Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best


Universal Pictures has made five dinosaur-filled Jurassic Park and World movies to date, and here’s how all of them stack up, worst to best.

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Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

Universal Pictures has made five dinosaur-filled Jurassic Park and World movies to date, and here’s how all of them stack up, worst to best. Jurassic Park was of course one of the many hits that have filled out the illustrious directing career of Steven Spielberg, the most financially successful filmmaker in history. In 1993, Jurassic Park’s amazingly cool and realistic looking dinosaurs, along with unforgettable characters like Ian Malcolm, captured the imagination – and the money – of the world, beginning the next great franchise.

Sure, most would argue that none of Jurassic Park’s sequels have managed to live up the majesty of Spielberg’s original, but sometimes that just isn’t possible. A movie as good as Jurassic Park is hard to match, and there’s nothing wrong with follow-ups that don’t try to top it, but instead try to be worthy companion pieces to such a monumental classic. For the most part, the other Jurassic Park movies have indeed done that.

With Jurassic World: Dominion ready to stomp into theaters in summer 2021, it’s now time to examine the franchise so far, and determine which dinosaur romp roars the loudest. All five feature big stars, big carnivores, big action scenes, and big adventure, but only one can ultimately reign supreme.

5. Jurassic Park 3 (2001)

Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

After Sam Neill’s absence from Jurassic Park’s first sequel, Dr. Alan Grant came back to the forefront for Jurassic Park 3, the first entry to not be directed by Steven Spielberg. While he understandably has no desire to tangle with dinosaurs again, Grant is tricked into accompanying a pair of divorced parents to Isla Sorna, so that he can help them search for their missing son.

While Neill is good as always, and there’s some thrilling action and suspense sequences, Jurassic Park 3 feels a bit tired. The story is very thin, and the characters outside of Grant aren’t exactly exciting or particularly interesting. There’s also a dream sequence in which a raptor speaks to Grant, providing one of the strangest moments in the entire Jurassic Park franchise, as well as the fan-despised bit in which a T-Rex is dispatched by the newly introduced Spinosaurus as if the king of the dinosaurs was an utter chump.

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4. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

After the smash success of Jurassic World in 2015, it was clear that this new incarnation of the Jurassic Park franchise would get sequels of its own. While Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom isn’t a particularly bad film, and features lots of the action and excitement fans have come to expect from the brand, it has two main failings. The first is that its plot is extremely similar to The Lost World, lending the sequel a vibe of been there, done that.

The second is some really egregious logic issues that render some of the plot turns laughable, such as Chris Pratt’s Owen being able to literally outrun volcanic ash as Isla Nubar is destroyed. Fallen Kingdom’s ending sets up some interesting possibilities for Jurassic World: Dominion, but when viewed through that lens, it almost seems like Fallen Kingdom was more concerned with setting up its follow-up than being a satisfactory story in and of itself.

3. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

While not nearly as well-regarded as the first film, the reputation of Spielberg’s sequel The Lost World: Jurassic Park has improved somewhat since its release, a time when many simply saw it as an inferior follow-up. The Lost World certainly is that, but Jeff Goldblum’s Dr. Ian Malcolm remains engaging as the returning lead, and there are some really great suspense sequences, such as when a pair of T-Rex parents attack the trailer where their hurt child is being held, as Malcolm and associates desperately fight to survive the onslaught.

There’s also a great scene in which raptors pick off characters moving through tall grass in a manner akin to a horror film. The final act, in which a T-Rex rampages through San Francisco, is also a complete blast. There’s a lot to love about The Lost World, and that the general sentiment toward it is shifting is a heartening circumstance. However, the less said about Malcolm’s previously unmentioned daughter and her gymnastics abilities the better.

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2. Jurassic World (2015)

Every Jurassic Park (& World) Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

Oddly, Jurassic World seems to have fallen out of favor a bit in the years since its release, or at least developed a very vocal group of detractors. One would never have expected that when the film hit theaters though, as both audiences and critics lavished it with praise, and nearly $1.7 billion was earned at the box office. Anchored by capable new leads Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, Jurassic World offered fans a chance to finally see John Hammond’s dream realized, a fully operational dinosaur-based theme park.

While it’s obvious that things will once again go wrong, that it happens with actual guests at a finished park is a delightful new wrinkle, one which also allows for thrilling scenes of mass dinosaur attack. Jurassic World also introduces the enormous water creature called the Mosasaurus, which would be used to great effect both here and in Fallen Kingdom. Featuring lots of Jurassic Park trilogy fan service, Jurassic World is a film designed from the ground up to delight those who love dinosaurs and grew up with Spielberg’s original films, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

1. Jurassic Park (1993)

Of course, even as fun as Jurassic World is, it wouldn’t be that without Spielberg’s classic to build off of. Jurassic Park is very deservedly one of the most beloved blockbusters ever, and its dinosaur effects still somehow manage to hold up today, when so many other early attempts at CGI creatures now look terrible in hindsight. Jurassic Park is a case of everything working, whether that be directing, writing, casting, effects, and of course the iconic score by legendary composer John Williams.

Just about every aspect of Jurassic Park has become the stuff of pop culture legend, whether it be Malcolm’s quips, the raptors invading the kitchen, the T-Rex attack on the jeeps, the lawyer getting chomped on the toilet, Mr. DNA, the theme song, the “clever girl” scene, Wayne Knight’s dastardly tech expert, or even the park’s signage. Jurassic Park was and is a masterpiece, and will no doubt continue to be discovered by new generations of fans as the decades since its release continue to pass.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/jurassic-park-world-movies-ranked-worst-best/

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