10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies, According To IMDb


A beloved funnyman, Will Ferrell has been making audiences laugh since his days on SNL. Here are the actor’s best movies according to IMDb.

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10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Will Ferrell has a portfolio filled with hilarious films and performances. However, he has had a series of hits and misses, and more recently, he has been in a bunch of misses. Nevertheless, Ferrell has been in a lot of iconic films that are very quotable and rewatchable.

Whether it is Buddy the Elf or legendary news anchor Ron Burgundy, Ferrell has taken on various roles that have pleased audiences with their great quotes and charismatic personas. Here are the 10 best Will Ferrell movies, according to IMDB.

10 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back (6.8)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

This cult classic is known for being one of the many comedies directed by Kevin Smith. While Smith and Jason Mewes are the stars, Ferrell still has a funny but small role as Federal Wildlife Marshal Willenholly.

Released in 2001, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back came out right as Ferrell was emerging as a comedic talent and would start to get more starring roles after this film came out. Audiences appreciated the unique humor of this film and it has gained quite a following since its release.

9 Wedding Crashers (6.9)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

This another small role for Ferrell, but it is a memorable one. Wedding Crashers has an amazing cast with Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Christopher Walken, and Rachel McAdams, but Ferrell still manages to stand out.

Ferrell plays Chazz Reinhold, the former mentor to Vaughn’s character, who now lives with his mother and has resorted to crashing funerals and picking up grieving women. It is a rather dark scene, but Ferrell can make the scene funny with his outrageous performance.

8 Step Brothers (6.9)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

While Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is another great comedy featuring comedic duo Ferrell and John C. Reilly, audiences seem to prefer the much more profane and crude Step Brothers. Reilly and Ferrell both shine as two man-children who are then forced by their recently married parents to start behaving like real adults.

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The film itself has very childish and immature humor, but it works because of the great performances by the leads. It also gave the world a classic music video involving a boat and some women.

7 Elf (6.9)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

While the film only has a 6.9 score, this is a fan favorite, especially around Christmas time. Elf has become a more recent holiday classic, and that is due largely in part to Ferrell’s hilarious performance as Buddy the Elf.

Buddy is a human who was raised by elves and is now embarking on a quest through New York City to find his biological father, played by James Caan. The film contains an insane amount of heart and Buddy’s undying positivity is infectious. During the holiday season, it is hard to find a channel that isn’t playing this heartwarming gem.

6 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (7.0)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Everyone remembers iconic characters like Dr. Evil and Austin Powers, but it is often a surprise to many people that Ferrell is even in this movie. This is mainly because he is immediately killed off by Dr. Evil at the beginning of the film, however, he is still given a prolonged death sequence that is pretty funny.

Even after being set on fire and shot, Ferrell’s character just does not seem to die. It is a very brief scene in a movie filled with hilarious and memorable ones, but it is still one that Ferrell gives his all to. He does come back in the sequel and provides an arguably even more memorable scene.

5 Old School (7.1)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Ferrell has a habit of playing adults who seem to have never fully grown out of their youth. In Old School, he plays a man who is reverting to his college days, along with fellow co-stars Vaughn and Luke Wilson.

Ferrell manages to stand out as he gets himself into a variety of crazy situations, including streaking and accidentally shooting himself in the neck with a tranquilizer. This is one of Ferrell’s most highly regarded comedies and the score reflects that.

4 Megamind (7.2)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Megamind proved that Ferrell could create comedy gold with just his voice. This is a really fun animated movie about what would happen if a supervillain won. Ferrell provides the voice for the main character and injects Megamind with a great deal of personality. He ends up being more of an anti-hero than a villain.

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Megamind’s voice cast is universally fantastic, with Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, and Jonah Hill also doing solid work. Similar to a film like The Incredibles, Megamind is good for anyone who is looking for a fun movie that critiques the superhero genre.

3 Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (7.2)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Out of the many comedies that Will Ferrell has been in, Anchorman is easily the most quotable. Quotes such as “I love lamp” and “60% of the time, it works every time” make this comedy incredibly rewatchable. Ron Burgundy is also Ferrell’s most iconic role, with this movie getting a sequel.

Ferrell has made many appearances as this character and fans continue to love him. Anchorman is also boosted by a great supporting cast, including Paul Rudd, Christina Applegate, David Koechner, Steve Carell, and the late great Fred Willard.

2 Stranger Than Fiction (7.5)

10 Best Will Ferrell Movies According To IMDb

Stranger than Fiction highlighted Ferrell’s potential for drama. In this movie, Ferrell plays an auditor who begins to hear a voice in his head. It turns out that Ferrell is now the protagonist in an author’s book as she begins to control every aspect of his life.

It is an interesting concept and audiences responded pretty well to it. Ferrell was able to portray the insanity that would develop from having one’s life out of their control and is able to be both funny and tragic at the same time.

1 The Lego Movie (7.7)

The Lego Movie is one of the most surprising movies ever. What seemed to be just an advertisement for Lego turned out to be a funny and heartwarming animated film, even spawning a sequel and a couple of spin-offs.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller were able to make a movie that pleased both kids and adults. Ferrell gives another villainous performance as Lord Business, a man who is against creativity and just wants everything to remain stuck like glue. The film is also boosted by a tremendous voice cast that includes Morgan Freeman, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Liam Neeson, and Will Arnett.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/will-ferrell-best-movies-imdb/

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