Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzie’s Relationship


Alex and Izzie may be considered one of the show’s most popular couples. However, there were a few things that didn’t make any sense about them.

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Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

Alex Karev and Isobel Stevens were two of the most beloved characters on the long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy. The impertinent Alex stepping into the light with the bright and hopeful Izzie was clichéd but beautiful all the same.

Alex and Izzie’s short relationship was fraught with tension as Izzie fell seriously ill soon after Alex started revealing a softer side to himself. Even though they had one of the most memorable weddings in the history of Grey’s, there were several things about their relationship that make no sense on hindsight.

10 Why Izzie Would Take An Interest In Alex At All?

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

From the word go, Alex was obnoxious to pretty much everybody and in particular to Izzie. Let’s not forget it was he who put up pictures of Izzie from her modeling days to humiliate her in front of everybody.

It thus made little sense that someone as sweet and compassionate as Izzie Stevens would feel attracted towards him in the first place. Even if she thought she could “fix him,” and bring out a more human side to him, it must have taken a lot of strength of character to believe in someone as arrogant and insolent as Alex Karev.

9 Alex And Olivia’s Hook-Up

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

Izzie not only decided to give Alex a chance when everyone else tagged him ‘evil spawn, but’ she also forgave him when he cheated on her with the nurse Olivia, who later came to have the unfortunate nickname of ‘syph nurse’.

Although the two were not officially together at the time, there was definitely something brewing between them. And for Alex to sleep with Olivia at the same time, it was a decision fans couldn’t comprehend. Izzie was furious of course but she was still ready to forgive him.

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8 Izzie Being A Jerk About Ava

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

When Alex began developing a bond with Ava, Izzie eventually became too invested in their relationship and was highly suspicious of Ava’s motives.

Of course, Izzie soon realized that Ava had significant trauma from the ferry-boat accident and was showing signs of an underlying Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). But what didn’t make sense to fans was why Izzie was more worried about Alex than the patient. As Ava’s doctor, her concerns should have been focused more on her than anything. She should have never allowed her personal life to affect her professional judgment.

7 Alex Not Sticking Up For Izzie After The L-Vad Fiasco

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

One of the main storylines involving Izzie Stevens in season 2 was her relationship with her patient Denny and the extent to which she went to get him a new heart.

Fans would recall that Izzie cut Denny’s LVAD wire to get him to the top of the heart transplant list. Denny died all the same but after the fiasco, Izzie’s friends decided to stick up for her by jointly admitting to the gross misstep. However, only Alex, who was supposed to have been in love with Izzie, refused to stick up for her. It might have been consistent with his general persona, but this was Izzie.

6 Alex Not Being Concerned That Izzie Was Seeing The Dead

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

When Izzie started having hallucinations about dead, Alex was one of the few people she told. But Alex somehow took the information very casually, automatically assuming that Izzie’s feelings for Denny were causing her to see and hear things that weren’t really there.

Of course, the matter was much more serious than that as it was revealed that she had a brain tumor. And Alex did regret not realizing the seriousness of the situation earlier. However, it does seem peculiar that he didn’t find Izzie’s confession disconcerting when he later realized she was misplacing objects that were under her nose.

5 Izzie’s Disappearing Act

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

Izzie Stevens disappeared in season 6 after she was fired by Webber for medical negligence. Izzie automatically assumed that Alex had told on her thus somehow getting her fired, and simply disappeared from the scene.

The whole thing was a misunderstanding since Alex had been confiding in Webber about his worries that Izzie had been overworking herself so soon after recovering from cancer. However, Izzie didn’t clarify anything, leaving a “Dear John” letter and ghosted all his phone calls – which was uncharacteristic of her.

4 Izzie Leaving Alex With All The Financial Burden

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

After Izzie leaves and cuts off all contact with all her friends, Alex is saddled with her monumental medical bills, and of course, has no means of paying them off.

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This is also inconsistent with Izzie’s nature. She would never have let her loved ones worry about her well-being nor would she allow them to take on such a financial burden. She was not the type of person to run away. So for her to dump all her unpaid balance on him and simply take off was perhaps not entirely fair on Alex.

3 Alex Building A Whole Scenario In His Head

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

When Alex started dating Jo Wilson, the latter wondered about his relationship with Izzie. At that point in season 14, Alex told her that Izzie would be married and content somewhere with kids and a fulfilling life.

This meant that Alex wanted Izzie to be happy wherever she was and as he even told Meredith in season 12, he considered Izzie to be his soulmate. To imagine an entire scenario for one’s soulmate and never try to get in touch with them, even to find out how they were, seems a tad odd.

2 He Had Izzie’s Contact All Along

Greys Anatomy 10 Things That Make No Sense About Alex & Izzies Relationship

In season 16, it was revealed that Alex had been in touch with many of the former doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial to get amazing character testimonies from their friends for Meredith Grey.

During this time, he had also been in touch with Izzie Stevens, who had responded at once with a glowing testimony for Meredith. However, in the process had also started interacting with Alex himself. Now the question is, if Alex had Izzie’s contact all along, and knew where to write, why on earth didn’t he do so much before?

1 Alex Departing Abruptly To Be With Izzie & Twins

Finally, along the same lines, it made very little sense that Alex Karev would break up with Jo the same way Izzie did to him. As many remember, Izzie ended her marriage to Alex when she left him a letter to say she was leaving him. In season 16, this storyline was replicated, with Alex saying goodbye to Jo the same way.

Although his departure was tagged as one of the worst character exits in popular television, in hindsight, maybe Izzie was really the only person for whom he would have been willing to leave his life behind. He still thought of her as his soulmate so it made sense that he loved her. But Alex ghosting Jo and leaving her a letter set his character arc a few decades and almost ruined the entire evolution of his personality.

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