In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

In Bruges: Ray’s 5 Best Quotes (& Ken’s 5 Best)


In Bruges walks the line between tragic and comedic, and the two main characters share some truly memorable quotes throughout.

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In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

Martin McDonagh’s feature directorial debut In Bruges introduced fans around the world to his gift for pitch-black comedy and sharp dialogue. The movie is a spiritual meditation on guilt and violence as two hitmen are sent to the titular Belgian city, a purgatory of sorts, while their boss decides their fate following a hit gone terribly wrong.

Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson shared magnificent on-screen chemistry in the lead roles, Ray and Ken, and brought McDonagh’s brilliant dialogue to life as each actor gave one of their greatest ever performances. The characters are endlessly quotable. These are their best lines.

10 Ray: “I Didn’t Even Know Where Bruges F****** Was.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

In the opening moments of In Bruges, Ray explains why he and Ken are in Bruges. After a botched hit, he ditched his weapon in the River Thames, washed his hands in a Burger King bathroom, and headed home to wait for instructions from Harry.

Soon enough, clear instructions came through: “Get the f*ck out of London, you dumb f*cks. Get to Bruges.” Ray says, “I didn’t even know where Bruges f*cking was. It’s in Belgium.”

9 Ken: “Could We Reserve Judgement On Bruges Until We’ve Seen The F****** Place?”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

As soon as Ray and Ken arrive in Bruges, Ray declares that the city is a “sh*thole.” Ken says it isn’t and Ray insists that it is, so Ken shuts him down with some dry wit.

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He tells him, “Ray, we only just got off the f*cking train! Could we reserve judgment on Bruges until we’ve seen the f*cking place?”

8 Ray: “A Great Day This Has Turned Out To Be.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

When Ken reluctantly heads out to kill Ray, he discovers that he’s become suicidal following their botched hit. He stops him from killing himself, but with the order that he has to kill him anyway.

Ray quips, “A great day this has turned out to be. I’m suicidal, my mate tries to kill me, my gun gets nicked, and we’re still in f*ckin’ Bruges!”

7 Ken: “Ray, You Are About The Worst Tourist In The Whole World.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

The whole trip to Bruges is planned to give Ray one final joyous experience before he’s shot in the head and disappears in the great beyond. Ironically, Ray hates Bruges, but Ken has a wonderful time, because unlike Ray, he actually enjoys sightseeing.

When Ray refuses to come up to a tourist attraction to see “the view of down here,” Ken tells him, “Ray, you are about the worst tourist in the whole world.”

6 Ray: “That’s For John Lennon, You Yankee F****** C***!”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

Ray has a bunch of run-ins with tourists during his time in Bruges. For starters, there’s the overweight family that he tries to discourage from going in a church with a lot of winding stairs.

At one point, he beats up a tourist that he believes to be American and tells him, “That’s for John Lennon, you Yankee f*ckin’ c*nt!”

5 Ken: “I Mean No Disrespect, But You’re A C***.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

Ralph Fiennes plays Ray and Ken’s boss Harry with perfect comic timing, but he’s still a sinister villain whose immense power makes him a formidable foe to be on the wrong side of.

Ken tells his boss, “Harry, let’s face it. And I’m not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you’re a c*nt. You’re a c*nt now, and you’ve always been a c*nt. And the only thing that’s going to change is that you’re going to be an even bigger c*nt.”

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4 Ray: “So, Harry Waters Wants Me Dead. What A W*****.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

When Ken tells Ray that Harry wants him to kill him, a defeated Ray says, “So, Harry Waters wants me dead. What a w*nker.” Ken explains that the entire trip to Bruges was planned to give Ray one last happy memory before he died.

Ray is astounded by this plan: “In Bruges!? The Bahamas, maybe. Why f***ing Bruges?” Ken replies, “I suppose it’s cheaper.”

3 Ken: “Two Manky Hookers And A Racist Dwarf. I Think I’m Heading Home.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

Despite not enjoying his stay in Bruges, Ray makes a couple of friends while he’s there. He dates a girl named Chloë and meets a dwarf actor named Jimmy who believes a race war is imminent.

When Ray introduces his new friends to Ken, he doesn’t take too kindly to them. After determining that they’re with prostitutes, Ken says, “Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf. I think I’m heading home.”

2 Ray: “I Really, Really Hoped I Wouldn’t Die.”

In Bruges Rays 5 Best Quotes (& Kens 5 Best)

In the final moments of In Bruges, Ray is taken to an ambulance and his fate is left uncertain. He explains in voiceover that, if he survives, he plans to find the mother of the kid he killed and accept whatever punishment she decides is fitting for his crime.

However, as he continues to muse, he realizes that Hell might just be an eternity stuck in Bruges. His last lines in the movie are “F*ck, man, maybe that’s what Hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in f*ckin’ Bruges. And I really, really hoped I wouldn’t die. I really, really hoped I wouldn’t die.”

1 Ken: “I Know I’m Awake, But It Feels Like I’m In A Dream.”

One of the strongest themes in In Bruges is self-reflection, as the trip to Belgium gives Ray and Ken plenty of time to reflect on their choices and the consequences of those choices.

Martin McDonagh’s script is filled with thought-provoking lines whose meanings aren’t immediately clear, like “I know I’m awake, but it feels like I’m in a dream.”

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