10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated, According To Reddit


Between MCU villains and former presidents, Reddit is once again a well for hot takes when it comes to performances that are overrated.

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10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Whether it’s based on the copious amounts of awards they were nominated for or because they are beloved by fans, there are hundreds of performances that are iconic. There are also many instances in which a specific performance elevates a good movie to a great movie. But even acting performances, no matter how acclaimed, are still just as subjective as the movies they’re showcased in.

Between MCU villains and former presidents, Reddit is once again a well for hot takes when it comes to overrated performances. And, interestingly enough, most of the performances that Reddit believes to be overrated are depictions of real-life people in biopics.

Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Daniel Day-Lewis has come out of retirement twice, the first time was for Gangs of New York, and the second time was for Phantom Thread. In between those two movies was his riveting performance as the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

The role earned the actor his third Academy Award, but TMB2006 doesn’t think it was deserved. The Redditor argues that the portrayal of the real-life president was “unintentionally comedic at times.” Though they admit that Day-Lewis is a great actor and has a ton of classics under his belt, they believe his performance in Lincoln was too “Oscar-baity.”

Bradley Cooper – American Hustle

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Though American Hustle features one of Jennifer Lawrence’s best roles, not everybody thinks the same can be said for Bradley Cooper’s performance as Richie DiMaso. SirTurkTurkelton argues that Cooper’s portrayal of the FBI agent was nothing more than “a whole lot of yelling” for the entire movie.

However, the movie features one of the largest ensemble casts that director David O. Russell has ever worked with, so there isn’t all the much yelling in reality, as these parts vary in range and intensity. And for the most part, Cooper was praised for further stepping foot outside of his comfort zone of comedy.

Sandra Bullock – The Blind Side

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

In 2010, Sandra Bullock won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Leigh Anne Tuohy, the woman who adopted Michael Oher, the famous NFL football player. SwollenLeftThumb didn’t like the performance one bit, and they criticize the portrayal as “putting on a wig with a slight country accent.”

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Unlike the others, the post doesn’t seem like all that much of an unpopular opinion, as the comment has over 15,000 likes. Funnily enough, Bullock won the Award for Worst Actress at The Razzies for All About Steve in the same year she won the Academy Award, and she’s such a good sport that she even collected the award in person.

Andy Garcia – The Godfather Part III

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

The Godfather Part III is generally considered a disappointing finale to the Godfather trilogy. But Andy Garcia’s portrayal of the new character, Vincent, who is the long-lost bastard child of Sonny, was a highlight for many. However, Blazar_IV thinks the opposite, arguing that the character was obnoxious, the worst thing about the movie, and “a terrible caricature of Sonny.”

But in reality, Garcia isn’t only one of the reasons why Part III isn’t as bad as fans think, but he’s the best thing about the entire epilogue. Garcia is so great that, according to Insider, there was an idea for a fourth Godfather movie starring his character. The film would have had a similar format to Part II, where it’d depict Sonny in his early years alongside Vincent running the Corleone family in the present day.

Rami Malek – Bohemian Rhapsody

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Being yet another Oscar-winning role, Rami Malek portrayed the frontman of the rock band Queen, Freddie Mercury, in Bohemian Rhapsody. Not only did the actor win the Academy Award, but it was a phenomenon at the box office too, as it made over $900 million worldwide.

But LittleYellowFish1 doesn’t get the hype. In a very strange comparison, the Redditor goes on to say that Malek’s portrayal “feels more like he’s playing Edna Mode than Freddy Mercury.” That complaint stems from the fact that the flamboyant depiction of the real-life performer isn’t entirely accurate, as Mercury’s real personality was much more reserved.

Leonardo DiCaprio – The Revenant

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Leonardo DiCaprio had been nominated for an Academy Award four times before he finally won for his role in The Revenant. It was a huge moment on the night, and he got a standing ovation because no other actor deserved it more than him, but that might have been based on his career at large rather than the performance in question.

Legs1111 thinks exactly that, as they argue that the movie is just “dirty Leo grunting for two and a half hours.” It’s funny because, while people don’t think he should have won the Oscar for his depiction of Hugh Glass, people argue that he should have won for so many of his other performances. It’s easy to see where the user is coming from, as though DiCaprio really did climb inside a horse, and though he really did eat a horse’s liver, that isn’t exactly acting.

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Will Smith – Ali

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Being based on the real-life boxer, Ali saw Will Smith in one of his most powerful roles to date. He put everything he had into the portrayal, both the physicality of being a boxer and the emotions that came with the drama of Ali’s personal life. However, Mr_Show thinks that that actor did the boxer a disservice with his depiction.

They posit that Smith was “doing a half-assed impression of the man instead of playing him as a compelling character.” Though Smith did give it his all for the role and he was nominated for an Academy Award, it’s easy to see where the Redditor is coming from. It’s fine when Smith plays fictional characters, but because he is so world-famous, it’s hard to see past the movie star when it comes to portraying real-life people, and this biopic is no different.

Michael B. Jordan – Black Panther

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Black Panther is full of great acting across the board, whether it’s Chadwick Boseman as King T’Challa or Michael B. Jordanas Killmonger. But Averagejoee1990 disagrees, claiming that Jordan “just talks in a deep voice and snarls at the camera”

They argue that the character is well-written, but the performance brings the character down in his estimation. However, Killmonger is one of the most sympathetic villains of the MCU, and part of the reason why fans think that is because of the compelling take on the character from Jordan.

Jamie Foxx – Baby Driver

10 Critically Acclaimed Acting Performances That Are Overrated According To Reddit

Jamie Foxx’s Bats is a thrill-seeker, and that’s what makes him one of the most interesting characters of Baby Driver. Unfortunately, Xeynid doesn’t find him as exciting as everyone else. The Redditor calls Foxx’s portrayal of the character “a generic masculine gangster.”

The character is fascinating because he’s a loudmouth, and if he just kept his mouth shut from time to time, he wouldn’t get into half as much trouble as he does. Not only that, but he’s theatrical too, and Foxx is clearly having so much fun in the role. Foxx’s energy as Bats perfectly matches that of the movie; fast-paced, exciting, and totally outrageous.

Jared Leto – Dallas Buyers Club

Being another Oscar-winning performance, Jared Leto plays Rayon, a trans woman with HIV, and the actor was the most critically-praised part of Dallas Buyers Club. But one Redditor believes that the role isn’t worthy of all the praise.

Though they specifically draw attention to his performance in Dallas Buyers Club, it isn’t just the one Jared Leto role that TheGuyLikesMovies can’t get on board with. The Reddit user thinks “his method of acting is so self-aggrandizing.” However, though they argue that Leto tries so hard to be taken seriously as an actor, what actor doesn’t want to be taken seriously?

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/overrated-critically-acclaimed-acting-performances-according-reddit/

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