10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail


Fairy Tail is a lot of fun to watch the first time around, but rewatching it can be a drag.

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10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail is a popular fantasy anime series inspired by author Hiro Mashima’s 63-volume manga of the same name. It tells the tale of the Celestial wizard Lucy Heartfilia and her adventures with her new family, the Fairy Tail guild, across the idyllic nation of Fiore. Lucy will make many new friends, fight colorful villains with terrifying magic, and even go on an isekai adventure at some point.

Devoted Fairy Tail fans will have a lot of fun rewatching this anime, and sure enough, Fairy Tail has many exciting moments that are worth rewatching. But then again, casual and dedicated fans alike have to put up with some inconveniences or annoyance when watching Fairy Tail for a second or third time, some of which are typical for rewatching any anime, while others are unique to Fairy Tail itself.

10 Fairy Tail Takes Serious Time To Watch

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

While Fairy Tail may not be a 1,000+ episode juggernaut like One Piece, it’s still a hefty series at over 320 episodes, and it takes a lot of time to watch all that. Any TV show worth watching is worth watching all the way through for proper pacing, but this can be a lot to ask for.

It’s one thing to rewatch a 12-episode anime on a slow day, but slogging through Fairy Tail’s 300+ episodes takes a lot of time that many viewers might not have. Perhaps they had free time in high school to marathon Fairy Tail, but now, years later, things might be different.

9 The Early Story Arcs Feel Totally Irrelevant

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

Many anime shows need a few episodes’ worth of time to set up the main plot and establish character relationships, but this can be tedious on a rewatch, and that includes Fairy Tail’s early episodes, too. The first handful of episodes has little bearing on later conflicts such as fighting Zeref Dragneel and his Spriggan 12 gang.

Fairy Tail fans have to watch Lucy and her new friends Natsu and Gray going on brief adventures that do little more than establish the main characters’ personalities and abilities, and that’s no fun on a rewatch. Dedicated fans already know all these details and have no need for any of these shenanigans.

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8 Filler Episodes Keep Popping Up

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

This is a harsh reality for rewatching most lengthy anime series, notoriously Naruto and Bleach, both of which are roughly 40-50% filler, if not more. Fairy Tail is much the same, setting aside its main story for handfuls of filler episodes at a time. Most of them are not even worth watching.

A few of Fairy Tail’s filler episodes are based on bonus chapters and side stories from the original manga, and might actually be worth the time. The majority of the filler episodes aren’t worth it, though, except for die-hards who want to watch as much Fairy Tail as possible. And not all fans are like that.

7 Natsu’s Powers Change Oddly

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

One of the main characters is the fire dragon slayer Natsu Dragneel, and he gets stronger and stronger as the series goes on. But Natsu’s power scaling can be odd or erratic at times, such as when he was overwhelmingly powerful one year after the Fairy Tail guild broke up, only for this power-up to not be addressed again.

What is more, Natsu’s earlier fights often involved him eating fire to get stronger, and he relied heavily on it. At the time, he also tended to smash his fists together to create an arcane magic circle, but all that was lost later on. It was like Natsu got an unnecessary reboot of his powers.

6 Fairy Tail’s Studios Changed

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

Sometimes, an anime series will be passed on from one studio to another, such as Attack on Titan going from Studio Wit to Studio MAPPA between its third and fourth seasons, and this might affect how the series looks. It can be a change for the better, but the transition can still be an awkward one.

Fairy Tail had a certain aesthetic in the first chunk of episodes before changing studios to gain a new aesthetic, which can be jarring for fans who prefer one style over another. In fact, Fairy Tail was produced by four studios – A-1 Pictures, Dentsu Inc., Satelight Bridge, and Cloverworks.

5 There’s Even More Fanservice Than Fans Remember

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

An older anime fan who hasn’t seen Fairy Tail for many years will realize just how much fan service is crammed into this anime upon a rewatch. It often feels rather forced and awkward, even by fan service anime standards.

Everyone knows that anime loves to show off its attractive characters, but Fairy Tail takes it to bizarre new heights, and returning fans might be shocked all over again by how much there is. Poor Lucy gets her clothes torn off in half the scenes, and the mighty Erza Scarlet keeps dressing in R-rated outfits just because she can. At least Erza looks confident while doing it, though.

4 Certain Story Arcs Really Drag

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

It’s generally accepted that some story arcs in anime will be quite lengthy, but even so, Fairy Tail really drags its feet with some story arcs, and fans eager to see the next story arc will have a lot of waiting to do first. A good example is the Grand Magic Games tournament arc which, at 50+ episodes, is longer than Demon Slayer’s entire run so far.

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Fans of these particular arcs have nothing to worry about, but for other fans, this can feel like a real slog and makes Fairy Tail feel even longer than it is. In contrast, My Hero Academia’s UA sports tournament arc got a lot done in less than half the time.

3 All Of The Suspense Is Lost

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

In all fairness, any TV show, anime, or movie will have less suspense on a rewatch, since viewers will have general or very specific knowledge of what will happen next, such as tragic deaths, betrayals, and so on. But this is especially true for Fairy Tail, and it can feel downright silly at times.

In particular, Fairy Tail has more than a few fake-out deaths, such as the water wizard Juvia’s and the guild master Makarov Dreyar’s, which weren’t entirely convincing the first time, let alone a second. Seeing the characters react so emotionally to these cheap fake-out deaths may feel ridiculous on a rewatch.

2 The Main Plot Is Late To The Party

10 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Fairy Tail

There may be a reason why Zeref Dragneel is rarely ranked among the best anime villains of all time. Zeref didn’t appear in the story of Fairy Tail until much later, and he brought the main plot with him. This gives most of Fairy Tail an episodic feel, and not in a good way. Entire story arcs have nothing to do with the main plot concerning Zeref.

Zeref and the main plot take far too long to arrive in Fairy Tail, and on a rewatch, this can make most events before Zeref’s arrival feel irrelevant or even pointless. When watching Fairy Tail the first time, fans won’t know the difference, but on a rewatch, it becomes obvious how weirdly late Zeref’s arrival really is, given his central role in everything.

1 Lucy Takes A While To Get Strong

Most anime heroes need time to get stronger, but in Lucy Heartfilia’s case, it’s agony watching her being weak and helpless for so long before gaining more Celestial keys and star dresses to boost her combat effectiveness. She is almost like a Konosuba character early on, complete with fan service.

Lucy is always capable of using magic, true enough, but most of Fairy Tail treats her more like eye candy with token magic for the longest time. Fans of Lucy’s true strength will have a lot of frustration to put up with before Lucy powers up in later story arcs.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/rewatching-fairy-tail-downsides-negatives/

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