Avengers Endgame How Powerful Fat Thor Is Compared To His Past Self

Avengers Endgame: How Powerful Fat Thor Is Compared To His Past Self

Fat Thor’s depression led to his mental and physical decline, which is why he was less powerful in Avengers Endgame than in Ragnarok and Infinity War.

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Avengers Endgame How Powerful Fat Thor Is Compared To His Past Self

Fat Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in Avengers: Endgame wasn’t quite at the full level of powers he possessed in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War but he was still c0nsiderably mightier than he was in his earliest Marvel Cinematic Universe appearances. After failing to stop Thanos from Snapping away half of all life in the universe, Thor fell into a deep depression during the five year period before the Avengers resurrected everyone in the Blip, and the God of Thunder’s mental, emotional, and physical state had a negative effect on his powers and abilities.

Thor (2011) was the least powerful version of the Asgardian hero. Due to his arrogance, Thor’s father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) stripped him of his powers and banished him to Earth, where he met Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). Thor was mortal at that point, though he still could endure Jane repeatedly running him over with a van. When Thor gained the necessary humility, his powers were restored and the God of Thunder took down the mighty Destroyer. Thor’s impressive powers were further displayed in the first two Avengers movies and Thor: The Dark World, where Thor defeated Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) while the Dark Elf wielded the Aether a.k.a. the Reality Infinity Stone. In those films, Thor used his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, to battle hordes of Chitauri soldiers, Dark Elves, and Ultron drones. Just as vital, Thor possessed his cocky swagger. The Thunder God was at the same power levels when he defeated Surtur (Clancy Brown) and his demonic minions at the start of Thor: Ragnarok.

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Like most anyone, Thor’s physical and emotional condition helps determine how powerful he is. Fat Thor in Avengers: Endgame is a far cry from how fit and formidable he was in Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War, which is the most powerful Thor has been in the MCU. After Hela (Cate Blanchett) destroyed Mjolnir in Ragnarok, Thor eventually learned from Odin that the hammer was only a tool to focus his powers as the God of Thunder. Thor unlocked his innate ability to summon lightning, although it still wasn’t quite enough to defeat Hela or a resurrected Surtur (thus, Thor wisely let the two villains destroy each other). But while Thor became more powerful in Ragnarok, he was still humbled and overwhelmed by Thanos (Josh Brolin), who wielded the Power Stone before he secured the Space Stone from Loki (Tom Hiddleston).

Thor’s determination to defeat Thanos in Infinity War helped him sublimate his grief over the Mad Titan murdering half of the Asgardians Thor saved from Ragnarok. With Rocket (Bradley Cooper) and Groot (Vin Diesel) of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor traveled to Nidavellir to acquire a Thanos-killing weapon, which eventually became Stormbreaker. But to acquire his new magic ax, Thor had to activate Etri’s (Peter Dinklage) forge and the Thunder God absorbed the full force of a star, which is one of the MCU’s greatest examples of Thor’s true power. Once armed with Stormbreaker, Thor’s might was at its maximum: He arrived in Wakanda and decimated the Black Order’s armies as well as easily smashing their giant spacecraft. Thor’s confidence was only shattered when he failed to aim for Thanos’ head and allowed the Mad Titan to Snap his way to victory.

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Thor drank through his five years of depression and he allowed his physique to deteriorate, but his mental health was in equal distress. Thor seeing his mother Frigga (Rene Russo) in 2014 bolstered his confidence, especially when Mjolnir still found Thor worthy to wield it. Yet even armed with Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, plus summoning his lightning, Thor couldn’t overcome the 2014 version of Thanos who possessed zero Infinity Stones. It’s evident that Thor wasn’t at his best during Avengers: Endgame’s final battle since his belief in himself is a prime factor in how powerful he can become.

By Thor: Love and Thunder, some time will have passed since Thor helped defeat Thanos once and for all and it seems that the God of Thunder will be back in his peak fighting form. The God of Thunder fans will see in Thor: Love and Thunder should be far beyond how powerful he was as Fat Thor and it could be the mightiest Thor has yet been.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-endgame-fat-thor-powers-abilities-strengths-comparison/

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