Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Attack On Titan: The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest


The caliber of a villain can make or break a story. Here’s how Attack on Titan’s baddies stack up, from lamest to coolest.

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Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The caliber of a villain can make or break a story. If the villain is lame, then the hero’s struggle becomes unbelievable or uninspired. If the villain is too cool then fans begin to root for the villain at the expense of the hero, which jeopardizes the validity of the hero’s journey.

The villains in Attack on Titan range from pathetic to charismatic, and their motives run the gamut from sadistic pleasure to world domination. As the final season reaches its conclusion, and former friends become formidable foes, it’s important to consider what makes a cool villain that fans find hard to root against.

10 Rod Reiss

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Other than being the true king behind the Walls, Rod Reiss didn’t have many cool qualities. He frequently acted detached and aloof, which caused his manipulations to have a sinister tone that gave him an inhuman, disturbing persona.

His manipulation of Historia to further his goal of coalescing power into the hands of the Reiss family was distasteful even by villain standards. Reiss fell even further after he was rebuked by Historia and ended up using the Titan serum in a sad attempt to maintain power.

9 Dhalis Zachary

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

When he was first introduced, Dhalis Zachary had all the makings of a cool villain. He had a powerful, commanding aura and appeared intelligent and composed. However, Zachary soon revealed that he was anything but cool.

He admitted that he only cared about himself and was only motivated by his hatred of the monarchy and his desire to save his own skin. His penchant for torturing his enemies only further highlighted how lame he was, as only bullies could derive pleasures from such senseless suffering.

8 Willy Tybur

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Willy Tybur was suave, sophisticated, and well-spoken. In addition to being highly charismatic, he also had a great sense of humor, as seen when he joked with Theo Magath that the General would be hard-pressed to find the holder of the War Hammer Titan amongst Tybur’s family members.

As the head of the Tybur family, he secretly ran the government of Marley from the shadow and helped to conceal the truth behind the history of the Titans. Tybur eventually revealed that truth to the world, and while his motive was to start a war of annihilation, it’s hard not to give him credit for telling the truth.

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7 Titans

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The primary villains of the first and second seasons, the Titans will go down as one of the most terrifying and gruesome villains in anime history. Their bulging eyes and blank expressions make them truly horrifying to witness, and those features coupled with their desire for human flesh add up to make a truly awesome villain.

The Titans are neither good nor bad, they are simply a manifestation of mindless violence. To date, the massive Titan battles in the first and second seasons remain some of the most memorable scenes in the series, as they set the bar for every horrifying moment to come.

6 Anti-Personnel Control Squad

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The introduction of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad commanded by Kenny Ackerman added a new element of cool to Attack on Titan in the form of aerial gunfights. The members of the squad all served Ackerman without question, and as such became an extension of his will.

Their actions led to the death of many scouts and almost led to Eren being eaten alive by Historia and the return of the Founding Titan into the clutches of the Reiss family. While their hands were stained with blood, their style and combat prowess made for awesome action sequences.

5 Bertholdt Hoover

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

At first glance, Bertholdt Hoover did not seem like a cool character. He started off the series as rather meek, and always deferred to Reiner and Annie. After his status as a Warrior was revealed, Bertholdt slowly came into himself, and his reasoning helped Reiner to stay on track and focus on the mission to recover the Founding Titan.

When Armin confronted Bertholdt and asked him why he betrayed the cadets, Bertholdt admitted that he was just doing what he thought was right and that he was not motivated by hatred. Bertholdt grew into a confident character who lived with the choices he’d made and embraced his role as the wielder of the destructive Colossal Titan.

4 Annie Leonhart

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Annie Leonhart holds herself with an air of confidence even though deep down she struggles. She is an amazing hand-to-hand fighter, as demonstrated during her time as a cadet and in fights in her Titan form against Eren.

While Annie acts aloof, she is also dedicated to the mission to recover the Founding Titan and does not give in to despair without reason. Even when she is captured, she managed to avoid an interrogation by encasing herself in a cocoon made of her hardening material, a brilliant tactic that requires a serious amount of foresight and quick thinking. As a Titan, Annie introduced fans to a whole new dimension of villain in Attack on Titan, and for that, she will always be remembered.

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3 Zeke Jaeger

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The wielder of the super-strong Beast Titan, Zeke Jaeger is more than just a talented warrior. He is also a natural leader and incredibly intelligent, as he posses the ability to see several steps ahead of his opponents and anticipate their next moves. The only people who can outwit and outmaneuver Zeke are Levi, who is arguably the strongest soldier in existence, and Eren, who has the power to see into the future.

As the Beast Titan, Zeke makes an indelible impression on the battlefield, but even outside of his Titan form, Zeke is surrounded by an aura of power and magnetism that is hard to ignore.

2 Reiner Braun

Attack On Titan The Main Villains Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Reiner Braun began the series as the coolest cadet in the 104th Training corps aside from Mikasa, and he continues his cool streak as the most interesting member of the Warrior Unit. Reiner emits an aura of confidence and power, and even though he is wracked by guilt and self-doubt for all the deaths he has caused, he does not give in to the darkness in his soul.

He is a soldier who struggles to accept himself, and as such gains back some of the humanity that he has lost through his violent actions. His fights with Eren as the Armored Titan are the greatest Titan duels to date, and his growth into a complex and tortured character is one of the highlights of the series.

1 Kenny Ackerman

Kenny Ackerman is the hands-down king of cool amongst the villains in Attack on Titan. In addition to having a great laugh, he was also stylish and possessed a wicked sense of humor. Kenny was a fearless fighter, and his skill with ODM gear was bested only by Levi. Kenny was sarcastic and nihilistic and had little respect for people who had not earned his esteem.

He craved power not so that he could wield it against others but so he could find a sense of inner peace and self-satisfaction. Kenny “the Reaper” Ackerman was a legend in more ways than one, and one of the most memorable villains in the series.

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