10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans


Some movie characters are misunderstood by fans, leading to unnecessary hatred or poorly-placed idolization.

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10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

The best movies strike an emotional chord with their audiences, and this engenders strong reactions towards certain heroes and villains. That being said, some viewers can get so lost in their reaction towards a character that they misunderstand them.

This miscommunication can manifest in misplaced fan worship or irrational hatred. As a result, some characters inadvertently inspire the worst possible interpretations while others are unreasonably condemned by fans and detractors. Many movie characters are misunderstood by fans.

10 Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Admiral Holdo Was Just Doing Her Job

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

It goes without saying that the eighth Star Wars movie was incredibly polarizing, and Admiral Holdo is one of the sequel’s most contentious points. Ever since she grounded Poe Dameron and gave seemingly illogical orders, Holdo became a lightning rod of fandom hatred. That being said, this was the entire point of her character.

The Last Jedi’s main theme was failure and bouncing back from it, and even an authority figure like Holdo wasn’t immune to making grave mistakes. Holdo made some right calls such as putting a short-sighted Poe in his place, but she also paid a price for being condescending to him. Some viewers, however, only saw Holdo as an annoying and nagging obstruction.

9 Aliens – The Colonial Marines Were Meant To Be A Joke

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

If there’s anyone more synonymous with the Alien series than the Xenomorphs and Ellen Ripley, it’s the Colonial Marines. Though they only appeared once, the impressively armed Marines have since become the series’ and sci-fi genre’s ultimate example of cool, tough action heroes. Despite this, they only appeared in Aliens to be humiliated.

The Colonial Marines may have had tons of bravado and firepower, but they were quickly outmatched by the Xenomorphs and had to be saved by Ellen, a civilian. Worse, they were Weyland-Yutani’s clueless and expendable pawns. Although they were soundly humiliated, the marines still wound up inspiring unironic clones in derivative sci-fi works.

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8 500 Days Of Summer – Summer Finn Was Not Wrong For Dumping Tom Hansen

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

500 Days Of Summer is often cited as one of the best romantic movies of the 2000s. Its fans considered it to be a warning against the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype that Summer perfectly embodied. For these viewers, Summer was the story’s “villain” because she was too impulsive and flaky, and she didn’t give Tom a second chance to prove his love.

However, Tom was wrong. Summer may be eccentric, but she was only ever honest to herself. Meanwhile, Tom projected his fantasies onto Summer, which she found constraining before breaking things off. 500 Days Of Summer’s stars even addressed this on the movie’s tenth anniversary, clarifying that Tom was borderline delusional.

7 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World – Scott’s Worldview Wasn’t A Good Thing

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is undoubtedly a relatable film as many fans identified with underdog Scott’s gamified quest to win Ramona Flowers’ affection. Fans saw Scott as the power fantasy they’ve waited their whole lives for, even though he was meant to be a personality to outgrow and overcome.

Scott viewing a potential relationship as a boss rush is a sign of his immaturity, and nowhere was this more obvious than in his objectification of Ramona into a trophy to win. It’s telling that Scott’s true power-up and final boss were self-respect and himself, respectively, but fans instead saw Scott as the kind of person they wanted to become.

6 Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers Was Expected To Live Up To Impossible Goal Posts

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

Before her movie even came out, Captain Marvel was subjected to intense criticism and scrutiny. Most of the hate came from accusations that Carol was too arrogant, brash, and overpowered. In brief, her detractors found her unlikable. Interestingly, these were the same traits that the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s male heroes also held.

For comparison’s sake, Tony Stark was also an insufferably arrogant war criminal who only matured after a near-death experience. Carol went through a similar arc, where she had to overcome Kree brainwashing to become a hero. In many ways, Captain Marvel is another flawed Marvel hero, but she got lots of undue flak for very obvious sexist reasons.

5 The Godfather Trilogy – Michael Corleone’s Pursuit Of Power Is Not Aspirational

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

These days, it’s not uncommon to see memes of Micheal or Don Vito Corleone being shared online with a self-aggrandizing quote about the burdens of being a staunch leader. Posts like these are the most recent misunderstanding of The Godfather’s deconstruction of such patriarchal archetypes, where Michael’s power corrupted and then destroyed him.

Michael’s rise from an ordinary man into a ruthless crime lord was a dark look at the American Dream, not an affirmation of it. Even though he died alone after burning all his bridges for fleeting power, Michael somehow became something of a life coach in pop culture. Despite all these, some viewed Michael’s fall as an inspiring story of martyrdom.

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4 The Harry Potter Series – Hermione Granger Just Wanted To Excel In Wizarding School

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

Of the main Hogwarts trio, Hermione gets the most derision. When she’s not hated for being a know-it-all brat, she’s often condemned for being obnoxious and escaping any kind of karmic comeuppance. While Hermione does have her unflattering moments, most of her detractors tend to forget that she’s just a teenager.

Teenagers are prone to overreactions, and every child in Hogwarts is guilty of this. Still, Hermione annoyed fans while Harry and Ron were seen as endearing. Additionally, Hermione’s disliked overeagerness is the result of her overcompensation, since she’s a Muggle-born student who wants to prove her worth in magic school.

3 Taxi Driver – Travis Bickle Should’ve Been A Cautionary Tale, Not A Trendsetter

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

Travis is arguably one of the most influential characters in all cinema, as his explosive rage inspired countless imitators that even includes The Joker’s most recent cinematic incarnations. Many Taxi Driver fans identified with Travis’ anger and frustrations against the world, even if the movie made it clear that he was a warning to audiences – not society.

Even momentarily ignoring its deliberately abstract happy ending, Taxi Driver overtly showed Travis’ bitterness to be more pathetic and self-absorbed than justified and righteous. Instead of being terrified by such a character, fans latched onto Travis’ detachment and modeled their own edgy and nihilistic worldviews on his.

2 The Twilight Saga – Bella Swan Got Too Much Hate For Being A Self-Insert

10 Movie Characters Who Are Misunderstood By Fans

A lot has already been said about how certain aspects of the Twilight movies (especially the main human character, Bella) didn’t age well and set a bad example for an impressionable target audience. In brief, Bella was hated by many for being a bland blank slate who only existed to fulfill author Stephenie Meyer’s wishes.

As bad as this may sound, there’s nothing inherently wrong or even new about self-inserts or romantic power fantasies. At her worst, Bella was an unoriginal and passive romantic lead, but she got more ridicule than her contemporaries because Twilight was viewed as an insult towards the public’s edgy (and male-coded) interpretation of vampires.

1 Fight Club – Tyler Durden Was A Male Power Fantasy

It goes without saying that Fight Club is one of the most misunderstood pieces of satire ever made. One of its biggest jokes was the impossibly macho Tyler, as he was the unremarkable unnamed narrator’s power fantasy incarnate. Despite Fight Club making it clear that such an idealized man can only exist in one’s imagination, many sincerely look up to Tyler.

Another point that’s hammered in is that someone like Tyler is a danger to society and those around him, and yet his real-world fans take his reductive crusade against emasculation as truth. Fight Club ended with the narrator finding his confidence by “killing” his wish-fulfilling Tyler personality, but some fans erroneously choose to keep their Tyler alive.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/movie-characters-misunderstood-by-fans/

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