10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas


Christmas is a time to get the family together and watch some great movies, but some actually take the spirit out of the holidays.

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10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

Christmas is a time when the family can get together, enjoy the holiday cheer, and watch some classic movies to get into the spirit of the season. Not all Christmas-themed films live up to their reputation, and some can actually ruin the Christmas experience. This is largely subjective, but there are certain films out there that audiences should think twice about watching, at least until the new year rolls around.

Those who wish to watch these films during the holidays may do so at their own peril. Some are too violent for the family, while others fell flat on their face in an attempt to spread the holiday cheer. They might be great choices for the off-season, but they should come with a warning label for Christmas.

10 Gremlins (1984)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available for rent on Apple TV

Gremlins remains one of the best fantasy films of the 1980s, and while it might appear to have all the makings of a perfect Christmas film, repeated viewings prove that’s not quite the case. Sure, it does take place over the holidays, but the story unfolds into one of the most nihilistic Christmases ever committed to celluloid.

When Billy Peltzer’s pet Mogwai reproduces, its ghastly and violent offspring turn the town literally upside down. The comedy is there, but it’s notoriously dark, and the film’s overabundance of shocking gore (which would later lead to the creation of the PG-13 rating) isn’t exactly the best for the little kids and their grandparents.

9 ATM (2012)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

For those who are fond of office Christmas parties, they may do well to stay away from this 2012 scary holiday thriller film. The story focuses on three office workers who decide to stop off at an ATM station for cash after hours. Once inside, they are stalked by a hooded figure who continues to intimidate them.

Those who come to investigate what’s going on are each murdered by the hooded figure, who then ratchets up the tension by playing on their fears. It’s not the most intelligently-written horror film ever made, but its premise is interesting enough to watch… after the holidays are over.

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8 Jack Frost (1998)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available to stream on Tubi

While marketed largely as a family-friendly children’s film, Jack Frost doesn’t quite live up to its appearance. The film stars Michael Keaton as an irresponsible father who dies in a car accident, only to have his spirit transferred to a snowman one year later, to make things right with his son.

It may look like a warm and funny film done in the classic spirit, but Jack Frost is too much of a tear-jerker to really work. It’s an especially tough film for those who have lost loved ones around the holidays, though some may actually find the sweet ending cathartic.

7 Scrooged (1988)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available for rent on Apple TV

The combination of Bill Murray and the classic tale of Scrooge might seem like a winning combo, but this is not exactly a film that gets people into the Christmas spirit. Some consider it a holiday classic, while others view it more like a traumatic roller coaster.

Richard Donner utilizes odd camera angles, twisted sets, and a barrage of editing tricks to create an off-kilter dark comedy that sometimes goes into some uncomfortable territory. The funeral scene alone is capable of making many viewers squirm in their seats.

6 Jingle All The Way (1996)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available to stream on Disney+

Putting Arnold Schwarzenegger in a comedy film about a guy trying to get his hands on the perfect Christmas gift for his kid was a stroke of genius, but there’s a time and a place to watch it. Clearly, it should be avoided right before the holidays, particularly because of its subject matter.

The film encapsulates all the worst aspects of the Christmas season, including the penchant for grown adults to behave like rabid dogs when it comes to shopping for gifts. Jingle All The Way is a confusing comedy film that lampoons the corporate side of Christmas, at the expense of what makes the holiday what it’s meant to be.

5 Reindeer Games (2000)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available to stream on Amazon Prime Video

Critically panned, Reindeer Games has become something of an underground classic in recent years. It’s as funny as it is action-packed, but it’s also a filthy film with little in the way of Christmas spirit, other than an unhealthy obsession with Santa Claus.

Affleck plays Rudy Duncan, an ex-con believed to hold the key to a safe containing a major payday. He’s forced into doing the bidding of Gabriel, a notorious and violent criminal who plans to hit a casino during the holidays. The film works better when viewed during the off-holiday months.

4 Home Sweet Home Alone (2021)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available to stream on Disney+

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Some movie franchises should be left alone, but Hollywood will try to capitalize on their back catalog at every opportunity. The result is films like Home Sweet Home Alone, an attempt to revive the timeless 1990s classic series starring Macauley Culkin.

Fans loathed it, and critics have savaged the film with 16% on RottenTomatoes. It’s an unfortunate byproduct of an attempt to revive a beloved franchise. There’s little in the way of Christmas spirit or the family-oriented storytelling of the original two films, which caused it to sink.

3 Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (1964)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

• Available to stream on Amazon Prime Video

Santa Claus Conquers The Martians is the kind of ’60s film that made Doctor Who’s production values look like something out of a Cecil B. DeMille epic. The story revolves around Martians out to kidnap Santa Claus so he can deliver presents to their children.

The film looks like it was shot in a house, with each room dressed up to act as a different set. The costumes are laughably bad, the script is a mess, and the action sequences simply do not hold up. The film would turn anyone off of Christmas, and science fiction as a whole.

2 The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)

10 Movies That Should Never Be Watched Before Christmas

In case George Lucas hasn’t yet tracked down and destroyed every copy of this controversial TV special yet, there’s still reason to fear it. The Star Wars Holiday Special was an obvious attempt to cash in on the galaxy-shattering success of 1977’s original Star Wars film, but it ended up becoming one of pop culture’s great horrors.

The premise of the Star Wars Holiday Special is hilariously weird, the production values low, and the stars of the film look like they want to crawl into a hole. Star Wars fans have been trying to get their hands on it for years, just to see what all the fuss is about. Unfortunately, once seen, it cannot be un-seen.

1 Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas (2014)

• Available to stream on Hoopla

Both the religious and the non-practicing should steer well away from this 2014 critical flop featuring Kirk Cameron attempting to educate audiences about Christmas, as well as entertain. It’s an extremely odd combination of elements, juxtaposed with ill-timed jokes that simply fall flat against the narrative.

The film has garnered a nasty 1.4/10 on IMDb, making it one of the worst movies ever made. In its attempt to put the holiday cheer back into the meaning of Christmas, the film ends up doing far more damage to it, and turning audiences off with cringeworthy performances.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/movies-should-never-be-watched-before-christmas

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