10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show


The Outlander series features some harrowing scenes, but these 10 moments were so gut-wrenching that they couldn’t even be included.

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10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

Outlander never fails readers when it comes to mature content. It was never meant to be watched or read by the faint of heart. Outlander tackles sexual assault, incest, gore, violence, and pedophilia to name a few. It is humanly accurate as much as it is historically. Its rape scenes were considered the most disturbing and graphic in the history of television, which beat the rape scene of Sansa Stark in Games of Thrones.

It’s hard to belive that it was even more graphic in print. Some fans have skipped the scenes in both the shows and the books, finding it too disturbing. Let’s find out the overly mature content in the books that are just too much for the show.

10 Young Ian’s Assault

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

It was a bold and necessary move to include young Ian’s assault in the Outlander show. Male assault is uncommon in mainstream media and is still considered a taboo topic. The assault is somehow worse knowing that Ian is just 16 years old.

Young Ian is kidnapped by pirates of the Bruja ship where he is taken to a time traveler, Geillis Duncan. Geillis has kidnapped many young boys other than Ian. Once she got the information she needed from Ian, she drugged and raped him. They didn’t show the actual assault in the show. They portrayed the scene with her rubbing Ian’s leg before removing her robe.

9 Incest And Murder

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

A character in the book, Malva Christie, was completely replaced by Marsali Fraser in the show as Claire’s apprentice. While Malva’s storyline was an unnecessary side story, it was also a disturbing one.

Claire becomes mysteriously bedridden, and Malva declares that she is pregnant with Jamie’s child. It turns out that Malva was impregnated by her brother, Allan. To cover up the incest, Malva plans to marry Jamie and tries to kill Claire by infecting her with a disease. Malva is then found dead at the hands of Claire, who tried to save the baby, though it also dies. Claire is charged with murder, but Malva’s father takes the blame. Allan later confesses to the crime.

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8 Young Fergus Fraser Molested By Black Jack Randal And Other Men

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

Black Jack Randall mistakes young Fergus for a prostitute while Fergus is in a brothel stealing perfume and is raped by Randall. In the show, the incident wasn’t shown but was mentioned in passing. After Claire’s recovery from her miscarriage, Claire asks Fergus what was wrong with him. Fergus shares the story about being raped by Black Jack Randall and how much shame he felt as a little boy. He also felt guilty for Jamie’s imprisonment. Aside from Randall’s assault, he was also molested in his younger years. He grew up as an orphan in a brothel where he was used by men with specific needs.

7 Lady Geneva Rapes Jamie

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

A reversal of roles is a hard pill to swallow. You heard that right, Lady Geneva rapes Jamie. She blackmailed Jamie by threatening to reveal his identity as a Jacobite if he did not give in to her request.

After Jamie served his sentence in Ardsmuir prison, he became a family’s servant in England. Jamie caught the eye of Lady Geneva while in Helwater estate. She asked him to sleep with her before she is wed to an elderly man. Jamie was still mourning his wife, who returned to the 1940s, and declined Lady Geneva’s request, but Jamie was eventually persuaded for he cannot risk being exposed.

6 Brianna Was Violently Raped By Stephen

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

Stephen Bonnet, a malicious pirate, attacks Brianna in a crowded bar when she notices Stephen possessing her mother’s ring. She then tries to buy it from him. Stephen reacted violently amidst the people in the bar. She was raped brutally in a room, and the patrons and bystanders did nothing to stop it.

The act itself was not shown on screen since the producers were also careful because of the #MeToo movement. The violent rape in the book was instead represented in the show by portraying Brianna’s painful recovery and trauma. The show delved into Brianna’s disgust with herself and her body.

5 Claire Wanted Brianna To Get An Abortion

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

Brianna learns that she is pregnant after Stephen Bonnet violently rapes her. She was unsure whether the child was conceived during her intimate moment with her lover, Roger MacKenzie, or during her brutal encounter with Stephen Bonnet.

Nevertheless, Brianna saw it as a reminder of the unfortunate day. Claire, seeing how her daughter suffered, suggested abortion. Briana and Claire’s conversation might have taken place in the eighteenth century, but the discussion was very timely. Brianna considered abortion even after Claire explained the risks. But Brianna ended up not going through with it because she couldn’t risk the chance that the baby was Roger’s.

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4 Slavery In America

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

In season four, after Jamie and Claire were completely robbed by Stephen Bonnet, they stayed on Aunt Jocasta’s plantation. They were required to own slaves during their stay. This was Outlanders’ opportunity to portray slavery in America.

Claire, as a twentieth-century woman, did not approve of slavery and was shocked to see slavery firsthand. While many are not at ease with the subject, executive producer Toni Graphia, defended the episode, saying how they tried not to whitewash and soften it to make it politically correct. He stated that everything in the scene happened in the book and that they wanted to do justice to that part of the book.

3 Mercy Killing In Jamaica

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

Byrnes, a white overseer, lashes a slave named Rufus. Rufus defended himself by cutting Byrne’s ear. According to Carolina law, Rufus’ retaliation makes him subject to execution. Byrnes decides to take it in his own hands by torturing Rufus. Jamie and Claire save him. Back at River Run, Claire performs an operation to save Rufus. Ulysses, a butler, informs Claire that worse will happen to Rufus. When slave owners arrive to punish Rufus, Jamie suggests to euthanize him to save him from being tortured. Claire was hesitant but gave in when Rufus agreed. Still, Rufus’ dead body was mutilated by the angry mob of slave owners.

2 Faiths’ Death

10 Things From Outlander Books That Are Too Mature For The Show

One scene that was hard to watch in Outlander was when Claire birthed a stillborn baby who was later baptized as Faith Fraser by Mother Hildegarde. Although a baptism did not happen in the book. Claire lost her child in early labor as she tried to stop the duel between James and Black Jack.

The baby was then buried by the nuns in the hospital’s cemetery. A more gut-wrenching moment happened when Claire revealed the news to her husband, Jamie. Faith was proof that Claire was not infertile as she believed when she was still with her first husband, Frank.

1 The Torture Chamber

The first season finale of Outlander is the boldest, most disturbing, and most unforgettable in television history. Jamie agrees to be used by Black Jack Randall in exchange for Claire’s safety. Jack is known to be a sadist who likes to test people by pushing them to their limit.

He surely pushed Jamie’s limit as he raped and tortured him. It didn’t stop there. Jamie was even forced to service Jack. Jack branded Jamie with a heated brazier afterward. It was meant to fill the audience with disgust and unsettlement, as the camera did not shy away from every gruesome moment.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/10-things-from-outlander-books-that-are-too-mature-for-the-show/

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