Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

Far Cry: 10 Things Only Die-Hard Fans Know About The Games


With these Easter Eggs and fun behind-the-scenes facts, the Far Cry franchise balances gaming quality with fan service.

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Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

From Jack Carver’s island adventures in Far Cry to Antón Castillo’s dictatorial regime in Far Cry 6, the Far Cry franchise has come a long way. Over the years, the franchise has also spawned tie-ins such as a failed movie and a comic miniseries.

With each installment set in an all-new environment, the characters of the video game series have spawned a diverse fandom. However, there are a few specific references and behind-the-scene details that only the most die-hard fans would notice in the Far Cry games.

Far Cry Received A Critically-Panned Movie Adaptation

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

Uwe Boll is notorious for adapting classic video games into movies that are hated by fans and critics alike. Boll’s directorial credits include some of the worst video game movies of all time like BloodRayne, Alone in the Dark, and House of the Dead.

In 2008, Boll didn’t even spare Far Cry, adapting the first game’s storyline for a German action film that turned out to be a box-office bomb. The reception from the fans was also negative as expected, making the movie a forgettable chapter in the Far Cry franchise.

Artists Influenced By The 80s Helped In Blood Dragon’s Development

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

The expansion to Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was notable for satirizing and referencing classic 80s pop culture. The influence of retro music, visuals, and movies like the Terminator franchise are easy to see. In fact, even the protagonist Rex Colt is voiced by Michael Biehn who played the Terminator character, Kyle Reese.

At the same time, Blood Dragon’s crew included artists who have themselves been influenced by such retro content. For instance, the music was composed by the Australian duo Power Glove who usually produce retro-futuristic music influenced by games from the 80s. Similarly, Jason Eisener, the director of the exploitation movie Hobo with a Shotgun, served as an informal advisor on the game.

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Giancarlo Esposito Isn’t The Only Better Call Saul Alumnus To Be Featured In A Far Cry Game

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

The Far Cry 6 villain Antón Castillo is played by Giancarlo Esposito who is otherwise known for playing Gus Fring in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

But apart from Esposito, even Far Cry 3 alum Michael Mando plays the Better Call Saul character Nacho Varga, a member of the Salamanca drug organization. When it comes to games, Mando is, of course, widely known for voicing Vaas Montenegro who is often considered to be the best Far Cry character so far.

Far Cry 2’s Villain Shares Similarities With Frederick Forsyth Novels

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

While it is common knowledge that Far Cry 2 takes direct inspiration from the Joseph Conrad novel Heart of Darkness, the game’s primary antagonist The Jackal seems to share a few similar aspects with two of Frederick Forsyth novels.

Known for his political thrillers, Forsyth’s novel The Day of The Jackal’s antihero is also an assassin simply called The Jackal. When it comes to the Far Cry character’s profession and mission, another one of Forsyth’s novels The Dogs of War seems to be similar as it dealt with mercenary arms dealers deposing the regime of a fictional African nation (much like the game’s story).

The HS-77 Weapon Is A Star Wars Reference

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

The M-712 is a handgun in Far Cry 4 that can be bought after completing the Prologue. The sidearm’s signature version is the HS-77 that adds a suppressor and optical sight. As the gun is a modified version of the real-life gun Mauser C96, the Han Solo reference is quite evident.

This is because even Solo’s blaster from the original Star Wars trilogy was modeled after a C96. The name HS-77 in itself can be a reference to Han Solo’s initials with 77 alluding to 1977, the year the first Star Wars movie was released. If these references weren’t enough, the game description of the weapon reads, “to ensure that you always shoot first”. This line might yet again reference the famous “Han shot first” controversy as Star Wars fans believe Han shot Greedo first (unlike the remastered versions of Star Wars).

Assassin’s Creed Leap Of Faith In Primal

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

In Far Cry Primal, there are two moments that fans would notice are similar to the famous Leap of Faith sequence from the Assassin’s Creed game series.

Initially, Takkar meets Urki who teaches him to fly using homemade wings. As the test flight commences, the sound of an eagle can be heard in the background. Seasoned gamers would easily recognize this as the Eagle’s Cry sound effect from Assassin’s Creed. Later on, Kanda of Faith is introduced as an Achievement for players. This basically includes leaping off a high peak into a well that lies below.

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A Comic Miniseries Offers More Background On The Villains

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

The media tie-ins associated with the franchise include a three-part comic miniseries called Far Cry: Rite of Passage. For those unacquainted with the comics, each issue is narrated by Far Cry 6’s big baddie Antón Castillo and focuses on the origin stories of the franchise’s classic villains. These include Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed.

The series was published by Dark Horse Comics and also featured Diego Castillo’s adolescence as Antón gives him life lessons through the stories of these “legendary men”.

It’s Red Balloon Finds Its Way In Far Cry 5

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

Far Cry 5 has at least two references to Stephen King’s iconic horror novel It and its film adaptations. In the open-world environment of the game, players can encounter a sewer with a red balloon floating near its opening. The balloon is, of course, a reference to Pennywise, the iconic clown from the movie who usually appears with such balloons.

In O’Hara’s Haunted House (that lies to the northwest of Dead River), players can also find a note that is titled “Clown Thoughts.” The note consists of descriptions of an entity that incites fear among people. While the entity isn’t specified clearly, the word “IT” is capitalized indicating the presence of King’s characters existing in the Far Cry universe.

Adi Shankar Is Producing An Anime On Blood Dragon

Far Cry 10 Things Only DieHard Fans Know About The Games

Be it Castlevania on Netflix or his “Bootleg Universe”, Adi Shankar has been the creative force behind many adaptations of existing pop culture properties. Some of his recent projects as a creator and executive producer include an anime adaptation of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

The project is titled Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix with a six-episode debut season that would focus on an original storyline with alter egos of the game’s characters. This news does seem promising ad might offer hope for many Far Cry fans as they will finally receive an adaptation that is far removed from the panned 2008 movie.

Far Cry 6 Offers Subtle Nods To Assassin’s Creed Objects

Apart from the allusions to the leap of faith sequence in Assassin’s Creed games, Far Cry 6 is filled with subtle references to the Golden Apple of Eden and the Ancient Spear.

The former can be found when players visit the underground bunker in Pino Crest. A note on a shelf in this bunker reads “Golden Apple artifact.” As for the Spear, a similar note lists down the weapon. This note can be found in a bunker in Aguas Lindas during the Cash Money Treasure Hunt.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/far-cry-things-only-die-hard-fans-know

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