How Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers Can Still Appear In Falcon & Winter Soldier

How Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers Can Still Appear In Falcon & Winter Soldier

Chris Evans is not returning to the MCU anytime soon but Steve Rogers can still make a surprise cameo in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

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How Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers Can Still Appear In Falcon & Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier can still feature Steve Rogers despite Chris Evans not returning to the MCU. Marvel Studios’ original Captain America actor was once rumored to be in talks to reprise his old superhero role despite having just retired from playing the part following Avengers: Endgame. This spawned countless theories as to where he might appear next, and since The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is directly tackling the legacy of the shield, it made sense that it’s for the ongoing Disney+ show.

However, before there was massive evidence to support the rumor, Evans himself shot it down. Belatedly, MCU architect Kevin Feige, who’s notoriously coy about his comments with regard to future possibilities in the franchise, backed up his star, straightforwardly denying claims that they’re bringing the actor back. This effectively killed hopes of a Steve Rogers cameo in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. That being said, a brand-new quote from Wyatt Russell, who plays John Walker, the new Captain America, in the series may be hinting that the original Star-Spangled Avenger will still make an appearance.

With just two episodes left, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s story is slowly inching toward its end. But there’s still a lot of ground to cover. Aside from the problems brought about by the Flag-Smashers, the Wakandans are now also involved after Zemo’s jailbreak. But as the core of its story is tackling the Captain America legacy and as the original wielder of the shield, Steve is a factor in the narrative. Thus far, he has yet to have any physical presence in the show, but Russell teased that he may have a surprise appearance. This may sound improbable considering that Evans is officially out of the MCU, but there’s still a way to do this — something that Marvel Studios already did for Iron Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The 2019 Jon Watts movie revealed Mysterio’s secret link to Tony Stark by using the footage of the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist in Captain America: Civil War, only told from Quentin Beck’s perspective as he got frustrated about his boss debuting B.A.R.F.

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For The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it can be revealed that Steve actually encountered Walker, potentially in a public setting. While this incident may have not made a mark on the man out of time, it could have on his Captain America successor considering how big an icon Steve Rogers is in the military, not to mention his position as one of the Avengers. During his homecoming interview in episode 2, Walker did say that he’s a big fan of his predecessor, and even after that, he’s been actually respectful of Steve’s legacy despite having a different way of doing things. In fact, he respects Steve Rogers’ accomplishments to the point he feels pressured to perform at the same level of effectiveness. Another potential connection between the two of them could come from Walker’s biological family. Perhaps even before he joined the military, he was already looking up to Steve because he’s related to one of the Howling Commandos. For what it’s worth, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier supposedly has a big cameo appearance in episode 5 and could very well be one of the men Steve served with during WWII.

Admittedly, there’s really no need for a Captain America cameo in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. While he doesn’t appear physically in the show, his presence looms large over it; every story aspect is somehow connected to him one way or another. On top of that, seeing him back in the MCU after his retirement in Endgame could cheapen his terrific send-off. But establishing a surprise connection with Walker would make his history more interesting.

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