10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU


DC Comics has a plethora of groups and organizations that are part of its ever-expanding universe, and most of them are still not a part of the DCEU.

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10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

Mainstream audiences may know about DC Comics’ most emblematic team, the Justice League. For years, the League has been the celebrated beacon of hope in the universe. Their adventures inspired many storylines, cementing their place in comic book history, even if their venture into the big screen was troubled at best.

The League is indeed DC’s most overwhelming success, but the comics powerhouse has more than a few teams in its ever-expanding universe. From teen team-ups to supervillain gatherings, DC has no shortage of organizations, and most of them are yet to debut in the chaotic but still promising DCEU.

10 Infinity, Inc.

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

Legacy and tradition play a prominent role in many of DC’s superhero team-ups. In fact, many of the company’s teams include the children or successors of previous superheroes. For example, Infinity, Inc. comprises the children and heirs of the original Justice Society of America.

The original Infinity, Inc. included heroes like Brainwave Jr., Fury, Jade, and Northwind. Years later, a second, Lex Luthor-sponsored version of the team would emerge. The team was never a leading player in DC’s superhero landscape but still played prominent roles in pivotal events like Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis.

9 The Forever People

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

Most comic books fans will know the infamous Darkseid, arguably the best villain in DC. The character is among the most powerful beings in the universe and the most famous members of the New Gods. Not all the Gods are evil, though; in fact, some are outright superheroes, many of whom form part of the Forever People.

Based on Earth but originating from New Genesis, the Forever People oppose Darkseid. Members include Beautiful Dreamer, Big Bear, and Serifan. The team can use a Mother Box and switch places with the legendary hero Infinity Man, asking him to fight on their behalf. The Forever People would’ve probably played a part in the now-canceled New Gods movie, but perhaps they’ll find their way to the DCEU eventually.

8 The Doom Patrol

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

Debuting during the early days of the Silver Age, the Doom Patrol established itself as a consistent albeit never outstanding title in DC. The Chief leads the team, which includes “the world’s strangest heroes,” characters whose gifts make them pariahs in society. Joining Chief in the original lineup were Robotman, Elasti-Girl, and Negative Man.

With a rogues gallery that includes characters like the gorilla Monsieur Malla and the infamously named Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, the Doom Patrol quickly earned a reputation for being as bizarre as its members. The Doom Patrol’s standing increased in recent years, thanks to the show of the same name currently airing on HBO Max. And while it takes place in a separate continuity, positive reception might lead Warner’s suits to include them in the DCEU.

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7 The Outsiders

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

Like many other DC teams, the Outsiders have gone through multiple iterations throughout the years. The original incarnation, led by Batman after his relationship with the Justice League strained, included heavy hitters like Halo, Geo-Force, and Black Lightning. Future versions of the team would incorporate new leadership by Nightwing and Arsenal, but the Bat would often find his way back into the mix.

The Outsiders commit several questionable actions throughout the year, leading to the departure of figures like Nightwing, Martian Manhunter, and Catwoman. The team members often act like vigilantes, taking a “the end justifies the means” approach more than once, making them ideal for the DCEU’s darker approach to heroism.

6 The Secret Society Of Super Villains

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

DC has some of the most iconic comics villains of all time. From Lex Luthor to Ra’s al Ghul, these terrifying figures are among the comic book giant’s most emblematic antagonists. DC villains often team up in the comics, but no union is more dangerous than the Secret Society of Super Villains.

Debuting during the last years of the Bronze Age, the Secret Society’s original line-up included Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, and the Manhunter, among others. A future version led by Alexander Luthor Jr. included icons like Deathstroke, Talia Al Ghul, and Black Adam. In all its iterations, the Secret Society poses a considerable threat for DC’s heroes. The DCEU hinted at the Society’s arrival with the post-credit scene in Justice League, but the plans never came to fruition. Hopefully, the Society will find its way to the big screen sooner rather than later.

5 The Teen Titans

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

The Teen Titans are among the most beloved DC team-ups. The Titans experienced the apex of its comic book fame thanks to the now-iconic Judas Contract storyline in 1984, starring the team’s most famous line-up of Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven.

The Titans fought multiple threats throughout the years, although Deathstroke remains their most iconic adversary. The series Titans, currently airing its third season, introduced the team to a new generation and confirmed its broad appeal. It might take a while, but considering their fame and versatility, it shouldn’t take long for the Titans to make their way to the big screen.

4 Justice League Dark

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

The supernatural corner of DC has its own team of heroes, the Justice League Dark. The original line-up consisted of Constantine, Zatanna, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, and Shade. Future incarnations would also include prominent figures like Swamp Thing and even Wonder Woman.

The Justice League Dark handles terrifying villains and situations deemed outside the scope of the traditional Justice League. Most of its members have magical and supernatural powers, contributing to the series’ eerie tone. The Justice League Dark is like nothing that currently exists in the DCEU. Horror maestro Guillermo del Toro tried to make a movie about the team for years but plans never materialized. In 2020, Warner announced that J.J. Abrams would develop a shared universe for the Justice League Dark, including movies and tv shows.

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3 Young Justice

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

At first sight, Young Justice might seem like a rip-off of the Teen Titans. Indeed, the Young Justice appeared when the Teen Titans outgrew the “teen” part of their name, becoming simply the Titans. Young Justice initially focused on three core members — Superboy, Robin, and Impulse — before expanding to include most teens in the DC universe.

The Young Justice returned to modern continuity in 2011, thanks to the tandem of an animated show and a new comic book series. The team is more famous than ever nowadays, with the fourth season of the animates show set to premiere on Oct. 21. What better time to introduce this lighthearted but capable team into the DCEU? If the MCU can have the Young Avengers, then the DCEU should have the Young Justice.

2 Legion Of Super-Heroes

10 DC Teams That Are Yet To Debut In The DCEU

The Legion of Super-Heroes is one of the longest-serving teams in DC. Debuting during the last years of the Golden Age, the Legion were time travelers from the 30th century, closely associated with the original Superboy. The team included Lightning Boy, Saturn Girl, and Cosmic Boy, who time-travel Superboy to the future to induct him into their ranks.

The Legion underwent several reboots over the following years, with their story receiving more attention in the Modern Age. The team also had live-action incarnations in Smallville and Supergirl, although both ended up being rather underwhelming. The Legion deserves a chance to take the spotlight; not only are their powers intriguing and diverse, but their story is the stuff of sci-fi dreams. Plus, seeing some of the group’s most eclectic members, like Brainiac 5 or the ridiculously named Matter-Eater Lad, might be the right amount of absurd for the overly serious DCEU.

1 The Green Lantern Corps

The Green Lanterns are a cornerstone in DC comics. Their might and importance are beyond compare in the comic books, with the Corps’ influence reaching every corner of the universe. They are also a unique and fascinating organization, with a complex structure that successfully includes political and social issues into its traditional comic book setup.

The Green Lantern property suffered considerable damage to its reputation thanks to the disastrous Ryan Reynolds-starring live-action version. However, enough time has passed, and it’s time for the Corps to arrive at the DCEU. An upcoming HBO Max show will focus on the Green Lantern Corps, including Guy Gardner and Alan Scott, and it can’t come soon enough. Because on its blackest night, the DCEU could really use some of that Green Lantern light.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dc-comics-teams-not-yet-in-the-dceu/

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