10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes


Not all horror movies can be charming in a campy way, and there are truly indefensible films, like these 10, that rank 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

Despite the highly creative works that have come out of the horror genre in cinema, there have been a lot of bad movies throughout the years. The conventions related to these types of stories, like gore, demons, monsters, and serial killers, are often misused in an attempt to rely solely on shock value.

Some fans of the genre might actually defend the use of these tropes in such a superficial manner. In fact, many horror classics came out of this style. But not all movies can be charming in a campy way, and as much as someone can be a fan, there are truly indefensible films, like these 10 that rank 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.

10 Hellraiser: Hellseeker – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

The original Hellraiser is one of the most impressive horror movies of its time. The deeply disturbing story, based on the Clive Barker novel of the same name, shocked audiences in 1987 for its creative use of gore and the presentation of its titular monster: the cenobite Pinhead.

As with all horror movies that became extremely popular, the film transformed itself into a franchise that spawned several mediocre sequels, like Hellraiser: Hellseeker, which relied on campiness and is pretty forgettable.

9 Butcher Boys – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

This cannibal film is written by Kim Henkel, who wrote, besides Tom Hooper, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Unfortunately, 2012’s Butcher Boys doesn’t hold any of what makes the 1973 classic great. It puts a group of teenagers against a group of cannibals: not an original premise.

The film seems to be the product of Henkel trying to remake his old classic by adding elements of the Johantan Swift satirical essay A Modest Proposal, which inspired him to the movie.

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8 I Spit On Your Grave 2 – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

The 1978’s revenge flick I Spit On Your Grave was a very controversial film because of its depiction of sexual violence, which roughly makes-up 30 minutes of the film. Although it became a cult classic and many praised actress Camille Keaton for her performance as a girl who takes revenge on her rapists, the movie was still questionable and it is definitely not a love story.

So it was really jarring to see it being remade in 2010. However, more jarring was its sequel, which hardly justifies its existence by just being a torture-porn film with little substance or variation on the premise.

7 One Missed Call – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

Americans had to go through a rough patch to understand that remaking Japanese horror movies wasn’t a great idea. Like The Grudge or The Ring, 2008’s One Missed Call tried to adapt its 2004 Japanese counterpart to American culture very unsuccessfully. And the studio behind it seemed to know it since it didn’t screen the movie for critics before its release.

The story follows a student who tries to figure out why her friends die after receiving a voicemail dated in the future. As much as filmmakers tried to, making cellphones scary is pretty difficult.

6 Cabin Fever – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

It baffled many audience members’ minds how this movie came to be. The original 2004’s Cabin Fever, a gore fest about a flesh-eating virus to which a bunch of teenagers succumbs, is one of the best-regarded films from director Eli Roth. 12 years later, he agreed to his movie being remade almost shot-by-shot.

The 2016 version, directed by Travis Z, doesn’t seem to prove why it was worthy of being made and only reinforces what Gus Van Sant’s remake of Psycho proved: some films do not need to be remade!

5 Manos: The Hands Of Fate – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

We have Mystery Science Theater 3000 to thank for this one. 1966’s Manos: The Hands of Fate was pretty much forgotten until it appeared in a now-famous episode of MST3K. Since it reappearance, the movie has routinely featured on many lists as one of the worst movies ever made and has gathered a cult following.

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The movie was produced, directed, a starred by Harold P. Warren, a fertilizer salesman. It is universally mock for its lack of filmmaking technique and its confusing editing.

4 Return Of The Living Dead Part II – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

The original Return Of The Living Dead was a result of the impact George Romero’s 1968’s Night Of The Living Dead had on its audiences. Return references Night but also refreshes the zombie concept, by inventing new rules about these ghouls and adding some humor to the equation.

At the time, the movie felt fresh, but its sequels did not. Part II is a reimagined version of the first movie but much less inspired and, despite having been a modest box-office success, it was panned by critics.

3 Playback – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

What’s with horror movies based on mundane objects? There was a time when some horror filmmakers tried to make the most inane thing scary. This was probably sparked by movies like The Ring, but it got out of control. Playback is an example of this, its premise being the killing of people through video playback.

The movie didn’t do well at the box-office either. In fact, it was the lowest-grossing film of 2012 since it was only released in one theater and amassed $252. It can be found on some streaming sites, though.

2 The Gallows Act II – 0%

10 Of The Worst 0% Horror Movies On Rotten Tomatoes

Does anyone even remember the first The Gallows? In all seriousness, studios sometimes force sequels of a movie only to see if they can build a successful franchise out of it, as with films like Ouiji and Paranormal Activity. But many people felt that The Gallows wasn’t a good movie, to begin with.

Its sequel is worse and relies too much on gimmicks popularized by previous films, like the usage of a found-footage or overused tropes, like reckless teenagers.

1 Jaws: The Revenge – 0%

After the success of Stephen Spielberg’s masterful film Jaws, it was a matter of time before it got several sequels, culminating in The Revenge, the worst of the bunch. Not even Batman’s Sir Michael Caine could help the movie avoid bad criticism.

The film is mostly remembered for its fake-looking model of the shark and the bad use of visual effects that were, at times, cartoonish.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/worst-0-percent-horror-movies-rotten-tomatoes/

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