One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

One Piece: 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)


Armament Haki has been explored thoroughly by Eiichiro Oda in One Piece’s manga/anime. What are its uses and their best respective practitioners?

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One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Armament Haki is one of the three Haki types and unquestionably the most used one in the One Piece world. It allows the user to manifest their spirit and use it offensively to hurt their enemies, or defensively to protect themselves from incoming damage.

Like Observation Haki, this type of Haki can be awakened by anyone and trained accordingly. Armament Haki is also the most diverse type of Haki in the series so far and it has multiple uses. What are some applications of this Haki type? And which users make the best use of these applications?

10 Application: Ryou

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Ryou is what most people of Wano Country call Armament Haki. Although it’s just another name for it, it is also slightly different in application. Unlike normal Armament Haki, Ryou allows the user to make their Haki flow from one point and not waste it unnecessarily.

This type of Haki can be used over short distances and has been seen throughout the series being used by characters like Sentomaru and even the Boa sisters.

9 Best User: Oden

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Kozuki Oden was an extremely skilled user of Ryou. He was able to wield both Enma and Ame no Habakiri at a very young age and channel his Ryou through them.

By his prime days, Oden’s Ryou had grown strong enough to cut even Kaido and give him a major wound which he still carries to this day. Undoubtedly, Oden’s usage of Ryou was highly refined.

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8 Application: Advanced Ryou

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Advanced Ryou is a technique that comes one step after mastering Ryou. This technique allows the user to channel their Haki into the body of the target and destroy them from the inside out.

Although this technique has likely had many users, only Luffy and Rayleigh have properly displayed this application of Haki in the series so far. In Wano, Luffy has perfected its usage and is among its best users now.

7 Best User: Luffy/Rayleigh

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Having been displayed by just Luffy and Rayleigh so far, this Haki only has them as the best users. Rayleigh has significantly more experience with it than Luffy, so he’s certainly a better user and his Haki is refined, as seen when he took of Camie’s collar quite easily.

Luffy, although new to Advanced Ryou, is still quite an impressive user and even managed to destroy his own and Yamato’s collar, while also removing the latter’s cuffs using this application of Haki.

6 Application: Permanent Blackening

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Although still quite mysterious, Armament Haki has a property that allows the user to permanently blacken their weapons once they infuse them with Haki over a long course of time through battles.

This is said to strengthen the blade and even improve its grade in the process. According to Hitetsu, Enma could eventually blacken under Zoro’s usage and increase in rank as well.

5 Best User: Shimotsuki Ryuma

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Unquestionably, the best practitioner of this application of Haki has to be the Sword God of Wano Country, Ryuma. He was the wielder of the famous Meito Shusui, which is currently one of the 21 Great Grade Swords.

Gyukimaru confirmed that Ryuma was the person to turn Shusui into a Kokuto. Although Mihawk also wields Kokuto Yoru, it is unknown if he was the one to blacken it or not.

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4 Application: Devil Fruit Combination

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Haki and Devil Fruit powers can be combined to make the user several times stronger than they already are. Although rare, a few people have been seen doing it, such as Charlotte Katakuri and Monkey D. Luffy.

When used, it coats the user in Haki but instead of hardening, it also lets the Devil Fruit powers take their effect. A prime example is Luffy being covered in Armament Haki yet still being bouncy in Gear 4.

3 Best User: Monkey D. Luffy

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Monkey D. Luffy is the best-known user of this Haki type in the story so far. When using Gear 4, Luffy can be seen using this type of Haki and combining it with his Devil Fruit powers, giving rise to the ‘tribal flames’ Haki.

Even someone as strong as Doflamingo was surprised when he witnessed Luffy use this power and was helpless before its might.

2 Application: Advanced Emission

One Piece 5 Applications Of Armament Haki (& Their Best Users)

Those who have trained their Armament Haki to the very peak can use a type that fans call Advanced Emission of Haki. It allows the user to coat their blades in Haki in such a way that a huge streak of lightning follows the weapon afterward.

Although an exact explanation of how it happens hasn’t been provided yet, it is the highest order of Haki that fans have seen in the story so far. It shocked even Oden, one of the best users of Armament Haki in the story.

1 Best User: Whitebeard/Roger

Armament Haki’s advanced emission has only been seen used by Whitebeard and Roger when the two clashed in the New World decades ago. Whitebeard was seen coating Murakumogiri in it, while Roger did the same to his sword.

The clash was so immense that their weapons didn’t even make contact and the atmosphere around them started to crack. Even Oden was surprised at this level of Armament Haki usage.

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