Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Stranger Things: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)


Millie Bobby Brown’s Eleven is one of the best characters in Stranger Things. Here are the times we felt bad for her – and the ones we hated her.

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Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Stranger Things’ main female protagonist Eleven is loved by anyone who watches the hit Netflix show. She is a fiercely independent, badass kid with insane telekinetic powers that can close rifts into other dimensions. However, she doesn’t do all this easily, on the way she discovers heartbreak, betrayal, and makes some rather bad decisions. Newly famous for her debut role, Millie Bobby Brown’s Eleven is a fantastic character that has filled the hearts of every viewer, but not always for the best reasons. On her journey of self-discovery and finding her place in the ‘real world’, she naturally makes mistakes.

Although practically nothing in this show can be labeled as natural. Stranger Things is filled with heartbreak, joy, and shocking twists, all with the gang of kids as the catalysts. Now that season 4 is ever approaching, its time to look back into one of the most beloved characters to see her most heartbreaking moments, where you just feel so sorry for her, as well as those moments where she just made the wrong decision. Spoilers are present here.

10 Felt Bad For Her: Her Treatment As A Kid

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

It goes without saying that Eleven didn’t have the best of childhoods. She wasn’t even taught her name until she discovered it by delving into her mother’s memories. Nevertheless, throughout the shows 3 seasons the viewers are given glimpses into the horrific tests and trauma this young and damaged girl was put through.

For the best part of a decade, she was essentially a test rat for her ‘Papa. She was forced to put her faith in this parental figure who was just there to squeeze every inch of power out of this poor girl for his gain, not caring too much about the safety of Eleven. Needless to say, her childhood leaves anyone pitying her as well as helping her get revenge on those who have wronged her.

9 Hated Her: Her Actions Towards Hopper

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Teenagers rebel, it’s what they do as they are fighting against their parents to find their identity on their own. Through El’s journey of self-discovery, she rebels against her new parental figure, Hopper. Throughout the shows 3 seasons, it becomes impossible to not love Jim Hopper. He took in El when she needed it most, protecting her for months without telling anyone.

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She seems to return the favor by slamming doors in his face, running away, and ignoring his rules. Understandably, she goes a little stir crazy not being allowed out, but every time she shouts at him, locks herself away, or screams at him for the smallest of reasons, you can’t help but get annoyed at her lack of respect for the man who saved her life.

8 Felt Bad For Her: The ‘Death’ Of Hopper

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Since the latest trailer, it is now known that Hopper is in fact alive. However, this does nothing to dull the heartbreak both the audience and the characters feel when they find out about his demise. The scene where Joyce walks out towards the group alone, and when Eleven breaks down in her arms, must be one of the most memorable of the many fantastic episodes.

What makes this so sad is that she is alone again, she relied on Hopper for so long and now she is back to how she used to be, but this time, without her powers.

7 Hated Her: When She Went Punk

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Linking to Eleven’s actions towards Hopper, this one has to be the worst. After Hopper doesn’t turn up for a few hours, instead of seeing if he’s alright, she runs away. She goes to find her mother which reveals her secret ‘sibling’. The reason that most end up hating her is not because of her new look, but her instant personality change.

She is taught to channel the anger inside her to cause havoc, her sister manipulates her into changing the character everyone knows and loves. She changes so much that she knowingly robs a convenience store, even going so far as to throw the owner at a wall. Most unlike the Eleven seen just an episode before. Thankfully she goes back to her lovely self.

6 Felt Bad For Her: Hoppers Letter

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

If this scene didn’t leave you in tears then nothing will. It has to be one, if not the saddest scene of the show, especially since you’re still raw about Hopper’s death in the first place. Hearing his letter to El is the icing on the cake.

It marks the end of an era for the show as well as the group as El, Will, Joyce, and Johnathan leave Hawkins for good. Ultimately, Hopper’s letter perfectly finishes off season 3 but still leaves both the characters and the viewers a sense of loss without one of the most poignant characters to look after them.

5 Hated Her: Breaking Up With Mike

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Mike was a lovable character from the start, he is loyal to his friends, trusting of most, and is kind to El when she has no one to help her. Other than that, he loves El as much as he knows how being a kid who’s never been interested in girls before.

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So when Max comes into the story and convinces El to break up with Mike it is a scene that shocks everyone! Although it is wonderful to see El be a kid again the notion that she and Mike aren’t together after it being hinted at for 2 whole seasons is a shadow over her character.

4 Felt Bad For Her: Leaving Hawkins

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Eleven has lost the best father figure she’s had, she’s alone, now she’s leaving the place where her only good memories were made. She ultimately loses her father, her boyfriend, her best friend, and her powers all at the same time.

It is the end of normality for her. Although her situation is helped by Joyce taking her in, she never was particularly close to Will so she is still saying goodbye to everything she ever knew or loved. It is a heartbreaking scene that leaves everyone desperate for season 4.

3 Hated Her: Leading The Gang Astray

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

In season 1, the gang is desperately trying to search for Mike. When they find where he could be they seem to have the help of El to lead the way. However, she leads them down the wrong path, lying to them and letting them get evermore excited that they may finally find their friend.

At this point, El is relatively new to the story so you have barely any idea why she does this so it just seems like a desperate attempt to stop them. At the end of the day, her actions cause a fight and the whole group to distrust her for a long time.

2 Felt Bad For Her: Losing Her Powers

Stranger Things 5 Times We Felt Bad For Eleven (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Eleven losing her powers makes her feel like her entire identity is threatened. All she knows is her telekinesis and seems to rely on it a considerable amount. So when she loses them after splitting her bond with the Mind Flayer, you can’t help but feel bad for her.

One redeeming quality is that when it is revealed that 3 months later she still doesn’t have her power, she doesn’t seem to really miss it, rather being happy that she can be normal again. However, anyone watching can’t help but feel like El has lost a huge part of herself.

1 Hated Her: Lashing Out At Lucas

Similar to her leading the gang astray, she causes an argument between Mike and Lucas which escalates to a small fight between the two best friends. In Eleven’s panic, she lashes out and lets her anger get the best of her by using her telekinesis to throw Lucas back against a bus, knocking him out.

It is the first inkling of her true power and how little she can control it when she gets angry. Ultimately, she lashes out and hurts Lucas, causing a huge rift in the group that lasts quite a long time, a reckless move.

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