Dungeons & Dragons All Abjuration Spells By Level

Dungeons & Dragons: All Abjuration Spells By Level


Abjuration is one of the eight schools of magic in Dungeons & Dragons, with its spells specializing in protection and banishing extradimensional foes.

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Dungeons & Dragons All Abjuration Spells By Level

Abjuration is one of the eight schools of magic in Dungeons & Dragons, with abjurers being the specialists who focus on spells belonging to the school. The abjuration spells focus on protection, avoiding detection from magic, and dealing with extradimensional beings. Bards and Clerics have a reputation for being the best buffers in the game, but abjurers are also great at protecting themselves while strengthening their allies.

The Wizards who choose D&D’s School of Abjuration for their Arcane Tradition gain access to some amazing abilities. Arcane Ward lets them create a magical buffer that absorbs damage, which can be applied to any ally using a reaction at level 6. The 10th level Improved Abjuration lets the player add their proficiency bonus to ability checks on abjuration spells, which is especially useful for counterspell, as it makes it easier to stop enemy spellcasters in their tracks. If an abjurer can reach level 14, then they get the almighty Spell Resistance ability, which gives damage resistance to all spells, and an advantage on saving throws against spells. Abjurers are as skilled at keeping themselves alive as they are their allies, and they make a potent team with Clerics who focus on healing.

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The Player’s Handbook lists all spells alphabetically, with the specific schools noted in the spell descriptions, rather than the initial lists. This guide contains all of the best abjuration spells in D&D that are used by every class in the game, with notes next to all of the ritual spells. The guide also contains all of the abjuration spells that appear in official rulebooks, such as Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and Xanather’s Guide to Everything, all of which are marked, so players know where to find these spells if they wish to learn more.

The Abjuration Spells In Dungeons & Dragons

Abjuration Cantrips

1st Level Abjuration Spells

2nd Level Abjuration Spells

3rd Level Abjuration Spells

4th Level Abjuration Spells

5th Level Abjuration Spells

6th Level Abjuration Spells

7th Level Abjuration Spells

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8th Level Abjuration Spells

9th Level Abjuration Spells

The school of abjuration has some phenomenal spells, with mage armor being a great choice at first-level, save for those going for an armored wizard character build in a D&D campaign. The dispel magic spell is incredibly useful, as there are lots of situations where breaking or suppressing an enemy spell is useful. Arguably the best abjuration spell at lower levels is banishment, as it can temporarily take an enemy off the field, allowing the rest of the party to deal with other enemies, or better prepare for the encounter. It’s always helpful to keep the party alive in Dungeons & Dragons, which is why abjuration spells are so useful.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dungeons-dragons-abjuration-spells-all-levels/

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