Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Sam Wilson’s 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits


The Falcon And The Winter Soldier’s Sam Wilson is heroic, but he’s not perfect, either. He has bad traits that help offset his many best traits.

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Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

After being introduced in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Sam Wilson proved himself to be a hero in his own right and became a prominent Avenger. Because of his dedication to helping others, he is one of the most trusted members in the MCU, particularly to his closest companion, Steve Rogers. Now, viewers explore Sam’s growth as he deals with a vulnerable world after the Blip in The Falcon and the Winter Solider.

Steve Rogers chose Sam to take the Captain America shield because of the distinguishable qualities that make him righteous. In a general sense, Sam is one of the most likable characters in the MCU. However, he is just like any human being, who has some flaws.

10 BEST: Loyalty

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Sam is a very loyal person, especially to his good friend, Steve Rogers. He sided with Steve in Captain America: Civil War and helped him when HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD. He even dedicated his time to locate Bucky Barnes despite his early not-so-welcoming experiences with him.

His sense of loyalty shows that he is a very trusting friend to Steve Rogers and always has his back when needed, playing a contributing factor to why he earned the shield. Furthermore, it explains why he is one of the friendliest superheroes, creating an alliance with Joaquín Torres. His loyalty also extends to his family, who he cherishes and will always protect.

9 WORST: Internal Conflict & Lacking Self-Confidence As Captain America

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Since Steve gave him the shield, Sam carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and with Steve gone adds to the pressure. To be chosen as the new Captain America is an honor, and Sam fully understood that. However, he declined to accept the shield because he believed no one could replicate the legacy left by Steve Rogers, not even himself.

Despite countless reasons that demonstrate why Sam is worthy of the shield, he undermines his potential as a successor. Part of this conflict is due to the perception of Black heroes and the history of oppression on Black people, which highlights the darker meaning of the shield. This pressure reduced his self-confidence on whether the public would welcome a Black person being Captain America, as Sam mentions in the penultimate episode.

8 BEST: Not Holding Grudges

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Whether it be former enemies or be on opposite sides of an issue, Sam is a person who does not hold grudges and forgives people. The perfect example is his relationship with Rhodey. Although Sam respects him due to his military services, he had a heated argument with Rhodey about the Sokovia Accords and fought against him at an airport in Germany. Of course, he patched things up with him in Infinity War.

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Furthermore, despite an embarrassing fight with Scott Lang, Sam recruited him, showing that he held no grudges. Also, he let bygones be bygones with Bucky Barnes, who almost tried to kill Sam in The Winter Soldier, although Bucky was brainwashed. Since Sam showcases this forgiving nature, he is one of the more easygoing superheroes who does not allow a complicated history or one horrible fight to impact his relationship with others.

7 BEST: Strong Moral Compass

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Sam displays a strong moral compass to do what is right, just like Steve Rogers. Although he shares similar views with Steve, Sam firmly forms his own decisions based on his beliefs and does not depend on others, including Steve’s. He listens to everyone’s inputs, but he finalizes his choices. Part of his decision process also reflects on his family’s history and preserving any meaningful value, whether it is his family’s boat or the shield’s complicated legacy.

Furthermore, like Steve, Sam shows compassion towards others like Karli. He understands why Karli and the Flag-Smasher are upset with all governments and sympathizes with them. However, Sam possesses a strong moral code about doing the right thing and finds that violence is not the best way to resolve issues, which he tries to rationalize when he talked to Karli.

6 WORST: Stubbornness

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Because of his moral compass, he is sometimes too adamant about his views and beliefs. He presents his stubbornness in a conversation with Bucky about why he gave up the shield early on in the series. He also appears stubborn on family matters where Sam believed he could persuade the bank for the loan for the boat or disregards his sister’s instruction when he tries to fix it his way.

He also appears stubborn when he talks to Zemo and how they would handle Karli. Though he has a good heart and compassion, Sam fails to realize not everyone can be redeemable or that everything will go in his way. He needs to consider the alternative, which may sometimes mean going against his moral code for the greater good since everything is not salvageable.

5 BEST: Humor

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

His most distinguishable attribute is that he has a good sense of humor. He knows when to pull the laughs without being forceful, which also shows his charismatic nature. Much of his comedic skills come in humorous quotes like when he hilariously called out Zemo and his tilting head or lines like “so you like cats” to T’Challa.

Of course, fans recall his funniest moments when he is around Bucky Barnes, creating a fan-favorite dynamic duo. Their frenemy-like relationship contributes a banter that uplifts the energy in the room and presents well as comic relief in the MCU.

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4 BEST: Altruism

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Sam is one of the most selfless individuals in the MCU. Since The Winter Soldier, he has shown that he is always willing to help others, whether fighting in a battle or counseling people when they feel most vulnerable. Therefore, he became a counselor to assist veterans who are dealing with trauma from war.

His advice and guidance are motivational, and it recently helped Bucky Barnes move on from his past. He also tries to use his power and privilege as an Avenger to do right for people like Sharon Carter, who remained a fugitive after the Blip, and Karli Morgenthau to fix the problems of supply shortages during their conversation.

3 WORST: Miscommunication (During Sticky Situations)

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Although Sam presents several heroic and noble qualities that make him an exceptional leader, his communication is not always the best when there is a lot of pressure on the field.

His communication is highlighted in The Winter Soldier when he yells at Nick Fury that he is on the 41st floor as if he knew the precise locations of the building. He also miscommunicated with Bucky while attacked by the Power Broker’s bounty hunters as they bicker why Sam did not follow his signal.

2 BEST: Determination

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Sam Wilsons 7 Best (& 3 Worst) Traits

Unlike John Walker, who believed the title gave him all the authority, Sam never prided himself on his accomplishments nor expected admiration when he had the shield. After being conflicted about his role as the new Captain America, he realized that he must build his legacy. In his case, it also means proving Isaiah Bradley wrong by showing that a Black man can become Captain America and accepted as such.

Therefore, Sam was willing to do the work rather than depending on the title to give him that status. Episode 5 showcased his commitment and hard work to improve his skills, strength, and shield mastery with practice, and he does it without the serum. Sam also shows his sense of determination with ordinary things like fixing his family boat. Overall, he is someone who does not give up and will persevere to achieve an ultimate goal.

1 BEST: Abilities On The Field

Considering Sam has no enhanced powers, Sam exhibits skills and abilities like flying, martial arts, and marksmanship. His wingsuit, EXO-7, is unique, and Sam displays proficiency with it. Because of his mastery with his suit, he is agile, quickly reacts while flying, and also showcases his tactical and strategic intelligence in making swift decisions while in the air.

Furthermore, as a sharp leader, he knows when to pull the right moves and coordinates with his teammates, especially if it means making a sacrifice in Civil War. While he is on missions, he figures out the best course of action despite the risks, even at one point saving Bucky when they were fighting the Flag-Smasher on the trucks.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/falcon-and-winter-soldier-sam-wilson-best-worst-traits/

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