Cyberpunk 2077 Can You Sleep With Keanu Reeves

Cyberpunk 2077: Can You Sleep With Keanu Reeves


CD Projekt Red says there are multiple male and female romance options in Cyberpunk 2077. Is Keanu Reeves’ character Johnny Silverhand one of them?

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Cyberpunk 2077 Can You Sleep With Keanu Reeves

Building relationships is said to be a vital part of gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077. How the player treats other people in game will determine how much V is liked or disliked. This includes interactions with Keanu Reeves, who plays legendary rocker Johnny Silverhand. CD Projekt Red has confirmed that romance will be a part of Cyberpunk 2077, with a variety of male and female options. Meredith Stout and Judy Alvarez are the only confirmed romance options so far. With the rest of the romance options, including all the male options, remaining unknown, that leaves fans wondering about the one person who might be sought out the most: Keanu Reeves himself.

When romance is available in a game, the question of sex is bound to come up. Cyberpunk 2077 does allow the player to have sex with either the person (or perhaps people) that V romances, and with sex workers around Night City. There will a short cutscene in first person, but nothing to the extent of Cyberpunk 2077’s adult film parody. There will also some nudity, but players will have the option to turn nudity off.

Phil Hornshaw of GameSpot explains the how the relationship between the player’s character V and Johnny Silverhand works, stating how “the story set up for Johnny is kind of an antagonistic one” with him coming into V’s life through the biochip that ends up in the player’s head. Hornshaw goes on to say that the “biochip is killing your character” and that it is designed to “take over your body and turn you into Johnny Silverhand.” That must be why Keanu Reeves loves Cyberpunk 2077 so much.

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Can You Sleep With Johnny Silverhand?

On the matter of romancing and sleeping with Keanu Reeves’ character Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red hasn’t revealed any information regarding it, but the most likely answer based on the game’s already-revealed story and plot is no. Players can improve their relationship with Johnny throughout the game, but it’s unlikely that he’ll be a romance option for several different reasons.

[Warning: Mild spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077 below]

For one, Johnny is in the player’s head through the biochip inside of V, meaning he doesn’t have a body to actually sleep with. Secondly, Johnny is technically dead. It has been confirmed that Johnny was originally killed by Adam Smasher and was brought back to life through the biochip. Romancing Johnny through braindance doesn’t seem too outlandish for Cyberpunk 2077, but players won’t fully know if they can sleep with Keanu Reeves until the game comes out.

Players are bound to find at least one person they want to romance in Cyberpunk 2077, especially if it takes over 175 hours to finish. While the status of romancing Johnny Silverhand is unknown, players WILL have the opportunity to improve or destroy their overall relationship with Johnny. It all depends on how players decide to interact to him. Who knows, some people may enjoy antagonistic Johnny more.

No matter who players choose to romance in Cyberpunk 2077, with the amount of advertising showing the December 10th release date, fans may not have to worry about yet another Cyberpunk 2077 delay. With just nine days left, fans are waiting patiently for release date to come. Until then, fans can think about the ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 decisions: picking a lifepath and customizing their character.

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