Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Harry Potter: Snape’s 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)


If there is any character from Harry Potter that is controversial, it’s Severus Snape. Here are some of his best and worst choices from the series.

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Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

If there is any character from Harry Potter that is controversial, it’s Severus Snape. While many fans enjoy the character and thought his redemption arc was great, others didn’t think he ever really redeemed himself at all and think he’s just an awful person.

Every person is going to have their individual opinions on characters, but there are some very obvious flaws Snape has along with some good things that he does. He makes some pretty awful mistakes in his lifetime, but he does also make some good decisions.

10 Worst: Telling everyone Lupin was a werewolf

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While Lupin and Snape might have been enemies as teens, Snape never really took responsibility for his own disgusting views as a teenager and instead always viewed himself as a victim of bullies.

However, this issue aside, lashing out at Lupin over petty reasons and revealing that he was a werewolf just made Snape look sad and vindictive. It proves that even though he might have been on the good side technically, he wasn’t necessarily good.

9 Best: Helping protect Harry

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

When it comes to Snape’s best decisions, often his motivations for doing the right thing aren’t the best. However, if we are just looking at the ends and not the reasons, protecting Harry was the right thing to do. While he might not have liked doing so, Harry did need people aware of what he was doing.

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The biggest issue here is that Snape spent too much of his time trying to get Harry kicked out instead of just protecting him.

8 Worst: Calling Lily a Mudblood

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While Snape might like to think he was very picked on for Lily not loving him, he absolutely brought it on himself.

Not only did he believe in an ideology that hated people like Lily, but he also called her the equivalent of an awful slur. Doing so in the first place was a bad mistake, but the way he never took much responsibility for it was also awful.

7 Best: Alerting the Order of the Phoenix about Harry’s plan

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

When Dumbledore is kicked out of Hogwarts and Dolores Umbridge is in charge, Harry and his friends are frantic about how to get help from Sirius who they think is being held by Voldemort. While Snape might not seem to care as a way to not alert Umbridge, he does alert the Order as to Harry’s concerns.

This doesn’t make Snape some big hero by any means, but he did at least make the right choice to tell others what was going on and get help from Harry.

6 Worst: Bullying so many of his students

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Fans who think Snape is overall good often overlook how he treated basically everyone around him, but what’s the most disturbing is how he treated children he had authority over.

He was cruel and abusive and played favorites. Whether it was hating Harry because of James, mocking Hermione’s appearance, or bullying Neville so badly Neville was terrified of him, Snape made bad choice after bad choice in how he treated his students.

5 Best: Trying to stop Professor Quirrell

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While Harry might have thought it was Snape trying to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone, it had been Quirrell all along. While Snape was likely looking after the Stone and trying to stop Squirrel because that’s what he had promised Dumbledore, it was still the right thing to do.

Without Snape being suspicious of him all along, Quirrel probably would have gotten to the Sorcerer’s Stone much sooner.

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4 Worst: Begging to spare Lily’s life but not her family

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Perhaps one of the most disgusting and disturbing mistakes Snape ever makes is to only care about Lily’s life. Snape might beg Voldemort to save Lily, but he’s totally fine with Voldemort murdering her husband and son even though Harry isn’t even a toddler yet.

The fact that Snape was so immoral that he didn’t even care about the murder of a baby makes him really hard to ever redeem. Because of this, it’s hard to ever see him as good.

3 Best: Agreeing to help Dumbledore defeat Voldemort

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Given all of the awful mistakes Snape made in his past, he definitely had to make some good decisions to try to even the scales. While Snape only turned away from Voldemort and went to Dumbledore because of Lily, and his choices weren’t motivated by anything more than selfishness, it was still a decision that would have good consequences for many people.

He also continually decided to help Dumbeldore take down Voldemort even when Snape didn’t want to do so.

2 Worst: Becoming a Death Eater

Harry Potter Snapes 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

By far the worst mistake that Snape ever made was to become a Death Eater. He also had to make a lot of horrible choices leading up to this one big decision, and this shows just how dark of a person he was. He wanted to oppressed Muggles and Muggle-borns, and he was totally fine with the horrible things Voldemort would do such as torture and murder people. In fact, he probably did some of these things himself.

1 Best: Killing Dumbledore for Draco

Many fans have pointed out that it’s really Draco who should have gotten a more obvious redemption arc instead of Snape given that he was more redeemable overall.

While Draco makes some awful decisions and goes along with his parents’ ideology, he still had a part of him that was saveable. So, probably the best thing Snape ever did was to agree to help Dumbledore save Draco by being the one to kill Dumbledore in Draco’s stead.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-severus-snape-worst-mistakes-best-decisions-james-lily-neville/

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