Exclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic Park

Exclusive: Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic Park

An exclusive preview for Hellboy: Burning Season #1 reveals a dark mystery, with spontaneous human combustion – and a dinosaur park?

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Exclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic Park

Popular Hellboy artist Paulo Rivera is returning to a world of mysticism and magic. He’s uniting with writers Chris Roberson and Mike Mignolia for Hellboy: Burning Season, which kicks off this Wednesday.

As our exclusive preview shows, Hellboy has been called in for an intriguing mystery. Port Orange, in Florida, has been the site of a spate of spontaneous human combustions. It looks as though this has been going on for decades – the story opens with a prologue set in 1955. Curiously, though, local police officers have been reluctant to investigate. Events are about to take a dark twist, as Dark Horse’s solicit warns the fire has “an appetite for Bureau agents.”

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It’s only when Hellboy investigates that he discovers strange models of dinosaurs. Again, law enforcers believe these have only been around a few years, but they were actually there back in 1955. It seems likely that this no tourist attraction; this strange, artificial Jurassic Park will no doubt be related to the spontaneous combustions. Check out our exclusive preview to get a sense of the adventure that awaits.

Exclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic ParkExclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic ParkExclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic ParkExclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic ParkExclusive Hellboy is Heading to A Supernatural Jurassic Park

Co-writer Chris Roberson is thrilled to work with Rivera, who has a sterling reputation among Hellboy fans. As he explained in an official statement:

“It is a thrill to be collaborating with Paolo again. He did such a fantastic job capturing the early Cold War period in Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953, and I’ve been eager for the chance to work with him again ever since. We asked him what kinds of things he wanted to draw this time around, and the script for “Burning Season” was built to suit!”

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For Rivera, though, Hellboy: Burning Season was a thrilling opportunity. “Drawing Hellboy is always a blast,” he observed, “but drawing him in my hometown is even better.” Rivera asked for a Daytona Beach ghost story, and the result left him delighted.

“[Chris] came up with a poignant tale that explores the rather difficult history of a place better known for its beaches (and partying). It was also a great excuse to finally visit a place I had never been to, but always heard about growing up.”

The best Hellboy stories are a fantastical blend of the real world and dark, sometimes Arthurian, legends. This is certainly an inspired idea; in this case, the plot weaves Hellboy into a place that’s of massive importance to a beloved member of the book’s creative team. But what is the cause of these spontaneous combustions? And why is there a dinosaur exhibit to rival Jurassic Park in the middle of Florida? The answers will begin to be revealed in Hellboy: Burning Season #1, on sale Wednesday 21.

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Hellboy: Burning Season #1 hits local comic shops and digital services on January 21, 2018.

Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant’s staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back – and this time it’s cool. You can find him on Twitter @TomABacon. A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. He’s heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he’s into British politics too.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hellboy-burning-season-preview/

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