Indiana Jones 5 Crew Member Dies On Location

Indiana Jones 5 Crew Member Dies On Location

Production on Indiana Jones 5 suffers a tragedy as veteran crew member Nic Cupac has passed away while on location for the sequel.

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Indiana Jones 5 Crew Member Dies On Location

A crew member on the upcoming Indiana Jones 5 has died in Morocco where filming on the sequel is currently taking place. The latest entry in the acclaimed adventure franchise was received with mixed reactions from fans when it was first announced, and so far, the film’s progress has repeatedly met setback after setback. Initially planned for a 2021 release, the film has now been pushed all the way back to summer 2023.

Fans of the series had a long wait for more after the release of 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. As a matter of fact, the wait for more Indy adventures was so long, that many people didn’t even consider that there could be more in store. After all, Ford – who has played the indomitable and eponymous archaeologist since the franchise’s start wasn’t getting any younger, and the physical demands have always been one the films’ greatest appeals. By 2008, however, Steven Spielberg and Ford both surprised and delighted fans with a fourth film – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – an effort that lacked the acclaim of previous films and made some wary about the possibility of more Indy films. Whatever wariness some fans may have had about a fifth Indiana Jones has so far proved somewhat accurate. The production has been repeatedly hit by delays and setbacks, leaving numerous questions as to whether or not the end result will have been worth it all.

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The latest news from the production is tragic, with the NY Post reporting that 54-year-old grip, Nic Cupac, was found dead in his hotel room in the Moroccan city of Fes. Cupac is said to have died of natural causes and was an industry veteran whose work was essential on huge franchises such as Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and Star Wars. A rep for Indiana Jones 5 stated:

“Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Nic Cupac, an incredibly talented colleague and member of the film community who will be greatly missed. His sudden passing was not production related. Nic was a grip on 2nd unit.”

It remains to be seen how Cupac’s death will impact production on Indy 5, but ultimately what’s important here is the acknowledgement of his passing and of his accomplishments within the film industry. The passing of anyone during a film’s production is an obvious tragedy, and thankfully it was not an on-set error that led to Cupac’s death. Nonetheless, 54 is quite young to die of natural causes, and his family and friends will surely be grief stricken over their loss. At the very least, production on Indiana Jones 5 should be paused out of respect for Cupac, his work as an industry professional, and the loved ones he’s left behind.

As of now, Indiana Jones 5 is still currently in production. Ford has only recently returned to filming, after suffering a severe shoulder injury. At 79, questions need to be asked as to whether a fifth film is necessary with Ford returning as Jones – or for that matter, if a fifth film is necessary at all. If Kingdom of the Crystal Skull proved anything, it’s that sequels don’t necessarily enhance the franchise’s legacy. For now, at least, the greatest priority of Indiana Jones 5 is ensuring that Cupac’s memory is respected.

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