Final Destination Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained

Final Destination: Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained


The Final Destination franchise focuses on Death’s design, which is constantly changing; here is every death rule and their exceptions explained.

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Final Destination Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained

In 2000, James Wong’s supernatural horror film Final Destination released and spawned an entire franchise that follows death and its supposedly inescapable design; occasionally, it breaks its own rules as well. Consisting of five films with a sixth in the making, the films follow a group of survivors after they narrowly escape a catastrophic accident. In the first film, Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) has a premonition that the Boeing 747 plane he and his classmates are on is going to explode shortly after takeoff. Seven of the passengers get off of Flight 180. Just as Alex predicted, the plane explodes seconds after it is airborne.

Believing that they have escaped death, the survivors proceed to go on and live their lives. Except it is discovered that they cheated Death’s design that he had placed for them to follow. As a result, Death comes for each of them one by one in the order they were supposed to die on the flight. The first Final Destination created the formula for every installment that followed it. This formula being, an individual having a premonition of how they and a group of people are going to die; they stop a portion of people from dying in the accident, then Death catches up to them.

With every subsequent design of Death’s plan comes flaws. As the franchise has progressed, new ways to cheat Death have been discovered and debunked. Starting with the original 2000 film, here is every rule in death’s design and their exceptions explained.

Final Destination Altered The Order Of Death’s Design

Final Destination Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained

When Alex and his friends got off of Flight 180, he was able to retrace the events of the premonition to determine that everyone who survived was dying in the same order they did on the plane. Believing that their fates were inescapable, each survivor sat and waited for their turn to die, but not without a fight. When Death comes for Todd (Chad Donella), his car becomes stuck on a set of tracks as a train comes barreling down; Alex saves him. Instead of making another attempt on his life, Death skips over to the next person, Billy (Seann William Scott).

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According to Final Destination, when the person who is next in Death’s design is saved, they will more than likely live to see the next person perish, but this rule has many flaws. At the end of the film, Alex, Carter, and Clear are in Paris. Despite reconfiguring Death’s design, both Alex and Carter die in Paris, therefore proving that this “rule” does not actually work. However, it does work in the second movie. There is no explanation for how Final Destination 2 was successful in keeping characters alive after they cheated, but it is the only one that potentially beats the odds. Even though it isn’t a sure method for surviving Death, this is the most common method that the movies’ survivors utilize in order to cheat Death’s design; the rule has never proven to be completely successful.

Death Rule Subverted: A New Life Is Born

Final Destination Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained

This exception to Death’s design was only present in the second installment. In Final Destination 2, it is assumed that a pregnant woman was involved in the vehicular accident which set the movie’s events in motion. The survivors developed a theory that new life would stop death. Therefore, if a baby is born from a survivor of the accident, then everyone else will be safe; a baby being born theoretically counts as “new life”. Except, it turns out that the pregnant woman was not actually involved.

Still wanting to test the theory, Kimberly Corman (A.J. Cook) drowns herself with the intention of being brought back to life. It all goes as planned, and Kimberly is brought back from the dead. Her resurrection from death is considered new life. She and Officer Thomas Burke (Michael Landes) survive. This idea of new life being able to stop Death did not reemerge in the franchise after the franchise’s second installment.

Death Rule Changed: Take Someone Else’s Life

Final Destination Every Death Rule (& Exception) Explained

The second most common method to cheat death is to take someone else’s life. It is considered as providing a sacrifice to Death in order to fill one’s spot in its design. In Final Destination 5, this is the only absolute that the survivors believe will help them cheat death. To an extent, it does work. For instance, Nathan Sears (Arien Escarpeta) survives until the end of the film after accidentally killing an innocent construction worker.

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After main character Sam Lawton (Nicholas D’Agosto) – who is last on the list to die – kills his friend Peter Friedkin (Miles Fisher) in self-defense, Death’s design for them ends. He and his girlfriend Molly (Emma Bell) go on to move to Paris, which all ties back to the first film. Sam and Molly find themselves on Flight 180 in 2000 with Alex Browning and his classmates. As Alex and the first film’s survivors exit the plane, Sam and Molly remain seated.

Once taking flight, Sam asks a flight attendant what happened. She tells Sam that he had a dream that the flight was going to explode. With two of the three last remaining survivors of the fifth installment on board, the plane explodes. As an engine detaches from the plane, it lands on Nathan. No one survived despite taking someone’s life to replace them.

Final Destination: One Way To Cheat Death’s Design

Every method deployed by the survivors of these accidents have proven frivolous, as Death always comes for them eventually. No matter what these characters have tried throughout the entirety of the five films, there has only ever been one successful way to avoid dying. The survivors of Final Destination 2 have somehow managed to keep this a secret. Regardless of whether they kill someone to take their place or Death temporarily skips them, the Reaper always comes back around to claim what was taken from its original design. That is, of course, unless they are resurrected from death. In that case, as it turns out, they will be fine.

Ultimately, Death’s rules and exceptions become more muddled and confusing the further the franchise progresses. With the onset of a sixth Final Destination film, fans are hopeful that some clarity will be given as to how, exactly, Death can be avoided, or if it’s even possible.

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