Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

Crisis On Infinite Earths: 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts


The Arrowverse’s Crisis On Infinite Earths was the biggest crossover ever. In it, the characters delivered some lines that are already iconic.

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Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

“Crisis on Infinite Earths” officially became the biggest Arrowverse crossover of all time as it changed the landscape for The CW’s DC TV shows forever. Having gone on since 2012 beginning with Arrow, the six DC TV series came together to adopt one of comics’ most iconic storylines that have ever been published. While it was the final crossover chapter for the Stephen Amell-led series, the Emerald Archer went out with a bang as Oliver, and literally created a new universe with Earth-Prime as well as rebooting the Multiverse as a whole.

“Crisis on Infinite Earths” will always stand out as the top of these multi-stories. Even though it might take years and seasons before another Crisis-scale crossover can ever happen again, the 5-hour event was one of TV’s most ambitious milestones. With so many characters involved, came a lot of great moments including a lot of fun dialogue from one-liners to dramatic lines that will forever stand as Arrowverse staples.

10 “Clark, I Need You To Get To Metropolis Now. It’s The Boys” – Lois Lane

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

Prior to the Crisis game-changer, Lois and Clark had only one child as baby Jonathan was seen in the early parts. However, in the fifth hour, which took place on Legends of Tomorrow, Clark gets surprised when Lois calls him to return to Metropolis.

Since Clark doesn’t remember everything that he has gone through on Earth-Prime, the Man of Steel was stunned when Lois reveals that rather than having a baby in this reality, they now have two teenage sons. With Jordan Elsass and Alexander Garfin cast as the teenage versions of Jonathan and Jordan respectively, fans will have to wait till 2021 to discover what Lois and Clark’s sons are like.

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9 “I’ll Deal With, Whatever Your Crazy Is, In A Minute” – Batwoman

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

Despite having been introduced in the “Elseworlds” crossover, Batwoman was still fairly new to the Arrwoverse as her show premiered the same season when “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was coming up. The first couple of episodes deal heavily with Kate Kane’s origin story and was mostly grounded within the world of Gotham City.

However, once it was time to save the Multiverse, Kate’s reactions to things around her were amusing. Her reaction to seeing Lyla Michaels a.k.a. Harbinger coming out of nowhere to ask for her help was spot-on because to Kate, it’s just another lunatic rambling nonsense running around in her city.

8 “You Shanghaied Into Another Crossover, Didn’t You?” – Citizen Steel

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

While the Legends weren’t part of “Elseworlds,” it became a running gag in the Arrowverse going forward. The time-traveling drama has poked at their fellow DC TV heroes for trying to get them into a crossover to them regretting ignoring their allies when they needed them the most. “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was no exception as the phrase “crossover” was literally being used by other characters which became a way for them to break the fourth wall.

After Earth-Prime is created, Nate Heywood hilariously realizes why Sara and Ray were temporarily gone. What follows is Nate listing the other DC TV heroes’ method in tricking the Legends to take part in a crossover which became a standout moment.

7 “I’m Never Letting My Child Watch This Show Ever Again” – John Diggle

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

While Legends of Tomorrow has made several moments and characters iconic with the fandom, including Beebo, the beloved blue-toy had a surprise moment in the crossover. As the heroes try to figure out what Earth-Prime’s history is like now, a giant-sized Beebo begins striking terror in the streets of Central City.

Despite not being real, John Diggle makes a hilarious, but an accurate statement by not letting his kids watch “this show” ever again.

6 “So The Superman Thing Is Real? After All These Years” – Black Lightning

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

Black Lightning finally got to join the Arrowverse thanks to “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” As Jefferson assisted the heroes in trying to stop the Anti-Monitor, fans of the Freeland-based drama got a big payoff. While it had been alluded to, when Jefferson sees the two Supermen in front of him, he confirms what many viewers had been speculating.

On his Earth, the callouts of heroes were in fact referencing them as being fictional characters. Rather than be actual superheroes in his world, Jefferson confirms that they’re actually comic book characters.

5 “Battle Not With Monsters, Lest You Become A Monster” – Bruce Wayne of Earth-99

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

One of the biggest moments for Batwoman during the crossover was Kate getting to meet the Earth-99 version of her famous cousin, Bruce Wayne. Played by iconic Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy, fans got to see Kate trying to convince a broken Dark Knight to help save the Multiverse.

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One of his best lines that makes it abundantly clear how dark he has become in this world is when he quotes Friedrich Nietzsche.

4 “Dying’s The Easy Part. The Dead Are At Peace. The Real Heroes Are The Ones Who Have To Keep Going” – Oliver Queen

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

The 5-part event became Oliver Queen’s swan song as he joined his allies one last time for their biggest battle ever. As Arrow was getting ready to end, Oliver Queen dies twice in “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” both times as the hero he always was. However, one of his final words of wisdom is given to Barry Allen as Oliver explains why he is at peace with dying.

But he also manages to remind Barry of the challenges of living a superhero life with that quote. As heartbreaking as that quote became, it was also one of Oliver’s final lessons to Barry that The Flash will likely continue to live by in seasons to come.

3 “Apparently The Multiverse Is Ending” – Clark Kent of Earth-167

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

Smallville officially became part of Arrowverse’s Multiverse as viewers got to visit Earth-167 briefly to see Tom Welling and Erica Durance’s Clark Kent and Lois Lane respectively since 2011.

Despite ignoring the tie-in events of Smallville Season 11 where Superman dealt with a Crisis and Monitors, Clark’s reaction to the Multiverse ending made it clear that he had no idea what was really going on, making this cameo very amusing.

2 “Keep Riding The Lightning” – Flash-90

Crisis On Infinite Earths 10 Best Quotes From All 5 Parts

The Flash portion of the crossover honored the Easter egg from the pilot about the Scarlet Speedster vanishing in a Crisis. However, it ended up being a different Barry Allen who sacrificed himself for the Multiverse: Earth-90’s Flash.

As heartbreaking as it was seeing Earth-90’s Barry giving up his life, his final line became an iconic quote for The Flash. Thanks to his sacrifice, The CW’s Barry gets to live and continue protecting the people of Central City.

1 “You Have Failed This Universe” – Oliver Queen

One of Green Arrow’s most iconic aspects for eight years was whenever he told his enemies of how they had failed Star City. As Oliver became the Spectre, “Crisis on Infinite Earths” took “You have failed this city” to a new level.

When Oliver takes on the Anti-Monitor, he makes it clear that Mobius has failed the entire universe before he creates a new Earth as well as reboot the Multiverse. As cheeky as it may have been, it’d have almost been a crime if the writers didn’t have Oliver say it in his Arrowverse final battle.

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