10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

10 Best ’90s Superhero Cartoons, Ranked


The 1990s were a great age for genre storytelling in cartoons. These 10 featured superheroes and they’re considered the decade’s best.

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10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

Superheroes are currently enjoying a cultural high point. Marvel’s dominance at the global box office has helped to usher in a new age of popularity for the superhero genre, showing that there is indeed a market for these characters. While it is probably true that superheroes have never been more popular, in terms of TV shows, the ’90s was the golden age.

The ’90s had the iconic X-Men series and the seminal Batman: The Animated Series that would go onto spawn the DC Animated Universe. It seems clear the decade had a lot of great superhero shows.

10 Fantastic Four (1994)

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

The Fantastic Four is one of the most popular superhero groups of all time. Since the 1960s, the Fantastic Four have been attracting huge comic book audiences and this translated to the small screen, with the Fantastic Four being the subject of an animated series in the ’60s as well as the ’90s.

While the ’60s animated series didn’t age well at all (see Mr. Sunday Movies’ Caravan of Garbage to see why), the ’90s animated series holds up fairly well. A notable episode also features the Black Panther, giving an origin story to the character.

9 Spider-Man Unlimited

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

Spider-Man is one of the most iconic comic book characters of all time. Due to his incredible popularity, the Webhead has had several animated series since his comic book debut in the 1960s. Perhaps it was due to these past adaptations that Marvel decided to freshen up the character by releasing a new take on Spider-Man.

Taking place on a different Earth, the series follows Peter Parker as he dons a new costume built by Reed Richards in order to find Venom and Carnage.

8 The Incredible Hulk

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

In a similar vein to Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk is one of the most popular Marvel characters of all time, with the Hulk receiving an iconic live-action TV series starring Lou Ferrigno. This popularity would also lead to the character receiving his own animated series in the late 1990s.

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While the series was short-lived, it undoubtedly proved to be an introduction to the Hulk for many children, helping to foster an interest in both Marvel Comics and the Hulk character.

7 Silver Surfer

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

The Silver Surfer cartoon may be one of the most underrated shows on this list. While the Silver Surfer isn’t exactly one of the most popular Marvel characters, he did receive his own show in the late ’90s on the back of his appearances in other Marvel cartoons at the time.

While the series only ran for one season, it received good reviews due to its animation style and is still held in high regard by fans to this day.

6 Spider-Man (1994)

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

For many, this is the best Spider-Man cartoon of all time. Running from 1994-1998, the series followed Peter Parker’s Spider-Man as he battled some of his most iconic foes. What set this series apart, particularly from some of the DC properties, was this show’s use of long arcs that took place over several episodes.

While the series is still watchable today and features a killer soundtrack, the show has become slightly dated in comparison to others on this list. That being said, it is still a fantastic show.

5 Superman: The Animated Series

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

The first entry from a DC Comics character on this list, Superman: The Animated Series was made by the same creative minds that introduced Batman: The Animated Series to the world in 1992. This series follows the adventures of Superman, introducing other characters in the DC Universe (such as Batman, the Flash, and Green Lantern), helping to set up the DCAU in the process.

While the series isn’t held in as high regard as the seminal Batman: The Animated Series, it is still an incredible show that still holds up to this day.

4 The New Batman Adventures

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

Acting as a continuation of Batman: The Animated Series, The New Batman Adventures picks up where the old series left off, adopting a new art style and new costumes for the characters in the process.

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While this series is still well-loved by fans, many still see it to be inferior to the iconic Batman: The Animated Series, with several fans raising particular issues with the new animation style and character designs.

3 X-Men (1992)

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

The X-Men is one of the most influential and iconic animated series of all time. The show introduced a whole new generation to the likes of Wolverine, Storm, and Cyclops. In addition to the usual cast of mutants, other Marvel heroes also appeared in the show, including Ms. Marvel and Captain America.

While the cartoon itself was fantastic and featured some of the best X-Men stories, the show is most remembered for its legendary theme which is instantly recognizable.

2 Batman Beyond

10 Best 90s Superhero Cartoons Ranked

Batman Beyond may be the most surprising cartoon of the late ’90s. The series gave itself a difficult start due to the fact it changed Batman’s identity, changed the design of the suit, and even omitted most of Batman’s rogues gallery.

Despite these obstacles, the show was a huge hit among fans and even went on to enter the wider DC Comics Universe. The popularity of the show hasn’t dwindled either, with the series receiving a Blu-ray release in 2019.

1 Batman: The Animated Series

What else could have topped this list? Batman: The Animated Series isn’t only considered the greatest superhero cartoon of all time, it also considered by many to be one of the best animated shows of all time. The series captured the attention of both adults and children, exploring Batman stories in a way that managed to capture both the darker and lighter sides of Batman.

The series also contains what many fans consider to be the definitive versions of Batman and the Joker, voiced by Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill respectively. Furthermore, the series also had a huge impact on the DC Comics universe, introducing the massively popular Harley Quinn and a new origin for Mr. Freeze that would go on to become his definitive origin.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-1990s-superhero-cartoons-ranked-batman-x-men-superman-thor-hulk-spider-man/

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