Star Wars Why Palpatine Let the Rebels Steal the REAL Death Star II Plans

Star Wars: Why Palpatine Let the Rebels Steal the REAL Death Star II Plans

Return of the Jedi may not have wrapped up the Original Trilogy as neatly as we thought. One nagging question still needs to be answered.

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Star Wars Why Palpatine Let the Rebels Steal the REAL Death Star II Plans

When it comes to Star Wars it seems like there’s always a new layer to peel back and a new question to ask. Many of those questions eventually are answered when they serve as plot points in later franchise installments. Recently, Rogue One and Solo answered many questions lingering from the original trilogy. However, one of the biggest questions about the original trilogy’s ending still remains: Why did Palpatine leak the real Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance?

Star Wars’ long tradition of cycling back to earlier stories started as early as Return of the Jedi, with the setup for the final battle involving the Rebel Alliance resting upon an epic fight with the Empire in which intelligence about the design of the Empire’s weapon, the Death Star, allowed the Rebels to strike a crushing victory. The story of just how the Rebels got such valuable information was detailed fully in Rogue One.

Star Wars Why Palpatine Let the Rebels Steal the REAL Death Star II Plans

The explanation for how the Rebels got their hands on the Empire’s plans for the second Death Star was much simpler and provided in Return of the Jedi itself: The Emperor himself leaked them. During the film’s climax, it’s easy to get swept up in the action and not question the decision itself. Everything about it creates a perfect explosion of tension, as Admiral Ackbar declares, “It’s a trap!” and it turns out the Emperor was luring in the Rebels, who didn’t realize the Death Star was already fully operational.

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Palpatine’s plan was not bad in theory, but when looking for the fault in it, the proof is in the pudding. He lost, his second Death Star destroyed all the same as his first, because he leaked the genuine intel to the Rebels about the super-weapon’s weak points. It was only because of Palpatine that the Rebels knew to send a ground team to disrupt the Endor-based force field generator protecting the Death Star, and it was because of him the starfighter pilots knew how to destroy it.

Frankly, with what audiences now know about the original Death Star’s design and the critical weak point Luke Skywalker exploited to destroy it in A New Hope, it’s a wonder the same flaw even remained in the new design. Surely such an Achilles’ heel would be buffed out, but quite the contrary, the Emperor handed his enemies all of the information they needed on a silver platter.

Why not use a decoy? There does not seem to be any convincing reason why Palpatine could not leak fraudulent information to the Rebels on the off-chance his trap did not pan out as hoped. There is a possibility he needed the information to seem as genuine as possible in order to lure in the Rebels, but they never showed any skepticism about its authenticity. They learn that Bothan spies died while obtaining the information, and they proceed without any suspicion until Ackbar spouts his iconic line.

With the most-recent installment, The Rise of Skywalker, showing just how far Palpatine’s planning process goes, it only becomes more insane that his trap’s failure was not a contingency he planned on. Instead, Palpatine apparently focused his energy on setting up a secretive cloning facility to survive his death, a cult that would worship him and help assemble still greater super weapons for him and a successive line of apprentices that could potentially grant him a new body. And all that hullabaloo could have been avoided if he just thought to use fake intel.

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Critics of The Rise of Skywalker’s plot holes and Palpatine’s actions in that movie would be advised to turn to the Original Trilogy to examine if the Emperor’s behavior was truly so inconsistent. If anything, it seems like overly contrived plans with apparent oversights is more his modus operandi than some new development that betrays the franchise’s quality. Of course, when it comes to Star Wars very little ever dies, and an explanation for what currently seems to be a plot hole could itself become a plot for a whole other movie.

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