10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga


Bleach is well known for its long and action-packed fight scenes, so it makes sense that this anime in particular would see a lot of heavy censorship.

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10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

While anime fans are used to censorship when they see their favorite mangas turned into anime, there is no denying that these necessary changes do take some of the panache from the story; especially in regards to fight scenes. This is usually done to prevent having to give the anime a higher, adult rating so that the series can reach a much broader audience.

Bleach is well known for its long and action-packed fight scenes, so it makes sense that this anime in particular would see a lot of heavy censorship. Without these particular changes, Bleach would have been a much different anime, and more in line with the world the manga presented.

10 Gin cuts off Jidanbo’s Arm In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

In the anime, Gin is introduced with a terrifying display of power when he takes down Jidanbo with a single swipe of his sword. After this, Orihime heals a large cut on Jidanbo’s arm, gaining the trust of the villagers in the area.

However, in the manga, the wound was much more severe, with Gin actually completely amputating the limb from the shoulder. It takes a team of men to drag the fallen limb over to the giant to have Orihime attach it.

9 Zarki’s Kendo Tears Nnoitora Up In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

In the anime, Karaki’s fight with Nnoitora ends when Zaraki finally uses Kendo, despite his unwillingness to do so, in order to deal the final blow against Nnoitora.

While he is severely wounded in the anime, in the manga the extent of the damage is much worse, with him missing three of his hands and having to physically hold his body together at the shoulder in order to stand. When Zaraki hits him again a moment later, he loses an additional two hands.

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8 Szayelapporo’s Fraccion Turns Into An Orb In The Anime

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

During Szayelapporo’s fight with Renji and Uryuu, he is badly hurt and needs to heal himself. In the anime, he does this by turning his fraccion Lumina into an orb, which he devours in order to recover from his wounds. However, the scene is much more grisly in the manga, as he eats Lumina alive, leaving only a part of the fraccion’s body, which he carelessly discards.

While his actions can be summed up as hollows having to eat each other to get more powerful, it is the first time this is so graphically displayed, making Szayelapporo seem even crueler.

7 Gin Cuts Hiyori In Half In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

While Gin’s nearly fatal attack is already quite brutal in the anime, what many fans may not know is that in the manga, he cuts her clean in half. For someone who is secretly on their side, Gin never holds back, oftentimes seeming to go out of his way to be sadistic in his attacks.

Interestingly, this is not the only time Hiyori was brutalized in the manga; either she’s just one of those unlucky characters, or Tite Kubo had it out for her.

6 Summoning Ayon Was Less Bloody In The Anime

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

In the anime, Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-sun are able to combine their left arms in order to create Ayon; a terrifying 20,000-pound monster. In the anime, the girls have some sort of red kido that severs their arms, though the way they go about it, it does not seem permanent or harmful to them.

However, in the manga, Ayon’s summing is a different story. The manga panels depict the three fraccion ripping their own arms off entirely in order to create Ayon.

5 Ayon Injures Rangiku Less In The Anime

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

While Rangiku is heavily outmatched by Ayon by the time he makes his appearance in the anime, his overwhelming attack is far less brutal than in the manga.

While Rangiku’s uniform is ripped at the side when she is crushed by Ayon, the skin does not even appear to break. This is in stark contrast to the manga, where Ayon rips out a piece of Rangiku’s side and squishes it between his fingers.

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4 Uryu’s Arm Was Missing In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

In the anime, when Uryu tries to keep Ulquiorra busy so that Orihime can heal Ichigo, he is quickly thrown back, his sleeve missing and his arm apparently badly burned. In the manga, his injuries from his fight with Ulquiorra were much more severe, as Ulquiorra amputates his arm from the elbow down.

Despite this, Uryu threw himself back into the fray only moments later but was quickly cut down by Ulquiorra again.

3 Ichigo Throws Ulquiorra’s Own Arm At Him In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

The fight between a hollowified Ichigo and Ulquiorra is one of the most infamous in Bleach, but there are vast differences between the manga and anime versions of the fight. In the manga, almost as soon as Ichigo engages Ulquiorra in battle, he rips one of his arms off, and moments later he actually throws the limb at Ulquiorra, possibly to unsettle him.

In the anime, Ichigo never rips his limb off, and he throws a large boulder instead of an arm, and it is an attack with his sword that severs Ulquiorra’s limbs rather than tearing with brute strength.

2 Ichigo Slices Off Tsukishima’s Arm In The Manga

10 Times The Bleach Anime Censored The Manga

When Ichigo and Ginjo arrive to fight Tsukishima, Ichigo is horrified by the presence of his brain-washed family and friends. Considering Ichigo’s most powerful desire is to protect those he cares about, it is no surprise that he is more brutal in his initial attack against Tsukishima than he usually is in battle.

In the anime, Ichigo’s initial attack slices deeply into Tsukishima’s bicep, but in the manga, he cuts the arm clean off.

1 Kukaku Has A Prosthetic In The Anime

This censorship might not make sense to most western viewers, who would wonder why the anime would have to add a prosthetic to Kukaku’s missing arm, since the actual amputation is not shown, and the arm is healed.

However, Japanese laws on dismemberment dictate that even showing an arm as missing, not even just actively bleeding or being amputated, would give the series a higher maturity rating. Due to this, Kukaku’s missing arm is replaced with a prosthetic in the anime.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/bleach-anime-censored-deleted-scenes/

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