10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

10 Best Non-Christmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas, According To Reddit


There are many movies that are perfect for the holiday season but they’re not technically Christmas movies, and fans are recommending them on Reddit.

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10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

Whether someone waits until mid-December to watch their favorite Christmas movies or gets started on November 1st, there’s always something cozy, comforting, and familiar about these stories. But what about the films that are set around December 25th and feature jolly decorations and snow but aren’t actually about the holiday season?

Movie fans are passionate about the flicks that feel festive but don’t have a plotline that is tied to the winter holidays. From action movies to comedies, Reddit users are recommending non-Christmas movies that still feel perfect for this time of year.

10 Batman Returns (1992)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

Batman Returns has interesting storylines and it’s also a movie that many people associate with Christmas. At the beginning, audiences learn the backstory of The Penguin and the whole film has many festive aspects.

Reddit user OldTopLeaf posted, “Batman Returns takes place during christmas” and Reddit user Coffecor25 agreed, writing, “That’s the first thing I think of when I picture that movie.”

9 Iron Man 3 (2013)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

One Redditor mentioned “Iron Man 3” as a movie that is set during the winter holidays, and it’s another film that many people think of when they picture festive movies.

While some fans believe that it could be called a proper Christmas movie, others just associate it with the holiday season. Either way, the movie definitely looks like Christmas and adds a fun and special element to the already action-packed story. Shane Black wrote and directed the movie and he’s known for setting stories on December 25th.

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8 Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone (2001)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

While the first movie in the beloved Harry Potter franchise is all about Harry learning about the magical world of Hogwarts, it also features some Christmas scenes. When the students and teachers celebrate this time of year, they have a big meal, and Harry doesn’t go back to the Dursleys for the holidays since Hogwarts has become his new home.

Reddit user Mothman405 suggested this movie, writing, “It isn’t a Christmas movie per se, but the magic and also the Christmas scenes makes it a very cozy movie to watch.”

7 In Bruges (2008)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

Reddit user Skywalking said that they love watching movies that are “set during Christmas or have some kind of loose connection, but are not inherently Christmas films” and mentioned In Bruges.

Fans love Harry’s great In Bruges quotes and the movie is definitely too dark and action-packed to truly be a Christmas movie, but it does remind people of the season.

6 Catch Me If You Can (2002)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

For one Redditor, Catch Me If You Can is a great movie that takes place during the winter holidays as “several key plot points happen on Christmas.”

The fan mentioned that Frank gets arrested and then set free on Christmas Day and Carl and Frank have an important talk on this day as well. This movie is famous thanks to Leonardo Dicaprio’s performance and it’s also interesting to remember that it’s set during Christmas.

5 Step Brothers (2008)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

Step Brothers is beloved thanks to its hilarious scenes and premise of adult men who don’t act their age. For Reddit user flemdog645, Step Brothers definitely counts as a non-Christmas movie that takes place at this time of the year. The fan wrote, “I’ve always been adamant that Step Brothers is a Christmas movie. It ends on Christmas morning and a pivotal scene takes place around Christmas.”

There’s a funny scene when Brennan and Dale sleepwalk during Christmas and bring the tree into their parents’ bedroom. Their dad gets mad and wakes them up and chaos ensues.

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4 Lethal Weapon (1987)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

Reddit user TheStranger30 asked, “Isnt Lethal Weapon also set during Christmas?” and several movie fans commented that it counts as a great movie to watch during the holiday season.

There are many classic moments in the Lethal Weapon franchise and while the story could happen at any time, fans like that it’s set during this time of year. Shane Black also directed the film.

3 Go (1999)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

One Redditor said “Go is a good one” and Reddit user Nayzo replied, “I watch this (and a few others) when I’m putting lights on my tree.”

The movie features an impressive cast, starring Melissa McCarthy, Taye Diggs, Timothy Olyphant, Sarah Polley, and Katie Holmes, and opens with Ronna working at a grocery store during the holiday season. The movie’s storytelling wins praise as it tells the tale of a drug deal from a few different POVs but it’s also set at Christmas.

2 L.A. Confidential (1997)

10 Best NonChristmas Movies That Take Place During Christmas According To Reddit

When people think about Christmas movies, they picture family friendly fare and it’s fun to picture an action movie that takes place during this season.

One Redditor posted that “L.A. Confidential is a great Christmas movie.” It’s not only a highly rated movie about Los Angeles that tells the tale of cops looking into someone who has been killed but a non-Christmas movie that has songs by Bing Crosby and just looks like the festive season.

1 Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

When it comes to non-Christmas movies, Reddit user cmjohnson7799 suggested Silver Linings Playbook. The fan wrote that it “never makes a big deal of it being Christmas but at the end there are lights up everywhere and whatnot.”

The story is set partly at Christmas and it’s definitely a dark yet ultimately heartwarming look at falling in love and how to move on from the past and feel more hopeful about the future. These themes work well for the holiday season.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/10-best-non-christmas-movies-that-take-place-during-christmas-according-to-reddit/

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