DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

DCEU: One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality


The heroes of the DCEU like Batman and Wonder Woman often say words that are perfect encapsulations of their personalities.

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DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The DC Extended Universe is filled with unique and distinct personalities among its roster of superheroes, anti-heroes, and villains. Each one embodies a myriad of traits that distinguish them among their fellows, and their dialogue is laced with representations of these quirks and mindsets.

It is difficult to place a truly defining quote from these heroes considering their vivid growth throughout the movies. No two films will give you the same character since their arcs transform them so deeply. But there are those lines that represent not only their most consistent traits but the totality of their journeys.

9 Superman: “Maybe. I’m Not About To Let That Stop Me From Trying.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

After saving a bus full of kids during his childhood years in Man of Steel, a young Clark was confronted by his adoptive father on exposing his secret powers. Asked if he should have let them die, Jonathan replied, “Maybe. There’s more at stake here than just our lives, Clark, or the lives of those around us.” For humanity’s sake, the time for the world to know was not then. Upon readying to fight the World Engine in the Indian Ocean, Superman was asked by Lois Lane if he could survive the battle.

His simple words in response, “Maybe. I’m not about to let that stop me from trying,” represent not only the uncertainties that surround Clark’s life but also the foundation of his values. Knowing he might not survive and with a victory no guarantee, he fought valiantly to keep his adoptive people from destruction because he never lost hope that his world can be saved.

8 Batman: “I Don’t Deserve You, Alfred.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Bruce Wayne has long suffered from feelings of the powerlessness of inadequacy. Following the death of Superman, these feelings became guilt. In both the DCEU and comic books, Alfred has always been Batman’s mentor, faithful butler, and partner in crime-fighting Alfred Pennyworth has always been there to try and dissuade him from the dark and foolish places Batman’s feelings take him.

Nothing embodies this relationship better than his remark in the Batwing in Batman v Superman following his fight with Superman and promise to save Martha Kent’s life, “I don’t deserve you, Alfred,” after the older British man tracked down exactly where she was being held. It is a great line that reflects Bruce’s less-than-stellar views of himself while highlighting how much he depends on those around him to make him better.

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7 Wonder Woman: “I Believe In Love.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Diana, Princess of Themyscira, is motivated by love. It is the core of who she is. Described by Zack Snyder as a “warrior for love,” Patty Jenkins embodied the character’s ethos in one simple line that represents everything she is. She said to Ares, a God of War incapable of love, “It’s not about what you deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love,” in the final battle of Wonder Woman (2017) after Steve Trevor died for his beliefs.

So Diana took that act of selflessness to heart and embraced her belief in love. Whatever happens, she will never lose hope in that ideal, even if it means giving humanity space to decide its own future without the hand of gods involving themselves in their affairs. In time, love again became something she could fight for in the public eye.

6 Flash: “I Need Friends…”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Barry Allen is many things, but socially awkward and with his father behind bars, he is most often lonely. When Bruce Wayne showed up to his makeshift hideout with an offer to join a team of superheroes, he accepted without much convincing necessary. By the end of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, he found himself surrounded by others who could share his feelings of alienation.

After literally turning back time to save the multiverse from enslavement, Barry had found not only confidence in himself, but togetherness with those like him, including his hero, Superman. His awkwardness had been overcome and he bathed in victory as a hero among heroes. All it took were the friends he made along the way, which is what makes Ezra Miller’s Flash so unique.

5 Aquaman: “Tell Him To Respect The Storm Next Time.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Gruff and rough, respectful of the world’s oceans, and considerate of innocent people in danger, all of that is embodied in this simple quote by Arthur Curry to a bartender after saving a fisherman threatened by a raging storm in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Aquaman values life, even if he has a abrupt and graceless way of showing it sometimes.

This personality would accurately carry over into James Wan’s Aquaman (2018), where his brusque attitude yet genuine respect for the ocean and those civilians who tread upon it remains steadfast. He eventually embraces a king’s role, embodying these traits as he achieves his destiny and inherits his birthright as the ruler of Atlantis.

4 Harley Quinn: “We’re Bad Guys! It’s What We Do!”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

While now more of an anti-hero than a villain, Harley Quinn began her story as the Joker’s trusted partner in crime. Since then, her mischievous attitude has never gone anywhere, as she is devoted to her own world of personal satisfaction. She has always relished in every moment of causing trouble like the DCEU’s most lovable nuisance. Her first appearance in Suicide Squad (2016) solidified this personality with this simple line after getting yelled at for looting a random store.

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Even with her own film in Birds of Prey (2020), Harley’s nonchalant attitude towards no good remains firm. It seems she will never lose her playful personality, making her one of the most consistent characters in the DCEU.

3 Martian Manhunter: “The World Needs You Too, Lois.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

It was not confirmed that Calvin Swanwick was Martian Manhunter in Justice League until Zack Snyder revealed the storyboards showing Martha Kent transforming into the green-skinned alien before turning back into Swanwick. At that moment, fans of the films saw the character in a whole new light, making a realization of what he had been doing this whole time.

The Martian Manhunter had been in hiding but he was slowly brought back towards optimism by the feisty journalist’s spirit of Lois Lane. At which point, he became an ally and friend to her, nudging Lois with the help she needed, including impersonating Martha Kent to give her an invaluable motivational talk following the death of Superman. He helps humanity in his own way, which is true to the comic book version of Martian Manhunter as well.

2 Shazam: “What’s Up? I’m A Superhero.”

DCEU One Quote From Each Hero That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Nothing can better represent the kind of character Billy Batson is when, in the adult alter ego of Shazam, he says to a bewildered bystander, “What’s up? I’m a superhero.” He has a self-awareness of his genre that goes far beyond what most other superheroes have. A literal kid at heart, Shazam takes joy in his grown-up form, his flashy superpowers, and fancy costume.

It is a childhood dream come true, to utter a phrase and become an empowered titan fighting evildoers with abilities passed down from the gods themselves. His reaction to this state accurately represents how many kids would surely respond to such a gift, relishing every moment, making Shazam! stand out as one of the best DCEU films. Even if he does get a little vain and self-indulgent.

1 Cyborg: “I’m Not Broken, And I’m Not Alone.”

Besides Batman, Cyborg has one of the most dramatic changes in his outward personality of these superheroes throughout his arc, yet it all amounts to the thing that defines the character’s whole point as a metaphor. “I’m not broken, and I’m not alone,” makes Victor Stone an ideal role model for those who feel as he did — despairing that they have lost part of what makes them… them.

By uniting with other individuals whose differences once made them feel alone and unfitting in this world, Victor rediscovered his humanity in how he chooses to use his new gift to be the hero his father hoped he would. That belief in himself — that acceptance that he is something good and human no matter what — is the inspiring core of his character.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dceu-heroes-best-quotes-summarize-personality/

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