Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Friends: 10 Times We Related To Monica


Monica had plenty of memorable moments throughout the decade-long run of Friends. Here are the times she was most relatable.

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Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica Geller on Friends was certainly known for her cleanliness, her perfectionist attitude, and her skills as a hostess. She was also a good friend to the group, cooking Thanksgiving dinners, and being there for them. She could get too competitive and pushy, but she was lovable nonetheless.

Monica had a tendency to take charge and do things her way, and had trouble with change, as shown when Rachel moved the furniture around and Monica struggled with it. Monica’s personality is definitely unique, but she still had her relatable moments.

10 When She Was Passed Over For Phoebe’s Potential Girlfriend

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

When Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe ask one another who among them they would date, Rachel and Monica’s answers are simply “I don’t know.” However, Phoebe knows straight away that she’d pick Rachel.

This choice drives Monica crazy, and she’s hurt that Phoebe picked Rachel because she considers Monica too “high maintenance.” No one likes to be passed over for anything, even hypothetically as was the case with Monica, and no one likes their flaws pointed out to them.

9 When She Wanted To Play Her Way

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica inherits a beautiful dollhouse and excitedly invites Phoebe to play with her. However, that quickly backfires when Phoebe adds a ghost and giant dog to the dollhouse’s set up, which feels wrong to Monica. Monica had a very definite vision of what she wanted her dollhouse to look like, and how she wanted to play.

Her rejection of Phoebe’s ideas are solely because Monica doesn’t want her vision changed. Monica’s inner child was definitely thrilled to have the dollhouse, but her childlike ways also reared their ugly head in wanting to play her way and she fails to truly share with Phoebe in that regard. Audience members can relate to that feeling and can probably come up with a time or two from their own childhoods where they wanted to play a certain way just like Monica.

8 When She Took Too Much Time To Plan

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica is thrilled to cater Susan and Carol’s upcoming wedding, but she makes a big mistake when she takes too much time to plan and forgets to factor in enough time to actually get everything in her plan done. She ends up recruiting her friends to help, pretty much scaring them with her drill-sergeant tactics and manner of leadership, but she gets the job done.

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If not for her friends, Monica never would have been able to finish on time. Audiences who have had tight deadlines and who have freaked out over whether they’d be finishing in time can certainly relate to Monica’s stress in this instance.

7 When She Was In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica has had a series of misfortunes for being in the wrong places at the wrong times. Take for instance when she saw Joey’s father naked in the shower when she was trying to get back at Joey by catching him naked, as Joey had seen her. Or the time she hid in the bathtub and had to hear her parents having sex just beyond the shower curtain.

Most atrocious of all, though, would probably be her first kiss, which took place in the dark, and which she only learned years later was actually Ross. Though audiences may not necessarily have experienced the same horrors as Monica, they undoubtedly relate to all these cringeworthy moments simply because everyone endures disconcerting moments and can relate to Monica’s pain.

6 When She And Ross Were Fighting

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica and Ross had a good relationship for the most part, better than the sibling relationship they had as children. Still, those sibling dynamics emerged every so often, and the two would make each other angry and get on one another’s nerves.

They resorted to telling on each other to their parents regarding their past indiscretions, they fought over the Geller Cup, they argued so much over the phone, TV, and bathroom that they drove Rachel crazy, and they wrestled each other on the show. Audiences with siblings of their own certainly understand the dynamics between Ross and Monica, good and bad.

5 When She Felt Lonely At Ross’s Wedding

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica attended Ross’s wedding to Emily in England solo. However, she didn’t return to the States as a single woman. Monica felt lonely and vulnerable, especially in a foreign country at a beautiful wedding, and her spirits weren’t helped by the fact that a drunk man at the rehearsal dinner mistook her for Ross’s mother.

She ended up with Chandler as a result, and the relationship stuck, with neither Monica nor Chandler realizing that the love of their life was much closer than they ever realized. Feeling lonely at a wedding is understandable, but sometimes it turns into something good, as was the case for Monica.

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4 When She Had An Identity Crisis

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

After her identity is stolen, Monica has something of an identity crisis. She’s afraid of being too stuck in her ways, and not going after what she really wants. Ironically, the thief responsible for stealing her identity is the one that inspires her to change, though not too much. Monica is reassured by the thief that she is who she is.

There’s nothing wrong with that, and Monica can take up other hobbies and interests in her life if she wants a change. The lesson was that Monica needn’t be ashamed of who she was and that she certainly couldn’t change her personality instantaneously, as she had tried to do. Audiences undoubtedly relate to Monica’s identity crisis from time to time, but it’s important that they remember they’re one-of-a-kind, and being themselves is the best thing.

3 Anytime Monica Endured Criticism From Her Mother

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

Monica dreaded visits with her mother, particularly because Judy was so critical of her. Anything in Monica’s life was up for judgment, from her love life to her job to her hair. Monica never really got a break and was especially exasperated when Ross was praised and she wasn’t.

Parents aren’t perfect, but it is hard to endure so much criticism over a variety of topics at once, as Monica often endured with Judy. Audiences who have a similar dynamic with their parents can certainly relate to Monica’s frustration.

2 When She Broke Up With Richard

Friends 10 Times We Related To Monica

She and Richard really were the perfect couple, regardless of their age difference. They got along well, made a good team, and were always there for one another. They really didn’t have any relationship problems, except for the fact that they wanted different things and by extension had different versions of what their futures would be.

Monica still loved him but knew that she couldn’t go without children, and she had to make a hard choice. Audiences that have been in similar positions can definitely relate to Monica’s struggle and heartbreak.

1 When She Proposed To Chandler

Chandler’s plan works a little too well to throw Monica off to prevent her from finding out about his plans to propose to her. Luckily, it doesn’t derail their relationship, and Chandler is instead surprised by Monica proposing to him. She doesn’t quite get through the proposal due to her crying, but it’s because she’s so incredibly happy to have found her best friend and to spend her life with him.

Any audience member that has found the love of their life like Monica certainly breaks down in tears every time they watch the scene, knowing how much that moment means to Monica and Chandler, and how happy they are together.

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