The Batman Is Positioning Pattinson As The Opposite Of Batfleck

The Batman Is Positioning Pattinson As The Opposite Of Batfleck

Pattinson’s anger as Batman is focal point of the film and will distinguish him from Affleck’s Dark Knight at the opposite end of his Batman career.

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The Batman Is Positioning Pattinson As The Opposite Of Batfleck

Pattinson’s anger as Batman in The Batman will be the opposite of Affleck’s brutal behavior as the Dark Knight. Warner Bros. recently released the official synopsis for The Batman and it details Pattinson’s journey as a “disillusioned” and “desperate vigilante” who realizes his violent actions make him no better than the serial killer he’s chasing. This anger is repeatedly demonstrated by Pattinson’s Batman in the trailers as they showcase the young vigilante violently assaulting several thugs and delivering the iconic line, “I’m vengeance.” It’s clear Pattinson’s Batman is looking to make his mark on Gotham City’s underworld.

Batman’s anger represents a classic element of his character and over the years has provoked some controversy in terms of how this anger manifests. When Affleck’s Batman debuted in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice audiences were introduced to a Batman unafraid to allow criminals to die if they stood in his way. Many considered this ruthless nature and complete disregard for human life off-character and wished to see a more familiar Batman. This brutality was blamed on Zack Snyder’s dark vision for Batman, but it seems Matt Reeves’ take on Batman will also showcase a violent caped crusader.

However, while both Affleck and Pattinson’s Batman are violent, the source of Batman’s anger is vastly different. These two versions of Batman are in opposite stages of their superhero career and therefore are experiencing vastly different emotions. Whereas Affleck had been operating in Gotham for 20 years and dealing with the worst of the worst, Pattinson has only just begun his journey as the Dark Knight. Consequently, Affleck’s anger as Batman is rooted in cynicism while Pattinson’s propelled by a desperation to see a change in Gotham City.

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Ben Affleck’s Batman felt anger following decades of fighting crime in a city that never changed. It came from a place of cynicism and from being tired from his prolonged war on crime. This long and storied history was alluded to throughout the film. Therefore, instead of taking care to ensure the criminals stay alive, Affleck’s Batman was at peace with any collateral deaths that may result in his actions. As far as he was concerned, the criminals had made their choice. This tired anger is decidedly different from the rage fueling Robert Pattinson’s Batman.

The anger behind Pattinson’s Batman is based on inexperience and a desperation to make a difference. The Batman will feature the Dark Knight in his early years fighting crime and will likely see a Batman struggling with whether or not he is winning his crusade against crime. Seeing little improvement in Gotham is likely why Pattinson’s young Year 2 Batman has found himself becoming more and more violent. He has resorted to this raw brutality in order to save the city, not yet realizing that this mission he’s chosen will take a lifetime.

This disillusioned rage makes Pattinson’s Batman the opposite of Affleck’s interpretation of the character and will likely be evident in the film. Moreover, the very way in which violence is approached in The Batman will likely be dramatically different than how it was used in Batman v Superman. Where Snyder’s film paid little attention to Batman’s use of force, The Batman is set to make Batman’s struggle with violence a focal point of the film. Audiences will be able to witness Pattinson’s Dark Knight transition from a vengeful vigilante to Gotham’s savior.

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