Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Arrowverse: 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming


The Arrowverse has delivered some great surprises in its history but a few plot twists were telegraphed and fans saw them coming from far away.

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Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The Arrowverse spans at least 7 shows, more than 31 seasons, and hundreds of episodes. Unfortunately, the longer a show stays on the air, the more predictable it can become. Newer or shorter Arrowverse shows, such as Black Lightning, Batwoman, and Superman and Lois, have been mostly able to avoid unsurprising “plot twists,” but many veteran Arrowverse shows have not.

Each show has countless twists and turns every season, but some are better-kept secrets than others. Sometimes writers can catch viewers completely off-guard; other times, it is difficult among all these shows not to have repeat storylines or “surprises” that fans could see a mile away.

10 Mon-El Was Married

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

As soon as Mon-El was reintroduced in season 3 of Supergirl, viewers could tell that things were different. He was older, more mature, and strangely withdrawn from his former love, Kara. The introduction of Saturn Girl made it pretty obvious as to why Mon-El was acting this way. His reaction to her being in danger made it clear that he deeply cared about her.

It wasn’t surprising, then, when he revealed that Imra Ardeen, Saturn Girl, was actually his wife. This storyline continued Supergirl’s unfortunate trend of unnecessarily sabotaging the main heroine’s love life; Supergirl has struggled for many seasons to realize that having a strong, independent female hero does not mean that she cannot also have a loving, healthy relationship.

9 Oliver Traded His Life for Barry and Kara’s

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

In the Elseworlds Arrowverse crossover, the Monitor told Oliver Queen that Barry and Kara would die trying to save the Earth. If he wanted to save his friends and make sure they would be able to fight in the coming Crisis, he would have to make a deal with the Monitor. Viewers were not shown the specifics of the deal, but saw the Monitor declaring, “One change [to the universe] requires another.”

It was obvious that Oliver had to agree to give up his life in exchange for theirs, but it isn’t officially revealed until Arrow’s season 7 finale. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, producers even said that they basically told the audience about this “plot twist,” and, thus, had to find an especially creative way to incorporate it into the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover.

8 The Earth-X Nazis Were Doppelgängers

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

A Kryptonian and an archer crashed Barry and Iris’ crossover wedding. They wore masks, but they were very obviously alternate, evil versions of Kara and Oliver. For some reason, the main characters were surprised to find that they were battling their evil doppelgängers. Even with voice modulation, and especially so for the Dark Arrow, it was easy to see the Earth-Xers for what they were.

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Also unsurprisingly, Oliver and Kara’s alternate reality doppelgängers were romantically involved. A better identity plot twist that took place in the Crisis on Earth-X crossover was the reveal that the villain underneath Prometheus’ mask was Tommy Merlyn.

7 Cat Grant Knew Supergirl’s Identity

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Cat Grant was an award-winning journalist with a nose for news. Being Kara’s boss, she regularly witnessed Kara’s strange behavior and had her suspicions very early on that her assistant was the caped Kryptonian. When Cat confronted Kara about her secret identity early in season 1, Kara believed she was able to convince her that she was just an ordinary human.

Fans were not persuaded so easily, however; Cat was far too intuitive and discerning to be fooled by a simple pair of glasses. For example, when Barry Allen visited Kara’s Earth in season 1, she figured out he was the Flash almost immediately. In one of her final episodes, Cat acknowledged to the audience, but seemingly not to Kara who had already left the building, that she had always known the truth about Supergirl’s identity.

6 The Stranger Was Married To An Alternate Lois

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The Stranger, later revealed to be named John Henry Irons, was introduced in the pilot episode of Superman and Lois. From his first interaction with her, John had an obvious romantic infatuation with Lois Lane, making it unsurprising when she turned out to be his wife in the alternate reality he originated from.

It feels like a pretty standard Arrowverse plot device at this point: if alternate realities or time travel are involved, there will be automatic romantic complications.

5 Iris Didn’t Die

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

A good part of season 3 was devoted to altering the future and saving Iris’s life from Savitar. Even if fans didn’t know the specifics of how she would survive, it was evident that The Flash wasn’t going to kill Barry Allen’s main love interest.

Given that Arrowverse shows rarely kill off major characters and love interests, even though fans seemingly saw Iris die, they were pretty sure she wasn’t going anywhere. The surprising part of the resolution to the arc of Iris’ death was that H.R. Wells took her place and was murdered by Savitar instead.

4 Wally West Became Kid Flash

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Comic book fans knew immediately that Wally West was destined to become Kid Flash, even though he had no metahuman abilities when he was introduced. Wally’s comic book counterpart has been around since 1959, almost as long as his mentor Barry Allen, so he has a long history as a speedster.

In the show, Wally first exhibited his powers during Flashpoint and, while he didn’t retain those powers after Barry “fixed” the timeline, it wasn’t difficult to predict that he would get them back somehow. Barry was also overdue to have a consistent sidekick based on other Arrowverse shows’ character formulas.

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3 Carter Hall Came Back

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall, Hawkgirl and Hawkman, respectively, were eternally fated to be together. They would reincarnate each lifetime and continually find each other, so death was never the end for this couple. When Carter was killed by their enemy, Vandal Savage, Kendra resigned herself to having to live her current life without him and tried to move on until they could meet in their next reincarnation.

Later in the season, the Legends were surprised to meet another version of Carter from the 22nd century that the present version of Kendra got to be with. As the couple was literally destined to be with one another, the fact that Carter came back wasn’t so much of a plot twist as an inevitability.

2 Barry Didn’t Die In Crisis

Arrowverse 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The loss of Barry Allen during the 1985-86 Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline is one of the most notable deaths in DC Comics history. The Flash’s disappearance in a “crisis” had been teased since the pilot episode of the show, but the article that warns of the danger is dated from 2024. Barry’s disappearance is a major theme in season 5 when his daughter arrives from the future to have the chance to meet him, and season 6, with the date for the Crisis being accelerated.

It seemed like the plan was for The Flash to end with Barry’s death in Crisis based on the original newspaper date. Unless a show is ending, it is rare to kill off the main and title character of the series. Fans knew The Flash, one of the CW’s most popular shows, was not concluding after the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, so it was obvious Barry wasn’t going to die. The only thing that was unclear was what kind of time travel or alternate Earth shenanigans was going to get Barry Allen out of his fate.

1 Lena Embraced Her Inner Luthor

Lena Luthor was introduced as the one “good Luthor” on Supergirl, the exception to the rule that all Luthors hate all Kryptonians. From the start, most fans expected Lena to eventually take a trip to the dark side, but they were excited about her and Kara’s friendship dynamic. Lena made it clear at the beginning how important honesty and trust were to her coming from the Luthor family.

Kara made the ill-advised decision to hide her secret identity from Lena for years, which could naturally only end badly. It was inevitable that Lena would find out who Kara really was. Her feelings of betrayal that led to the classic Super-Luthor rivalry were entirely unsurprising.

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