10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

10 Best Outlander Couples, Ranked


At its core, Outlander is a romance. There have been many couples during its long run, but not all of them are the greatest. Here’s how they rank.

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10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

At its core, Outlander is a romance. Yes, there’s time travel, war, politics, and all manner of drama and deception. But the heart of the show lies in the romance between main characters Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp/Randall/Fraser.

These two are the stars of the show, but throughout its five-season run, there have been other relationships that have been explored and developed. These ten couples are each complicated in their own way, but all share a genuine love for one another that makes them worth rooting for, if only temporarily for some.

10 Claire And Frank

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

When the series begins, Claire has just recently reunited with her husband, Frank Randall. The two were separated during World War II, and are visiting Scotland on their second honeymoon, a chance to reconnect after their time apart.

When Claire accidentally travels 200 years into the past, she tries desperately to find a way back to Frank, falling in love with Jamie in the meanwhile. Back in 1945, Frank is desperate to find his wife. Claire ultimately decides to stay with Jamie, but the two are tragically parted when Jamie sends her back through the stones to protect her from the Battle of Culloden. Frank is overjoyed to have his wife back and accepts the fact that she is pregnant with another man’s child. They raise Brianna together, but Claire can’t get over Jamie. Once it’s clear his wife will never truly come back to him, Frank has an affair, but he never truly gets over Claire.

9 Frank And Sandy

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Though not much of Frank’s affair with Sandy was shown onscreen, the two were serious enough that he considered marrying her at one point. He began seeing her when Claire had made it clear that she did not love him anymore, and he eventually used her to hurt and embarrass Claire at her graduation party.

They continued to see each other for years, and Frank finally asked Claire for a divorce so that he could marry Sandy. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident the same day he put this plan into action, so the two were never able to truly be together.

8 Isaiah And Alicia

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Isaiah Morton causes problems with the Browns when he has an affair with Alicia Brown, who is unwed but betrothed to another. To make matters worse, Isaiah is already married.

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However, neither one loves the one they’re with; they only love each other. Alicia becomes pregnant with Isaiah’s child, and the two run away to be together. This little love affair makes up a side plot in season five that says something about love defying reason or rule.

7 Colum And Letitia

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Colum and Letitia are sort of an underrated power couple in the Outlander world. Colum is the head of the Mackenzie clan, and Letitia is his faithful wife. Though she seems rather quiet in public, Jamie informs Claire that Letitia is quite opinionated and more than capable of speaking up for herself, but that she chooses to do so to her husband in private so that they might present a united front in front of others.

Not much else is known about this couple from the show, but they seem pretty solid nonetheless.

6 Mary And Alex

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Mary Hawkins was a young woman introduced in season two. She was meant to be married to a man she didn’t love until her rape caused her to be considered unsuitable for marriage. She was later promised to someone else before that arrangement did not come to pass.

Throughout all of this, Alex Randall loved her and wanted to be with her. He showed a propensity for chivalry and compassion that his sadistic brother did not, and he and Mary were betrothed when he came down with tuberculosis. Before he died, he asked his brother to marry her in order to ensure that she and their unborn child would always be taken care of.

5 Murtagh And Jocasta

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Murtagh and Jocasta sort of came out of nowhere. He came to River Run to check in on Brianna, and the two both clashed and bonded over their strong personalities and proud Scottish heritage. It was an argument that led them into bed together for the first time, which was out of left-field but also sort of cute. They continued to see one another discreetly, as Murtagh was a wanted outlaw and part of the Regulators.

Jocasta received a proposal from another man and told Murtagh in the hopes he would tell her not to go through with it. The night before her wedding, Murtagh showed up and begged her to reconsider and wait for him. Jocasta’s history with men who fight in wars led her to turn Murtagh down once and for all. She was married, and Murtagh died at the Battle of Alamance Creek. Theirs was a tragic love, but it was sweet nonetheless.

4 Brianna And Roger

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Brianna and Roger connected when they met at his adopted father’s funeral. Things were going fine between them until they took a trip and Brianna expressed interest in sex before marriage. Roger, being raised by a Reverend, wasn’t comfortable with that, and suggested that they get married instead (which, as Brianna pointed out, was way too soon).

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They ended things after that and didn’t reunite until Roger went after Brianna when she traveled through the stones to warn Jamie and Claire about coming danger. When he caught up to her, they were handfast, but Roger accidentally let it slip that he knew about the danger waiting for her parents and chose not to tell her. Brianna sends him away after this, and he’s intercepted by Stephen Bonnet before he can come back to her. To make matters worse, Jamie mistakes Roger for a man who has committed many crimes. Once the matter is cleared, Roger isn’t sure if he even wants to be with Brianna anymore. He ultimately decides to stay, and the two are married and share a son, Jemmy.

3 Ian And Jenny

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Jamie’s best friend and sister are a solid pair. Ian’s even temper makes him well-suited to handle Jenny’s fiery one, and the two really love each other. Ian understands and accepts Jenny, and helps Jenny calm down when her temper gets the best of her.

The two have many children, including Young Ian, a central figure on the show in seasons four and five. Audiences don’t get to see the relationship between these two develop, but the characterization the show offers does enough to make this couple believable.

2 Fergus And Marsali

10 Best Outlander Couples Ranked

Fergus spent some time going from woman to woman before he began courting Marsali. His feelings for her were such that he knew he was ready to settle down. They courted for months before they were handfast, but they didn’t make things official until he got Jamie’s blessing.

The two were married on an island near Jamaica, during which Jamie officially gave his adopted son his last name. This couple really loves one other, flaws and all, and are quickly growing a large brood of children.

1 Jamie And Claire

Jamie and Claire are the heart and soul of Outlander. Jamie falls in love with Claire almost immediately, and it doesn’t take long for Claire to catch up once they’re forced to marry in order to save her from Black Jack Randall. They’ve come to one another’s rescue many times, and their love has withstood a 20-year separation.

Now that they’ve reunited, audiences get to see them spend the rest of their days together with the home and family they’ve built. There’s always plenty of drama on Outlander, but Jamie and Claire’s love for one another is never in doubt.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-outlander-couples-ranked/

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