10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks, Ranked


Between the Teen Titans and Young Justice, DC has some of the strongest sidekicks in comic book history.

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10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

The DC Universe is no stranger to sidekicks, as the various heroes of the Justice League have all served as mentors at one point or another. DC’s sidekicks often share a similar theme with their heroes or have spent years training alongside their mentors and on teams like the Teen Titans.

While most of DC’s sidekicks are just incredibly well-trained humans, some are strong enough to go head to head with the best. Between the Teen Titans and Young Justice, DC has some of the strongest sidekicks in comic book history.

10 Sidekicks Like Snapper Carr And Jimmy Olsen Briefly Gained Powerful Abilities

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Snapper Carr was the Justice League’s sidekick and was notably into betraying them tricked by The Joker. In an unrelated incident, he later gained teleportation powers. Jimmy Olsen has been Superman’s pal for years and even wears a high-frequency signal-watch to call Superman when there’s trouble, but he has also gained temporary powers over the years. Jimmy once took on the name of Elastic Lad when he gained stretching powers, though his strongest incarnation is the short-lived but powerful kaiju known as Turtle-Boy.

9 Arsenal Is Green Arrow’s Strongest Sidekick, But Red Arrow Comes Close

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Oliver Queen has taken on quite a few sidekicks as Green Arrow over the years, beginning with Roy Harper/Speedy who eventually grew up to become the weapons-master Arsenal. Harper is physically the strongest of Green Arrow’s sidekicks, but Oliver’s younger sister Emiko Queen/Red Arrow is the best-trained.

Emiko was raised by assassins from the Arrow Clan before she took on the role of Red Arrow and began working with the modern Teen Titans. Her training makes her one of Green Arrow’s deadliest sidekicks, despite her lack of physical strength. She’s still growing, so it’s bound to grow with her, too.

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8 Nightwing Was The Strongest Robin Until Damian Briefly Gained Powers

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Batman has brought a number of sidekicks under his wing over the years, kicking off DC’s sidekick trend with the introduction of Dick Grayson as Robin. Grayson eventually grew up to become Nightwing, while his successors like Jason Todd and Tim Drake carried their own titles as Red Hood and Red Robin, respectively.

Nightwing and Red Hood are two of the strongest Robins, but Damian Wayne briefly gained Superman-like powers after he was resurrected by a Chaos Shard from Apokolips.

7 Cassandra Cain Is The Strongest Batgirl

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Barbara Gordon may be the first modern character to use the Batgirl identity, but the strongest and best-trained is Cassandra Cain. Cain was raised by her assassin father David Cain, who built her into a silent killing machine. Instead of teaching her how to talk, all of Cassandra’s youth was spent training in various fighting styles that allowed her to interpret body language. Cassandra Cain can augment her fighting style as needed, making her one of the deadliest fighters in the DC universe.

6 Kid Flash’s Strength Can Be Increased Using Physics And Super-Speed

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

While the Flash family is better known for their speed, the Speed Force combined with their knowledge of science and physics has allowed them to increase their strength with powerful kinetically-enhanced punches. Wally West was the first Kid Flash to use his mentor’s patented “supersonic punch,” though the technique has been employed by his successors like Wallace West and Bart Allen very effectively over the years.

5 Rocket’s Powerful Inertia Belt Lets Her Absorb And Redirect Kinetic Energy

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Milestone’s powerful alien hero Icon began working with Raquel Ervin after she inspired him to use his powers to become a costumed hero. She joined him as the super-powered Rocket, thanks to an alien Inertia Belt that was capable of creating a powerful kinetic field around its wearer.

The Inertia Belt was further modified by her fellow hero Hardware so that Rocket could manipulate its kinetic field in various ways. This included increasing her strength to the point she could blow through spaceships in orbit or absorb incredibly strong blows and turn them against her attackers.

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4 Aqualad Is An Atlantean Who Can Manipulate Water Into Energized Weapons

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

Several young heroes have worked alongside Aquaman over the years. The first Aqualad was Garth, whose Atlantean physiology gave him incredible strength, but he also mastered Atlantean sorcery to become the hero Tempest.

Jackson Hyde is the current Aqualad, and his Atlantean heritage also gives him enhanced strength. However, he also has the ability to control and manipulate water, which he can then charge up or freeze solid using additional powers like electrokinesis and cryokinesis.

3 Wonder Girl Has The Power Of The Gods

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

There have been a couple of heroes who fought by Wonder Woman’s side as Wonder Girl. The first was Donna Troy, who was magically created with strength that rivals Diana’s. This naturally put Donna on an entirely different level than most of her allies in the Teen Titans.

Cassie Sandsmark is the modern Wonder Girl. Cassie discovered she was actually the granddaughter of Zeus, and her demigoddess strength has yet to be fully tested.

2 Shazam Jr. And Lady Shazam Share Abilities With The World’s Mightiest Mortal

10 Strongest DC Sidekicks Ranked

DC’s mightiest mortal, Shazam can empower himself with the strength and abilities of the gods when he speaks his magic word. Shazam shared his abilities with his foster siblings and created an entire family of sidekicks, but two characters have been working at his side for decades.

Freddy Freeman is Shazam Jr., while Mary Bromfield took on the name of Lady Shazam – although they were previously known as Captain Marvel, Jr. and Mary Marvel respectively. They both share the strength of Hercules that Shazam bestowed on them, making them incredibly powerful sidekicks.

1 Superboy And Supergirl Are Some Of DC’s Strongest Characters

Some of the strongest characters in DC are survivors of planet Krypton like Superman. Both versions of Superboy are human-Kryptonian hybrids, but Jon Kent has displayed more of Superman’s incredible strength than his older “brother” Conner.

Conner Kent is a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, so his abilities aren’t as powerful. He was equipped with tactile telekinesis in an attempt to replicate Superman’s abilities. However, Kara Zor-El/Supergirl is a full-blooded Kryptonian who spent years absorbing yellow sunlight, making her Superman’s equal in power.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dc-strongest-sidekicks-ranked/

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