The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

The Big Bang Theory: Bernadette’s Shadiest Burns, Ranked


Bernadette could be pretty intimidating sometimes and dished out many scathing burns throughout The Big Bang Theory. Here are her 10 shadiest.

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The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

Bernadette may be the most underappreciated squad member in The Big Bang Theory; while almost every character had their own niche by the end of the show, Bernadette’s potential as a comic mainstay was never really explored. Bernadette has a sneaky and often stinging sense of humor and some of the most effective burns on the show were uttered by her.

The fact that she was depicted as someone non-threatening and adorable only made it funnier when Bernadette would deliberately shade someone’s behavior because her zingers took no prisoners. Here’s a ranking of some of her shadiest burns:

10 Like Sheldon’s Work, Your Sex Life Is Also Theoretical

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

This may have been one of the nastiest burns ever made on the show. After Howard gets back from space he’s kind of a big deal at the university and is assigned his own parking space, which just happens to be Sheldon’s unused parking spot. Sheldon and Howard get into a fight over the space and the tensions also seep into the lives of their respective partners, Amy and Bernadette.

Amy tells Bernadette that she thinks Sheldon should let Howard have his moment under the sun since he may never go to space again. “Gosh, Amy. I’m sensing a little hostility. Is it maybe because like Sheldon’s work, your sex life is also theoretical?” Bernadette sassily responded.

9 Whoa, Drinky Smurf

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

In Season 6’s Halloween Howard and Bernadette decide to dress up as Smurfs but Howard is upset because he learned that his friends smirk at him behind his back for talking about space too much. In his defense, going to space is a pretty big deal and Howard is entitled to be excited about him and naturally expects his friends to join in as well.

But his spirits are down at the Halloween party organized by Raj at the comic book store and he resorts to drinking heavily. To which Bernadette scolds him by calling him ‘Drinky Smurf.’

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8 I Just Want My Baby To Have Pretty Things

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

Okay technically Bernadette may not have meant it as a diss at all, and she just wanted to pamper Howard especially since she got a big promotion at work. But Howard is, of course, a traditionalist when it comes to gender roles, and the fact that Bernadette is clearly so much more successful and better paid than him makes him feel bad, especially since she has a doctorate and he doesn’t.

So when she gives him an expensive gold watch and Howard asks her how much it costs, Bernadette tells him that he shouldn’t worry about the money and it makes Howard feel really humiliated.

7 Hope You Enjoyed The Prenatal Cigarettes, Mom

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

During a game of twister with Amy and Penny, Bernadette finds it difficult to play because she can’t seem to reach one circle from the other as she’s shorter than her other two co-players. This was when Bernadette shades her mom for her own stunted growth as she blames her mother for smoking before her birth.

She also tells the girls that she’s too short for the game and also for some other random things which most people can enjoy because they’re taller. “I’m too small for Twister. And roller coasters. And sitting with my feet on the floor. Hope you enjoyed the prenatal cigarettes, Mom,” she said

6 Look At Howard. He Was A Disaster When I Met Him. Now He’s A Foxy Astronaut With A Hot Wife

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

It’s funny how Bernadette takes credit for the success of others and actually believes that she’s the one uplifting them.

She tells Raj that she can’t believe Penny does not want to join her pharma company and when Raj points out that it’s Penny’s decision, Bernadette tells him that she is the one who makes people do stuff so they can get better, even sometimes against their will. “It’s no fun if they want to. That’s just called watching. Look at Howard. He was a disaster when I met him. Now he’s a foxy astronaut with a hot wife,” she tells Raj.

5 Heterosexual, My Ass

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

This was a problematic diss because men can love their dogs a bit too much without having their sexuality mocked. Raj clearly loves his dog Cinnamon and Howard and Bernadette actually bought the dog for him as he was going through a personal crisis and grappling with a breakup of sorts.

So the dog was also sort of an emotional companion for Raj and he got way too excited about his new pet and immediately got up to check if Cinnamon would fit into his man-purse. At which point Bernadette smirked at how he couldn’t possibly be heterosexual, which was quite dated of her.

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4 Just Five?

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

Bernadette can be quite stealthy when it comes to dissing someone. When Amy gets her first bikini wax, the girls are somewhat repulsed at how hairy Amy was and how much hair had to be waxed off of her private parts.

They even observed that the staff had to go and get more wax just for Amy, which was quite rude. Amy comments that she felt five pounds lighter after her wax, to which Amy commented, “just five?” This may seem like a well-timed burn but was actually quite cruel of the girls to mock Amy’s personal choices about her body.

3 I Volunteered For The Premature Ejaculation Project. I Mean, It’s Not Like Either One Of Us Has Heart Disease

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

When Bernadette gets headhunted by a big pharmaceutical company, Howard is happy for her and asks her about the kind of research she would be participating in for the firm.

Bernadette replies that she volunteered her name for the premature ejaculation project, which stings Howard because it’s obvious that Bernadette chose the subject based on her personal experiences with Howard. This may not have been meant as a burn because Bernadette obviously wasn’t looking to make Howard feel bad, nevertheless, it came out as a sneaky diss.

2 I Just Meant That You’re Not Married And Your Boyfriend Is Kind Of… Sheldon…

The Big Bang Theory Bernadettes Shadiest Burns Ranked

Bernadette and Penny have often taken mean digs at Amy and Sheldon’s relationship which is uncalled for. Clearly, they were both serious about each other, and just because they haven’t had sex or follow the same rules as other couples doesn’t dismiss their validity as partners.

When Penny, Bernadette, and Amy go to a medical conference, Amy and Bernadette go to the bar to get drunk. That’s when Bernadette asks Amy to consider pursuing other men. When Amy says she has a boyfriend, shades her relationship saying, “I just meant that you’re not married and your boyfriend is kind of… Sheldon.”

1 I Know The Little Cups Make You Feel Big But It’s Not Worth It

Bernadette’s nastiest burns are perhaps spontaneous and they usually drop when she’s not planning to shade someone, which makes them funnier. Bernadette has often poked fun at Howard’s physique behind his back, and at one point even called him a human chicken wing.

One night Howard is struggling with what to do with his father’s letter and can’t go to sleep, Bernadette checks up on him as he sits in their kitchen. “I told you you shouldn’t have espresso after dinner. I know the little cups make you feel big but it’s not worth it,” she tells him.

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