The show’s titular character, Dexter Morgan, was a strange specimen for viewers to inspect for sure. While he was a self-described psychopath, from the first episode it was also very clear that some sort of emotional depth resonated somewhere deep below the surface of his psyche. Nonetheless, he committed plenty of brutal killings, and in order to do so, needed plenty of brutal weapons.

10 Cleaver

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

For each and every one of his kills (with a few notable exceptions), Dexter brings with him an assortment of knives and sharp objects. One of the weapons he doesn’t use too often from that assortment is a cleaver.

Just because he doesn’t pull it out often, doesn’t mean the killer never uses it, however. When Dexter does decide to pull out his trusty cleaver, the effects are devastating for his deserving murderous victims.

9 Poison

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

In Dexter’s twisted mind, he probably believes that all of his killings are mercy killings. This one in particular, however, stands apart from the rest. The reason? His victim was begging him to kill her.

His weapon of choice for this killing was simply poison. With Dexter’s dear friend from work, Camilla Figg, on her death bed begging to die to save what was left of what she perceived as her dignity, Dexter obliged by poisoning her cheesecake.

8 Drill

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Most likely, this drill Dexter owns is usually utilized to aid in the dismemberment of his victims’ bodies. In this case, however, Dexter used to tool to enact his kill.

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While the camera pans away during the bloody aftermath, it is very clear in most viewers’ imaginations that whatever it looked like, this was one messy kill that most people would not want to see.

7 Boat Anchor

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Shortly after Rita had died Dexter was emotionally distant. His lack of crying or other emotional breakdowns lead many (more specifically, Quinn) to assume that he may have been directly responsible for Rita’s death. Unbeknownst to Quinn, however, Dexter did have an emotional outburst — he killed a man with a boat anchor.

When Dexter ran into a redneck who continually insulted him and the memory of his wife, the long-time vigilante serial killer lost it. Grabbing a boat anchor that was nearby, Dexter used the weapon to beat the man until he was dead. This was one of Dexter’s first kills that was fully outside the bounds of Harry’s code.

6 Pen

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Dexter needed to think of a clever way to dispatch with the final season’s main antagonist, Oliver Saxon. In the end, our favorite serial killer did not disappoint. He used his cunning to trick Saxon and then capitalized on that fatal mistake.

After baiting Oliver into attacking him with the pen, Dexter blocked the blow and grabbed the weapon from his psychopathic opponent. Then, Dexter jabbed the pen into Oliver’s neck. Little did audiences know, this would be one of the last times Dexter ever kills again

5 Claw Hammer

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Trinity was perhaps Dexter’s greatest arch-nemesis. Sure, his brother Brian was also a chore to deal with and had a greater emotional connection to Dexter, but Trinity was a much greater and more formidable foe overall.

Trinity killed his male victims using a claw hammer. Dexter decided it would be appropriate to give the killer a taste of his own medicine. Dexter always did have a bit of a poetic bent to him.

4 Chainsaw

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

Our favorite vigilante serial killer wasn’t always on track to become a horrible psychopath. After watching his own mother getting dismembered with a chainsaw at a very early age, however, Dexter was from there on out doomed to be cursed with a lack of empathy and lust for blood.

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After tracking down the man who had cut up his mother, Dexter returned the favor. Another kill that audiences are glad they didn’t see, but likely also one they were very glad Dexter finally had the chance to commit.

3 Knife

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

This is Dexter’s number one weapon of choice when it comes to killing. Nothing pleases the sadistic serial killer more than the feeling of thrusting his large knives directly into his victims’ chest.

Dexter uses the knife to kill the vast majority of his victims. He has a wide variety of knives that he takes to every kill room, some big, others small. No matter the size, they all produce the same intended effect on his many victims.

2 Garrote

Dexter Morgans Top 10 Weapons Ranked

At the beginning of every episode of Dexter, audiences get to see a few allusions to Dexter’s use of his trust garrote. Both when flossing his teeth and tying his shoes, Dexter pulls the strings tight as he would when using his garrote to choke one of his serial killer victims to death.

Most notably, Dexter used a garrote to kill the despicably manipulative sociopath Miguel Prado. Prado used Dexter so that he could learn the skills necessary to murder anyone who got in his way. Once Dexter found it, it was clear that Miguel had to go. In order to fit the pattern of another serial killer that was on the loose, Dexter choked Miguel out rather than stabbing him.

1 Syringe

When it comes to Dexter’s vast assortment of weapons, there are none more reliable, or more often used, than his syringe. You’d be hard-pressed to find even one single episode wherein Dexter does not use his syringe to knock someone out.

His quick, viper-like reflexes allow the killer to, all of a sudden, dose his victims straight in the neck before they even knew what hit them. One shot of his syringe and you are knocked out for several hours, with no hopes of stopping Dexter as he ties you up and prepares your body for the final kill room.

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