Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Doctor Who: Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes, According To IMDb


It’s tough to say which protagonist of Doctor Who is the most popular, but these ten episodes are the best of the Eleventh Doctor’s reign.

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Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

When Matt Smith went geronimo-straight into the role of the Doctor, he had a hard task ahead of him as he had taken over the part from arguably the most popular Doctor of all time, David Tennant. Smith brought an eccentricity to the role and overall did a great job.

Even if the writing went a bit up and down in the latter part of his tenure with Steven Moffat at the helm, Smith was involved in some of Doctor Who’s finest episodes yet, and some of the most popular, and a good way to measure such things is IMDb.

10 Season 5 Episode 1 “The Eleventh Hour” – 8.8

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

A fitting first entry on this list is the first full episode of Matt Smith’s tenure as the Doctor and fans’ true introduction to the raggedy man who likes fish fingers and custard.

With a rating of 8.8, the episode sees the Doctor meet and reunite with Amy Pond, and save the world from intergalactic police. It is a great intro to the Eleventh Doctor and his new companion and assured fans following Tennant’s departure.

9 Season 6 Episode 1 “The Impossible Astronaut” – 8.9

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

IMDb ranks the next season’s premiere just a bit better, though, and it kicks off a run in the show where the rulebook of the show is well and truly thrown out, and the plot may get hard to follow at points.

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With a rating of 8.9, the episode is full of great performances as well as having a high intensity throughout, leading to a cliffhanger ending, leaving fans surprised and ready for more.

8 Season 6 Episode 4 “The Doctor’s Wife” – 9.0

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Three episodes later comes an episode in which the TARDIS gets kidnapped after the Doctor gets lured to an asteroid on the outskirts of the universe via a Time Lord signal.

The episode earned a 9.0 on IMDb with praise coming for Suranne Jones’ performance as Idris as well as just the inventive episode as a whole, which went down as one of season 6’s best.

7 Season 7 Episode 14 “The Name Of The Doctor” – 9.0

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Jumping to season seven, and more importantly, the finale, “The Name Of The Doctor” marked the penultimate episode for Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor.

With a rating of 9.0, the episode leads the Doctor to Trenzalore for mysteries to be solved and secrets to get revealed. The episode has been deemed one of the best series finales by many, and its thrilling nature and various emotional moments have drawn positive reviews.

6 Season 7 Episode 5 “The Angels Take Manhattan” – 9.0

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Getting the edge over the previous two episodes due to the number of reviews, “The Angels Take Manhattan” is an emotional episode, and the last time we see Amy Pond and Rory as the companions of the Doctor.

Again, rated at 9.0, the episode is praised for its emotion, and how fitting an end it was for such a fantastic era in the show, incorporating high suspense with the ever scary Weeping Angels.

5 Season 5 Episode 12 “The Pandorica Opens” – 9.1

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

The penultimate episode of Matt Smith’s first season as the Doctor sees River Song return to give a message to the Doctor, as well as the mysterious Pandorica finally opening, containing the most dangerous being in the galaxy.

Sitting at a rating of 9.1, it is an epic episode with so much happening, so much going on, and such suspense with the final reveal and cliffhanger matching the anticipation for the episode.

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4 Season 5 Episode 13 “The Big Bang” – 9.1

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Just besting its previous due to a higher number of reviews, the season finale of season 5 continues from the opening of the Pandorica and concludes the story in a complex manner.

Sitting with the same rating of 9.1, the episode ended the season on a high, with a complicated journey that is woven together well enough for fans to enjoy it, and it has a magical feel to it.

3 Season 6 Episode 7 “A Good Man Goes To War” – 9.1

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

Perhaps not as grand as the season five finale, “A Good Man Goes To War” has more reviews than that episode, and is season sixes highest-rated episode, and it deserves the moniker with war looming throughout.

The episodes 9.1 is earned by the episodes various character work, the spectacle of the episode, and for just being a great mid-season finale episode in general.

2 Season 5 Episode 10 “Vincent And The Doctor” – 9.3

Doctor Who Top 10 Eleventh Doctor Episodes According To IMDb

The very best of Matt Smith’s tenure as the Doctor in terms of his season-by-season work is undoubted “Vincent And The Doctor” in which the Doctor and Amy visit the incomparable Vincent Van Gogh to fight a monster.

With a rating of 9.3, it is a hard task to watch this episode and not well up when Van Gogh is brought to modern times to see the impact of his work. The ending of the episode is an absolute gut punch, and the performances, as well as the story overall, are fantastic.

1 “The Day Of The Doctor” – 9.4

The special episode “The Day Of The Doctor” marked the 50th anniversary of the iconic television show, and incorporated a lot of the history of the show, and brought together Matt Smith and David Tennant reprising his role as the tenth Doctor.

With a rating of 9.4, it may not be a Matt Smith only episode, but he is the lead throughout. It unites two of the most beloved Doctors in 16th century England and is wildly entertaining with so much to love for both casual fans and Whovians.

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