Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


There are so many Christmas holiday specials out there, it can be nearly impossible to decide which ones to watch. Why not let the zodiac decide?

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Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The world of Christmas specials is vast. From classic Disney animated festivities to the dominant powerhouse of Rankin Bass’ output to specials based around iconic characters, there are myriad specials to check out on any given day from November 1 to January 6. There are so many, in fact, that it can be a bit of an impossible channel to navigate.

Fortunately, the signs of the zodiac are here to help! When it seems like there are just too many holiday specials to choose from, the stars contain the answers. The personality traits reflected in one’s zodiac sign can also be found in certain classic Christmas specials that must be recommended.

12 Aries: Mickey’s Christmas Carol

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Mickey’s Christmas Carol remains one of the preeminent examples of the Christmas special genre because it tells a classic tale in a quick 20 minutes, getting the point across better than most feature-length adaptations manage to do.

If one is born under the sign of Aries, they will also be known for their haste, but also for their competitive spirit. This makes Mickey’s Christmas Carol even more perfect because the film so clearly competes at a higher level than other animated versions of the story.

11 Taurus: Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The old Rankin Bass Christmas specials are somewhat disturbing to some. Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town, in particular, contains innumerable odd moments, including one in which a warlock learns how to walk.

But Tauruses will love this special, in spite of these occasional strange elements, because it is the definitive tale of one of the most definitive Christmas songs. This dependable, stalwart nature of the special makes it an undeniable Taurus pairing.

10 Gemini: The Year Without A Santa Claus

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The dual nature of a Gemini’s personality will love any Christmas special that expresses a different side of a well-known holiday figure. That’s why this special, The Year Without a Santa Claus, is perfect for them. It shows off a completely different angle to the character of Santa Claus.

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Not to mention, it also contains the Heat Miser and the Snow Miser, who embody the kind of holly jolly dichotomy that Geminis appreciative in their festive storytelling.

9 Cancer: A Charlie Brown Christmas

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

There’s no such thing as a Christmas special that is “objectively” the best. However, A Charlie Brown Christmas might just come the closest. It expresses all of the key elements of what Christmas is all about and it does so in just a half-hour. It’s a remarkable pillar of Charles Schulz’s craft.

The reason why Cancers will love this special the most is because it embraces some of their most prominent traits. Cancers have immense compassion and sentiment within them and this special does, too. By the end of it, the Peanuts are looking out for one another, and that’s what Christmas (and Cancers) is all about.

8 Leo: Frosty The Snowman

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

From the first frames of the Frosty the Snowman special, it knows exactly what it wants to be, just like the character of Frosty. This nature of being self-assured positions the special as a perfect selection for Leos.

Leos love characters that are outgoing and Frosty the Snowman is in constant motion from the get-go. Not to mention, the nadir of the special lays the drama on thick and Leos will eat it up.

7 Virgo: ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Another 2D-animated Rankin Bass special is the venerable ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, which stars Joel Grey and injects an abundant amount of creativity into a pretty standard poem about Santa Claus and his midnight ride.

One of these creative elements is the inclusion of Albert, the brainy mouse son of the family that lives in the walls of the Trundles. He is a practical character who looks at things from a logical point of view, which is just like the Virgos of the world. It’s good to have an audience avatar.

6 Libra: Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Returning to specials that are anchored by Mickey Mouse, Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas might be the best straight-to-DVD Disney movie/special ever made. It achieves this by giving equal time to its three vignette stars.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie earn as much screentime as Goofy and Max and Minnie and Mickey do. It’s fair-minded, just like the Libras of the world, who are represented by the image of a balanced scale.

5 Scorpio: Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas teeters on the edge of being too long to be a special, but it’s still too short to be a movie. Regardless, it’s a quick, rewarding watch, especially for the Scorpios of the world.

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After all, Scorpios will appreciate seeing characters who are resourceful because that’s one of the primary traits embodied by the October to November beings. Alice and Emmet Otter both use the tools at their disposal to enter the talent contest. What’s more resourceful than that?

4 Sagittarius: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

While many of these specials are from the previous century, there’s no denying that Olaf’s Frozen Adventure is a new Christmas classic. It works much better on Disney+ or in a Christmas special rotation on television than it did airing before Coco.

Olaf’s Frozen Adventure possesses songs on par with those tunes from the Frozen films, but it is also a warmly funny special. Witty and clever and known for their humor, Sagittarians will love the funnier holiday specials.

3 Capricorn: How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It doesn’t come from Rankin Bass, Disney or from the Peanuts. Instead, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! exists on a Christmas special plane all its own.

It makes for a perfect watch by Capricorns because it is a special largely carried by The Grinch himself. He has one goal in mind and he is determined to do whatever it takes to achieve it. He’s also one of the more serious holiday figureheads and this is broadly appealing to all Capricorns, who value independence.

2 Aquarius: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Which Classic Christmas Special Should You Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Speaking of independence, that’s the trait that Rudolph and Hermey bond over when they’re exiled from the North Pole for being different. But it’s these qualities, like Rudolph’s red nose and Hermey’s affinity for dental work, that make the special ideal for the Aquarians of the world.

Of course, the Aquarius sign is known for its originality and uncompromising nature. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer teaches its audience to never give in to conformity and that’s a lesson Aquarians will embrace wholeheartedly.

1 Pisces: Yes, Virginia

Lastly, Yes, Virginia is an under-watched and underrated Christmas special, but it definitely deserves to rest in the Hall of Fame of classic installments set around the holidays.

It tells the story of a newspaper that told one of its young readers just how real Santa Claus is. There’s wisdom in a story like that and Piscean members will appreciate how sweet and wholesome it is, as it reflects their wholesome, thoughtful and caring personality. It’s artistry at its finest.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/which-classic-christmas-special-should-i-watch-zodiac-sign/

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