10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s Spider-Man Universe


Between a futuristic take on Spider-Man and the long-awaited Sinister Six, Sony’s Spider-Man Universe has an infinite amount of possibilities.

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10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Sony recently announced that any Spider-Man movies outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are officially part of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe. For most people, it’ll clear up a lot of confusion to the general audiences who aren’t sure whether movies like Venom and Morbius are part of the MCU or some other cinematic universe.

But for fans, it excitedly paves the way for the potential of so many movies in a new movie universe. Spider-Man has the best villains and some of the most well-developed characters in comic books and compared to how many there are, so few of them have been explored on the big screen. Between a police captain’s downward spiral, a futuristic take on the hero, and, of course, the long-awaited Sinister Six, Sony has an almost infinite amount of possibilities.

10 Miles Morales

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Miles Morales might be the main character of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but that wasn’t much of a solo movie. The character took on the mantle of Peter Parker after he retired, and the video game Spider-Man: Miles Morales told his story perfectly. In the game, he was accurately portrayed as a positive mentor for children of color, and the movie could do the same thing.

The film could even finally see the return of Donald Glover’s Aaron Davis, who played a pretty thief in Spider-Man: Homecoming. It seemed as if the movie was setting up Davis to have a major role in the series in the future, but it hasn’t happened. The reason why it’d work in a Miles movie is that Davis is Morales’ uncle. And it’d be rather poetic to have him in a main role considering that the character of Miles Morales is based on Glover.

9 Silver Sable

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Being one of the deadliest mercenaries, Silver Sable’s connection to Spider-Man can come off strange considering that he’s a teenage boy. However, that’s exactly why Silver Sable would make a great standalone movie.

She has plenty of standalone stories that a solo movie could delve into, such as her upbringing in Latveria, Dr. Doom’s home country. The movie could even be the start of a series and build up to The Wild Pack, which is a group of mercenaries that’s led by Silver. It’d make for an incredible espionage Metal Gear Solid-like series.

8 Big Wheel

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Jackson Weele doesn’t exactly have any superhero powers, but he does have a giant vehicular wheel that’s armed with guns and tentacle-like arms. Big Wheel is more of a joke character than anything else, and he’d fit right in with supervillain teams like The Suicide Squad.

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Though Spider-Man has crossed paths with Deadpool in the comic books, it’s unlikely that’ll happen on the big screen anytime soon. Big Wheel could be the SSUs very own self-referential and self-aware character who lambasts the series and makes jokes at the studio’s expense. Given Sony’s competition with Marvel and all of the leaked emails from years ago, there’s a lot for Big Wheel to hilariously commentate on.

7 Spider-Man 2099

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Similar to Batman Beyond, Spider-Man 2099 is set in a futuristic New York called Nueva York in the titular year. It’s essentially a derivative of the original Spider-Man, as the two have the exact same abilities, the same origin story, and even the same villains, as there’s a Green Goblin 2099 too.

But the biggest selling point about the movie is its futuristic setting. As cinema-goers have seen Spider-Man swing through New York in multiple live-action movies at this point, a futuristic setting would be instantly refreshing. The character will appear on the big screen soon, as Spider-Man 2099 is joining the Spider-Verse team, but it isn’t live-action or tied into the other movies.

6 Black Cat

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

There was a team-up movie with Silver Sable in development for years titled Silver & Black, but that was then thwarted for solo movies. And the most recent news is another 180 change, as there was a Disney+ show planned too. However, whether she’s teamed up with Silver or not, Black Cat has deserved her own movie for years.

There’s so much going on with the character, as she’s sometimes an enemy, a love interest, or an ally of Spider-Man’s, and sometimes she’s all three at once. But she can also stand apart from the web-slinger, and it’d make for a surprisingly profound movie for a superhero flick if it was an origin story, as she learned hand-to-hand combat after being a victim of sexual assault.

5 Spiders-Man

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Spiders-Man is another variant of the original character, but what’s interesting about Spiders-Man is that he’s literally made out of thousands of spiders. In the comics, Peter was devoured by a whole colony of spiders, but the spiders consumed the consciousness of the character.

The movie could be a sci-fi Shakespearean tragedy in the vein of The Fly. The whole concept of Spiders-Man even sounds like a depraved David Cronenberg project, as the director helmed The Fly, The Thing, and Scanners. However, the spiders did continue to fight crime, just as Peter Parker did.

4 Yuri Watanabe

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

Yuri Watanabe was a captain of the New York Police Department and an ally of Spider-Man’s, but just like any Spider-Man ally, she grows resentful of the hero and the justice system as a whole. Yuri becomes a vigilante and takes the law into her own hands as Wraith, and she quickly finds that murdering criminals is more fulfilling than arresting them.

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It’d be fascinating to explore the two different sides of Watanabe. The movie could see her carrying out her duties as a decent New York cop and going about her detective work, and then as the masked vigilante growing more hateful. And just like Sony did with Venom, they could turn the character into a more redeemable anti-hero than an outright villain.

3 A Venom & Spider-Man Crossover Movie

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

The idea of Venom and the web-slinger crossing over has been an open question ever since Venom was released back in 2018. Even though it’d be hard to see Tom Holland’s Spider-Man sharing the screen with Tom Hardy’s Venom, as the two worlds are completely different, it’s still something that fans want to see.

It could be one of the most fascinating team-up movies ever, and as the two characters’ face off in Spider-Man 3 was underwhelming, the crossover is something that fans almost deserve. Marvel won’t rule out a crossover, but it’s unlikely that Sony would want to share another one of their characters with the MCU.

2 The Sinister Six

10 Movies We Want To See In Sony’s SpiderMan Universe

The Sinister Six is a team of Spider-Man’s most iconic villains, and they have been prevalent for decades. It’s no secret that Sony wants a Sinister Six movie, as they have been attempting to build it ever since the release of The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012. Even in the sequel, audiences saw six gates opening only for it to cut away.

However, as the biggest criticism of Spider-Man 3 was that there were too many villains, six villains could overdo it. But though the line-up has changed over the years, it generally includes Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin, and as those villains will be in Spider-Man: No Way Home, a Sinister Six movie may finally be in development.

1 Knull

Knull is associated with Venom and Carnage, but he’s much worse than both of them put together, and he’s an even bigger threat than Thanos. He’s such a threat that he’d be a better phase 5 villain than Galactus. There’s so much backstory to Knull, as along with creating the Necrosword, the character has literally created alien races.

A movie adaptation of the source material could be difficult, as he’s so connected to the Guardians of the Galaxy characters too, which Sony doesn’t own. But at the same time, the movie could tie in with other exciting symbiotic characters, such as Anti-Venom, Agent Venom, and Shriek.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-sony-universe-possible-wanted-movies/

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