10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

10 Most Relatable Quotes From You’ve Got Mail


You’ve Got Mail is a classic romantic comedy, but which lines of dialogue did fans really relate to?

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More than 20 years after You’ve Got Mail came out, it is still heralded as one of the most loved romantic comedies of all time. Featuring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, and directed by Nora Ephron, this winning combination made it possible for this movie to still remain as relevant and iconic as it is today. With many elements from the 90s that made it such a 90s movie, You’ve Got Mail is somewhat of a nostalgic reminder of a time gone by.

With its slow internet, chatrooms, the arrival of big retail shops, Starbucks, and more, You’ve Got Mail has still managed to stay relevant because of its relatable characters and settings.

10 “I Would Send You A Bouquet Of Newly Sharpened Pencils”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

The correspondence between NY 152 and Shopgirl is through emails that contain phrases like “bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.”

This gives the audience a taste of the kind of people they are; pretentious, literary, in love with New York, and highly romantic. Joe Fox writes this to Kathleen Kelly over email and she is incredibly taken by it. This highly romantic ritual of writing a stranger emails is what You’ve Got Mail popularized.

9 “…Because We Are Going To Sell Them Cheap Books And Legal Addictive Stimulants”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Kathleen owns The Shop Around The Corner and she meets her competition in the form of Fox Books, a chain of mega-stores that sells books. Fox Books is everything The Shop Around The Corner is not; big, impersonal, cheap, with many amenities, and incredible coffee.

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This is how Fox Books beats out its competition. They sell mass-produced books on a discount and serve coffee in their bookstore itself. This quote is very emblematic of what such bigger stores do, and how they take customers from the smaller stores.

8 “This Fabric On The Couch, What Is It? Does It Have A Name? – Money”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Another funny and pointed quote from the Fox family, Joe asks his father what material the couch is made of. Joe is reclining on the couch and wants to know if it is something particular. His father quite bluntly answers the question with a single word, “money.”

It captures the way this rich family thinks, and the way in which rich people spend money on things.

7 “The Purpose Of Places Like Starbucks Is For People With No Decision Making Ability To Make Six Decisions Just To Buy A Cup Of Coffee”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Another quite funny quote, here Joe talks about how places like Starbucks give people the illusion of making choices and decisions.

Especially for people who have weak decision-making skills, the possibility of making six definitive choices to just order a cup of coffee allows them to believe that they are capable of making decisions in real life as well. And of course, the popularity of places like Starbucks goes on to show how this is true.

6 “…Do I Do It Because I Like It Or Because I Haven’t Been Brave?”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Kathleen writes about how her life has been very small. She knows that it is small, yet valuable, but now she’s questioning whether she has intentionally kept it small because she likes it that way, or if it was because she was just scared.

She has been helping with the store since she was six years old. It belonged to her mother and then it belonged to her. She had never considered any possibility of life outside of the store and she’s wondering why it was.

5 “I Don’t Want An Answer. I Just Want To Send This Cosmic Question Out Into The Void”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

A very relatable quote for many, it points to the fact that many a time, people just want to make observations. They don’t want solutions, they don’t want answers. They just want to talk it out, write it out, just put their thoughts into words.

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They want it to be out there. They are not particularly looking for answers or solutions when they do so. So when Kathleen puts that very sentiment into words, it’s quite relatable.

4 “We Are An American Family”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Matt is Joe’s father’s son, and Anabelle is Joe’s grandfather’s daughter. He explains to Kathleen how they are all connected to each other, and he concludes this with the funny remark that “we are an American family.”

It is quite a humorous way to describe the complicated webs of his family dynamics and relationships. But from the sounds of it, they are indeed a modern American family.

3 “When You Finally Have The Pleasure Of Saying The Things You Mean To Say, At The Moment You Mean To Say It, Remorse Inevitably Follows”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Both Joe and Kathleen take turns to regret the things they have said. Initially, it is Joe who makes snarky remarks to Kathleen about their bookstores, while Kathleen mutely listens to it. Later, it is Kathleen who says incredibly mean things to Joe while he is forced to listen quietly to them.

In both instances, what Joe said holds true, when you say the thing you wanted to say, when you wanted to say it, more often than not, you realize that you’ve hurt the other person more than you had intended to. You’ve Got Mail plays on these things wonderfully.

2 “Sometimes A Guy Just Wants The Impossible”

10 Most Relatable Quotes From Youve Got Mail

Once Joe realizes that Kathleen is Shopgirl, he takes steps to become friends with Kathleen. Joe and Kathleen have been bickering since the beginning of their relationship, so he knows that friendship with Kathleen is going to be difficult.

He says this to her as well, adding that it’s maybe because he knows that it is impossible, that he wants to do it.

1 “I Wanted It To Be You So Badly”

One of the most cheesiest, romantic, silly, yet honest lines in the film. Kathleen is incredibly happy that NY 152 turned out to be Joe Fox himself. This quote is so relatable because it tugs at that part of human consciousness which so badly wishes that what they want is what reality will turn out to be.

Kathleen wanted it to be Joe, and it was Joe. It is a kind of wish-fulfillment that everyone hopes for in their own lives as well. And this is what makes You’ve Got Mail so enjoyable.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/youve-got-mail-quotes/

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