10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent


Numerous central characters get killed, never to be seen on Supernatural again – even if the fans wanted them to come back.

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10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

It is almost funny to the Supernatural fandom how often the main characters die. While so many of the show’s deaths are devastating, a sense of finality is rare, given that so many characters are resurrected or appear in different forms, such as becoming ghosts or being shown in Heaven or Hell. Some characters, though, genuinely do not return to the show after their death.

Of course, victims die and don’t come back in just about every episode, but it is not exclusively nameless individuals. Even central characters get killed, never to be seen on Supernatural again – even if the fans wanted them to come back.

10 Gabriel

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

In season 5’s excellent episode “Hammer Of The Gods,” it appears as though Gabriel has died at the hands of Lucifer. As it turns out, Gabriel used his usual trickery and survived, with his actual death coming at the hands of alternate Michael in season 13.

While it seems the intention was to keep Gabriel dead in season 5 since he never died, he never returned from the dead, and season 13 marked the end for Gabriel and Richard Speight Jr. on-screen in Supernatural. The character is so loved that even his fake deaths are emotional, making his real death just tragic for audiences.

9 Eve

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

One of the worst victims of a storyline getting cut short in Supernatural was Eve, who got killed off nearly as quickly as she arrived on the scene in season 6 and was never seen again after the fact.

When Dean and Cas made their way to Purgatory in season, 15 fans found out she was still kicking in Purgatory, but she did not appear on screen, only mentioned by the Leviathan working for her. Being alive in the afterlife for Eve is not the same as her death not being permanent on Earth, though, and fans are still upset about the direction her season 6 story went.

8 Raphael

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

Of the four incredibly strong archangels in Supernatural, only Lucifer truly died and got resurrected and reappeared. Michael died in the series’ penultimate episode, Gabriel faked his death before eventually biting the dust, while Raphael met his end long before either.

Arguably the worst of the four in terms of capturing the fans’ interest, Raphael’s death was always going to happen and was never going to have a huge impact. It was used as a showcase for Godstiel’s power and succeeded in that regard, but few fans cared that Raphael never popped up again after his death or found his way out of the Empty.

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7 Metatron

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

Supernatural had a thing for redemption stories. Not only did Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Jack all have multiple redemption stories of their own, but many other non-main characters had one, including Metatron.

Metatron gets a lot of flack from the fanbase and is hardly the most likable character ever. Nevertheless, there is no disputing the honor in the final sacrifice that saw him save Sam, Donatello, Lucifer, and Castiel by confronting Amara and suffering a pretty brutal and very permanent death.

6 Missouri Moseley

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

Missouri Moseley was introduced to fans in season 1 of the show and was an immediate hit, a Bobby-like figure before Bobby even got introduced to fans. Crankiness and demanding respect from the Winchester’s are not the only things Missouri and Bobby had in common, both left Supernatural far too soon for the fan’s liking.

Unfortunately, Missouri’s appearances were limited to only two. In season 13’s “Patience,” Missouri heroically gave up her life to a Wraith to save the lives of her son and granddaughter. The way Missouri went out was in line with the character’s badassery, but that does not make it easier for fans never to see her again.

5 Meg

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

When Meg switched vessels, the character underwent a severe tonal shift. While the first iteration of the character was murderous, violent, abhorrent, and loyal to Azazel and his cause of bringing back Lucifer, the final version of the character was on the good team.

While Meg Masters, the young woman possessed by the demon, met a horrible death as described by her spirit, the demon herself did not die until Crowley killed her. She did so to save Castiel and the boys, and her final words to Sam of “Go, save your brother. And my unicorn.” make it hard not to sympathize and get emotional about her death. Her and Castiel’s romantic connection was touching and helped make her death much more impactful.

4 Bela Talbot

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

One of Supernatural’s most divisive characters of the Kripke-era is Bela Talbot, a charismatic, rich, and ruthless Brit with knowledge of the supernatural and a heartless way of life that often put her at odds with Sam and Dean until her eventual death.

That death came at the teeth of hellhounds after she made a deal as a young girl to get her parents killed, which saw young Bela, then known as Abbie, inherit a fortune. After that, Bela never returned to the show, not even popping up during the boy’s numerous trips to Hell.

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3 Death

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

Death in terms of the title and the (sort of) occupation, never left the show. Billie took up the role before it fell to Betty briefly. But Death, the Pale Horseman, the Angel of Death, Big Daddy Reaper as Dean coined him, he did.

Dean Winchester gets some wild kills in Supernatural, from Abbadon to Cain to Hitler himself, but Death may be the wildest. The older Winchester turned the oldest of the Four Horseman to dust with his own scythe in another grand move to keep Sam alive and choose his own destiny. Julian Riching’s portrayal of Death was impeccable, and it was a shame for all fans that he never appeared again.

2 Balthazar

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

The post-Kripke era of Supernatural got off to an arguably slow start with the introduction of the Campbells and the divisive directions of certain storylines. However, season 6 had some stuff to truly love, including Balthazar.

Not only did he give fans “The French Mistake,” but he was overall just a great presence on the show, a unique angel, unlike the unlikeable angels that fans got used to. He had edge, charisma, and humor that was deliberate rather than Castiel’s hilarious confused shtick. Balthazar met his end at the hands of Castiel at the end of the season, with Castiel snapping in his quest to stop Raphael, betraying Balthazar just as he betrayed Dean, Sam, and Bobby. Chuck clearly did not care for Balthazar as the fans did, or else he would have come right back just like Cas did in “Swan Song.”

1 Crowley

10 Supernatural Characters Whose Deaths Were Permanent

It is pretty criminal that Supernatural brought back different versions of so many different characters but never managed to squeeze in one more appearance from arguably the fourth main character in the show from seasons 5 through 12.

Crowley was not just one of the show’s most hilarious characters, but one of the best, with an emotional redemption arc, a slew of iconic moments, and simply an energy and presence that the show missed in its final three seasons. Crowley being Crowley faked his death before, but his end came when he killed himself to try and trap Lucifer in Apocolypse World and allow Sam and Dean to escape. What makes his never returning worse is that his death did not trap Lucifer, nor was his the only loss in the episode. Cas died, and Mary got stuck in Apocolypse world, fulfilling the sacrifice Crowley’s character so brilliantly attempted.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/supernatural-characters-died-permanently/

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